path: root/db2/progs/db_load/db_load.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'db2/progs/db_load/db_load.c')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/db2/progs/db_load/db_load.c b/db2/progs/db_load/db_load.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc90e7bd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db2/progs/db_load/db_load.c
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997
+ * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#ifndef lint
+static const char copyright[] =
+"@(#) Copyright (c) 1997\n\
+ Sleepycat Software Inc. All rights reserved.\n";
+static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)db_load.c 10.9 (Sleepycat) 8/19/97";
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "db_int.h"
+#include "clib_ext.h"
+void badnum __P((void));
+void configure __P((DB_INFO *, char **));
+DB_ENV *db_init __P((char *));
+int dbt_rdump __P((DBT *));
+int dbt_rprint __P((DBT *));
+int digitize __P((int));
+void rheader __P((DBTYPE *, int *, DB_INFO *));
+void usage __P((void));
+int main __P((int, char *[]));
+const char *progname = "db_load"; /* Program name. */
+main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ extern char *optarg;
+ extern int optind;
+ DB *dbp;
+ DBT key, data;
+ DBTYPE argtype, headertype;
+ DB_ENV *dbenv;
+ DB_INFO dbinfo;
+ db_recno_t recno;
+ int ch, pflag;
+ char **clist, **clp, *home;
+ /* Allocate enough room for configuration arguments. */
+ if ((clp = clist = calloc(argc + 1, sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
+ err(1, NULL);
+ home = NULL;
+ argtype = DB_UNKNOWN;
+ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:f:h:t:")) != EOF)
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'c':
+ *clp++ = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (freopen(optarg, "r", stdin) == NULL)
+ err(1, "%s", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ home = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (strcmp(optarg, "btree") == 0) {
+ argtype = DB_BTREE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(optarg, "hash") == 0) {
+ argtype = DB_HASH;
+ break;
+ }
+ usage();
+ case '?':
+ default:
+ usage();
+ }
+ argc -= optind;
+ argv += optind;
+ if (argc != 1)
+ usage();
+ /* Initialize the environment. */
+ dbenv = db_init(home);
+ memset(&dbinfo, 0, sizeof(DB_INFO));
+ /* Read the header. */
+ rheader(&headertype, &pflag, &dbinfo);
+ /* Apply command-line configuration changes. */
+ configure(&dbinfo, clist);
+ /* Conversion to/from recno is prohibited. */
+ if (argtype != DB_UNKNOWN) {
+ if (headertype == DB_RECNO)
+ errx(1, "databases of type recno may not be converted");
+ headertype = argtype;
+ }
+ /* Open the DB file. */
+ if ((errno = db_open(argv[0], headertype, DB_CREATE | DB_TRUNCATE,
+ dbenv, &dbinfo, &dbp)) != 0)
+ err(1, "%s", argv[0]);
+ /* Initialize the key/data pair. */
+ memset(&key, 0, sizeof(DBT));
+ if ((key.data = (void *)malloc(key.ulen = 1024)) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ err(1, NULL);
+ }
+ memset(&data, 0, sizeof(DBT));
+ if ((data.data = (void *)malloc(data.ulen = 1024)) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ err(1, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Get each key/data pair and add them to the database. */
+ if (headertype == DB_RECNO) {
+ key.data = &recno;
+ key.size = sizeof(recno);
+ for (recno = 1;; ++recno) {
+ if (pflag) {
+ if (dbt_rprint(&data))
+ break;
+ } else
+ if (dbt_rdump(&data))
+ break;
+ if ((errno = dbp->put(dbp, NULL, &key, &data, 0)) != 0)
+ err(1, "%s", argv[0]);
+ }
+ } else
+ for (;;) {
+ if (pflag) {
+ if (dbt_rprint(&key))
+ break;
+ if (dbt_rprint(&data))
+ goto fmt;
+ } else {
+ if (dbt_rdump(&key))
+ break;
+ if (dbt_rdump(&data))
+fmt: err(1, "odd number of key/data pairs");
+ }
+ if ((errno = dbp->put(dbp, NULL, &key, &data, 0)) != 0)
+ err(1, "%s", argv[0]);
+ }
+ if ((errno = dbp->close(dbp, 0)) != 0)
+ err(1, "%s", argv[0]);
+ return (0);
+ * db_init --
+ * Initialize the environment.
+ */
+ char *home;
+ DB_ENV *dbenv;
+ if ((dbenv = (DB_ENV *)calloc(sizeof(DB_ENV), 1)) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ err(1, NULL);
+ }
+ dbenv->db_errfile = stderr;
+ dbenv->db_errpfx = progname;
+ if ((errno =
+ db_appinit(home, NULL, dbenv, DB_CREATE | DB_USE_ENVIRON)) != 0)
+ err(1, "db_appinit");
+ return (dbenv);
+#define FLAG(name, value, keyword, flag) \
+ if (strcmp(name, keyword) == 0) { \
+ switch (*value) { \
+ case '1': \
+ dbinfop->flags |= (flag); \
+ break; \
+ case '0': \
+ dbinfop->flags &= ~(flag); \
+ break; \
+ default: \
+ badnum(); \
+ /* NOTREACHED */ \
+ } \
+ continue; \
+ }
+#define NUMBER(name, value, keyword, field, flag) \
+ if (strcmp(name, keyword) == 0) { \
+ get_long(value, 1, LONG_MAX, &val); \
+ dbinfop->field = val; \
+ if (flag != 0) \
+ dbinfop->flags |= (flag); \
+ continue; \
+ }
+#define STRING(name, value, keyword, field, flag) \
+ if (strcmp(name, keyword) == 0) { \
+ dbinfop->field = value[0]; \
+ if (flag != 0) \
+ dbinfop->flags |= (flag); \
+ continue; \
+ }
+ * configure --
+ * Handle command-line configuration options.
+ */
+configure(dbinfop, clp)
+ DB_INFO *dbinfop;
+ char **clp;
+ long val;
+ char *name, *value;
+ for (; (name = *clp) != NULL; ++clp) {
+ if ((value = strchr(name, '=')) == NULL)
+ errx(1,
+ "command-line configuration uses name=value format");
+ *value++ = '\0';
+ NUMBER(name, value, "bt_maxkey", bt_maxkey, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "bt_minkey", bt_minkey, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "db_lorder", db_lorder, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "db_pagesize", db_pagesize, 0);
+ FLAG(name, value, "duplicates", DB_DUP);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "h_ffactor", h_ffactor, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "h_nelem", h_nelem, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "re_len", re_len, DB_FIXEDLEN);
+ STRING(name, value, "re_pad", re_pad, DB_PAD);
+ FLAG(name, value, "recnum", DB_RECNUM);
+ FLAG(name, value, "renumber", DB_RENUMBER);
+ errx(1, "unknown command-line configuration keyword");
+ }
+ * rheader --
+ * Read the header message.
+ */
+rheader(dbtypep, pflagp, dbinfop)
+ DBTYPE *dbtypep;
+ int *pflagp;
+ DB_INFO *dbinfop;
+ long lineno, val;
+ char name[256], value[256];
+ *dbtypep = DB_UNKNOWN;
+ *pflagp = 0;
+ for (lineno = 1;; ++lineno) {
+ if (fscanf(stdin, "%[^=]=%s\n", name, value) != 2)
+ errx(1, "line %lu: unexpected line", lineno);
+ if (strcmp(name, "HEADER") == 0)
+ break;
+ if (strcmp(name, "format") == 0) {
+ if (strcmp(value, "bytevalue") == 0) {
+ *pflagp = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(value, "print") == 0) {
+ *pflagp = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ errx(1, "line %d: unknown format", lineno);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(name, "type") == 0) {
+ if (strcmp(value, "btree") == 0) {
+ *dbtypep = DB_BTREE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(value, "hash") == 0) {
+ *dbtypep = DB_HASH;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(value, "recno") == 0) {
+ *dbtypep = DB_RECNO;
+ continue;
+ }
+ errx(1, "line %d: unknown type", lineno);
+ }
+ NUMBER(name, value, "bt_maxkey", bt_maxkey, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "bt_minkey", bt_minkey, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "db_lorder", db_lorder, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "db_pagesize", db_pagesize, 0);
+ FLAG(name, value, "duplicates", DB_DUP);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "h_ffactor", h_ffactor, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "h_nelem", h_nelem, 0);
+ NUMBER(name, value, "re_len", re_len, DB_FIXEDLEN);
+ STRING(name, value, "re_pad", re_pad, DB_PAD);
+ FLAG(name, value, "recnum", DB_RECNUM);
+ FLAG(name, value, "renumber", DB_RENUMBER);
+ errx(1, "unknown input-file header configuration keyword");
+ }
+ * dbt_rprint --
+ * Read a printable line into a DBT structure.
+ */
+ DBT *dbtp;
+ u_int32_t len;
+ u_int8_t *p;
+ int c1, c2, escape;
+ escape = 0;
+ for (p = dbtp->data, len = 0; (c1 = getchar()) != '\n';) {
+ if (c1 == EOF) {
+ if (len == 0)
+ return (1);
+ err(1, "unexpected end of key/data pair");
+ }
+ if (escape) {
+ if (c1 != '\\') {
+ if ((c2 = getchar()) == EOF)
+ err(1,
+ "unexpected end of key/data pair");
+ c1 = digitize(c1) << 4 | digitize(c2);
+ }
+ escape = 0;
+ } else
+ if (c1 == '\\') {
+ escape = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (++len >= dbtp->ulen - 10) {
+ dbtp->ulen *= 2;
+ if ((dbtp->data =
+ (void *)realloc(dbtp->data, dbtp->ulen)) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ err(1, NULL);
+ }
+ p = (u_int8_t *)dbtp->data + len;
+ }
+ *p++ = c1;
+ }
+ dbtp->size = len;
+ return (0);
+ * digitize --
+ * Convert a character to an integer.
+ */
+ int c;
+ switch (c) { /* Don't depend on ASCII ordering. */
+ case '0': return (0);
+ case '1': return (1);
+ case '2': return (2);
+ case '3': return (3);
+ case '4': return (4);
+ case '5': return (5);
+ case '6': return (6);
+ case '7': return (7);
+ case '8': return (8);
+ case '9': return (9);
+ case 'a': return (10);
+ case 'b': return (11);
+ case 'c': return (12);
+ case 'd': return (13);
+ case 'e': return (14);
+ case 'f': return (15);
+ }
+ err(1, "unexpected hexadecimal value");
+ return (0);
+ * dbt_rdump --
+ * Read a byte dump line into a DBT structure.
+ */
+ DBT *dbtp;
+ u_int32_t len;
+ u_int8_t *p;
+ int c1, c2;
+ for (p = dbtp->data, len = 0; (c1 = getchar()) != '\n';) {
+ if (c1 == EOF) {
+ if (len == 0)
+ return (1);
+ err(1, "unexpected end of key/data pair");
+ }
+ if ((c2 = getchar()) == EOF)
+ err(1, "unexpected end of key/data pair");
+ if (++len >= dbtp->ulen - 10) {
+ dbtp->ulen *= 2;
+ if ((dbtp->data =
+ (void *)realloc(dbtp->data, dbtp->ulen)) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ err(1, NULL);
+ }
+ p = (u_int8_t *)dbtp->data + len;
+ }
+ *p++ = digitize(c1) << 4 | digitize(c2);
+ }
+ dbtp->size = len;
+ return (0);
+ * badnum --
+ * Display the bad number message.
+ */
+ err(1, "boolean name=value pairs require a value of 0 or 1");
+ * usage --
+ * Display the usage message.
+ */
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+"usage: db_load [-c name=value] [-f file] [-h home] [-t btree | hash] db_file\n");
+ exit(1);