path: root/mod/README.md
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authorTrumeet <yuuta@yuuta.moe>2022-07-26 19:06:11 -0700
committerTrumeet <yuuta@yuuta.moe>2022-07-26 19:06:11 -0700
commitd8fe269327a1a51f2588a3573a4764613da16388 (patch)
tree97bd20983700bb13eba7f7d524d3c6d529303b46 /mod/README.md
parent31a5d2990ba666ce5ef4a1f79f7999a9bdfaac2a (diff)
Move the mod to mod/
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/README.md')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Acron Server-Side Mod
+## Installation and Configuration
+See [README.md](../README.md).
+## Client API
+Acron uses polymorphic JSONs when communicating with clients. Therefore, each JSON
+has to contain a valid `type` parameter indicating its type:
+ "type": "cmd",
+ "id": 1,
+ "cmd": "list"
+### Request ordering
+To work in a full-duplex environment, each command can specify a `id` parameter. Acron will
+return any results or errors with the same ID.
+Sample request:
+ "type": "cmd",
+ "id": 1,
+ "cmd": "list"
+The parameter `id` can be any integer, but it is the client developer's responsibility to
+make it a unique value, so he or she can identify it.
+Parameter `id` defaults to -1.
+In response, any non-server-push responses (i. e. messages) will include the same `id` parameter:
+ "type": "cmd_result",
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": 0,
+ "success": true
+If the server fails to parse the request and returns an error, it will report the default ID `-2`.
+### Error Handling
+Error handling: Besides from the handshake request, which will send errors using HTTP status
+codes, all faulty WebSocket requests will receive error in the following format:
+ "type": "error",
+ "id": 1,
+ "code": 500,
+ "message": "Error message. Not machine-readable."
+* `.code` (int, HTTP status codes, always present): The machine-readable error code (e. g. 400 for Bad Request).
+* `.message` (string, any, always present): The human-readable error message.
+Global error codes:
+* 400: The request is invalid.
+* 500: The server encountered an unknown error.
+**`.type` and `.id` are included in every request / response, except for further noticed. Thus,
+this document excludes them from the parameter lists.**
+### Handshaking
+Clients need to use the following connection string when connecting to the Acron server:
+*A better approach for specifying the authentication parameters is using HTTP headers,
+but the JavaScript client does not allow so. To extend compatibility, Acron forces
+all users to use HTTP query parameters to supply information.*
+* `id` (required): Client ID set by the administrator.
+* `token` (required): Client token set by the administrator.
+* `version` (default: 0): API version. Only 0 is accepted at this time.
+* HTTP 400 (Bad Request): If either `id` or `token` is missing, or `version` is not 0.
+* HTTP 401 (Unauthorized): If either `id` is not found or `token` does not match the record.
+* HTTP 101 (Switching Protocols): The handshake is complete, and the server is upgrading to
+### Setting Configuration
+This allows clients to set a per-connection default configuration to execute commands.
+Clients can override the configuration temporarily when executing commands.
+ "type": "set_config",
+ "id": 1,
+ "world": "overworld",
+ "pos": {
+ "x": 0.0,
+ "y": 0.0,
+ "z": 0.0
+ },
+ "rot": {
+ "x": 0.0,
+ "y": 0.0
+ },
+ "name": ""
+* `.world` (enum, overworld / nether / end, overworld): The world to run commands in.
+* `.pos` (vec3d, *see below*, spawn point of `.world`): The position to run commands at.
+ * `.x` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): X
+ * `.y` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Y
+ * `.z` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Z
+* `.rot` (vec2f, *see below*, `0.0 0.0`): Rotation.
+ * `.x` (float, ?, 0.0): X
+ * `.z` (float, ?, 0.0): Z
+* `.name` (string, any, random): Name when running commands.
+When the client connects, Acron will set the configuration to default values.
+Successful response:
+ "type": "ok"
+This shows that the configuration update is successful.
+### Executing Commands
+The main goal of Acron is to allow clients to run commands. A client can send
+any commands, and Acron will schedule them in the background.
+ "type": "cmd",
+ "id": 1,
+ "cmd": "list",
+ "config": {
+ }
+* `.cmd` (string, any valid command, required): The command to execute. It may or may not begin with `/`.
+* `.config` (set_config, *see above*, current connection default configuration): Temporary configuration
+when running this command. It is the same `set_config` object in the above section, but `type` and `id`
+must not be supplied.
+Successful response:
+ "type": "ok"
+This shows that the command is scheduled.
+If the connection breaks before it is done, it is still executed without any output to the connection.
+Possible failures:
+* 403: This client is not allowed to execute this command. (Configured by rules)
+**Command output:**
+When the command prints a line, Acron will send the following response:
+ "type": "cmd_out",
+ "id": 1,
+ "sender": "UUID",
+ "out": "..."
+* `.sender` (UUID, any UUID, always present): Sender UUID.
+* `.out` (string, any, always present): Output.
+**Command result:**
+When the command finishes without issues (?), Acron will send the following response:
+ "type": "cmd_result",
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": 0,
+ "success": true
+All parameters always present.
+> **Note**
+> The result completely depends on Minecraft server's response.
+> It may not be reliable, and the values of `.result` and `.success` are
+> undocumented.
+### Receiving Messages
+Another major part of Acron is to allow clients receive events from the server.
+Every event will have a pre-defined `type` with other custom parameters. Parameter `id` will not
+present in events.
+> **Contributor Guide**
+> Internally, all message Acron sends to clients are called events, including
+> command results.
+#### Player joined
+ "type": "join",
+ "player": {
+ "name": "",
+ "uuid": "",
+ "pos": {
+ "x": 0.0,
+ "y": 0.0,
+ "z": 0.0
+ },
+ "world": "end"
+ }
+* `.player` (entity, see below, always present): The player.
+ * `.name` (string, any valid Minecraft username, always present): Username.
+ * `.uuid` (uuid, UUID, always present): UUID.
+ * `.pos` (vec3d, see below, always present): The position he or she joins.
+ * `.x` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): X
+ * `.y` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Y
+ * `.z` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Z
+ * `.world` (enum, overworld / nether / end, not present if Acron cannot determine the world): The dimension
+he or she joins.
+#### Player Disconnected
+ "type": "disconnect",
+ "player": {
+ "name": "",
+ "uuid": "",
+ "pos": {
+ "x": 0.0,
+ "y": 0.0,
+ "z": 0.0
+ },
+ "world": "end"
+ },
+ "reason": ""
+* `.player` (entity, see below, null only when the server cannot verify the user): The player.
+ * `.name` (string, any valid Minecraft username, always present): Username.
+ * `.uuid` (uuid, UUID, always present): UUID.
+ * `.pos` (vec3d, see below, always present): The position he or she leaves.
+ * `.x` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): X
+ * `.y` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Y
+ * `.z` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Z
+ * `.world` (enum, overworld / nether / end, not present if Acron cannot determine the world): The dimension
+ he or she leaves.
+* `.reason` (string, any valid disconnect reason, always present): Disconnect reason.
+#### Player Message
+ "type": "message",
+ "player": {
+ "name": "",
+ "uuid": "",
+ "pos": {
+ "x": 0.0,
+ "y": 0.0,
+ "z": 0.0
+ },
+ "world": "end"
+ },
+ "text": ""
+* `.player` (entity, see below, always present): The player.
+ * `.name` (string, any valid Minecraft username, always present): Username.
+ * `.uuid` (uuid, UUID, always present): UUID.
+ * `.pos` (vec3d, see below, always present): The position he or she sends the message.
+ * `.x` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): X
+ * `.y` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Y
+ * `.z` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Z
+ * `.world` (enum, overworld / nether / end, not present if Acron cannot determine the world): The dimension
+he or she sends the message.
+* `.text` (string, any valid Minecraft message, always present): The message.
+#### Entity Death
+ "type": "death",
+ "entity": {
+ "name": "",
+ "uuid": "",
+ "pos": {
+ "x": 0.0,
+ "y": 0.0,
+ "z": 0.0
+ },
+ "world": "end"
+ },
+ "message": ""
+* `.entity` (entity, see below, always present): The entity.
+ * `.name` (string, any, always present): Default name or custom name of the entity.
+ * `.uuid` (uuid, UUID, always present): UUID.
+ * `.pos` (vec3d, see below, always present): The position of the entity when died.
+ * `.x` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): X
+ * `.y` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Y
+ * `.z` (double, any within border limit, 0.0): Z
+ * `.world` (enum, overworld / nether / end, not present if Acron cannot determine the world): The dimension
+of the entity when died.
+* `.message` (string, any valid death message, always present): The user-readable death message.
+> **Roadmap**
+> Parsing the death message and sending a more machine-readable message is on the roadmap.
+#### Server Lagging
+Acron will send this event when the server prints
+`Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 4313ms or 86 ticks behind` to the standard output.
+ "type": "lagging",
+ "ms": 100,
+ "ticks": 1000
+* `.ms` (long, >= 0, always present): Running {}ms behind.
+* `.ticks` (long, >= 0, always present): Running {} ticks behind.