path: root/localedata/ChangeLog
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authorMike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>2016-04-17 20:34:12 -0400
committerMike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>2016-04-23 03:59:08 -0400
commit00277a3f81bf023d4562da485f62efe5b5b30388 (patch)
treef564742acc187ab834e7bab148db5d972ddc82c7 /localedata/ChangeLog
parent06f61f191b9217c2b65f568297c0e76d3e0cce3c (diff)
localedata: CLDRv29: update LC_MESSAGES yes/no strings [BZ #15264] [BZ #16975]
The yes/no strings should be based on the dictionary words. That means they are capitalized based on the dictionary rather than position in the sentence (e.g. the first word). bo_CN: nostr: changing མེན to མིན། bo_CN: yesstr: changing ཨིན to ཡིན། dz_BT: nostr: changing མེན to མེན་ dz_BT: yesstr: changing ཨིན to ཨིན་ en_CA: yesstr: changing Yes to yes en_CA: nostr: changing No to no en_US: yesstr: changing Yes to yes en_US: nostr: changing No to no es_ES: nostr: changing No to no es_ES: yesstr: changing Si to sí fi_FI: nostr: changing Ei to ei fi_FI: yesstr: changing Kyllä to kyllä ig_NG: yesstr: changing Ee to Eye ko_KR: nostr: changing 아니오 to 아니요 ky_KG: nostr: changing Жок to жок ky_KG: yesstr: changing Ооба to ооба ms_MY: nostr: changing Tidak to tidak ms_MY: yesstr: changing Ya to ya te_IN: nostr: changing కాదు to వద్దు te_IN: yesstr: changing అవను to అవును ur_PK: nostr: changing نهيں to نہیں ur_PK: yesstr: changing بلكل to ہاں uz_UZ: nostr: changing Yo'q to yo‘q uz_UZ: yesstr: changing Ha to ha uz_UZ@cyrillic: nostr: changing Йўқ to йўқ uz_UZ@cyrillic: yesstr: changing Ҳа to ҳа wae_CH: nostr: changing Nei to nei wae_CH: yesstr: changing Ja to ja yo_NG: nostr: changing Bẹ́ẹ̀ kọ́ to Bẹ́ẹ̀kọ́ yo_NG: yesstr: changing Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni to Bẹ́ẹ̀ni Some of the translations were just wrong. el_GR: nostr: changing no to όχι el_GR: yesstr: changing yes to ναι km_KH: nostr: changing no:NO:n:N to ទេ​៖ n km_KH: yesstr: changing yes:YES:y:Y to បាទ/ចាស​៖ y ug_CN: nostr: changing No to ياق ug_CN: yesstr: changing Yes to ھەئە Add missing translations for a number of locales: af_ZA: nostr: setting to nee af_ZA: yesstr: setting to ja am_ET: nostr: setting to አይ am_ET: yesstr: setting to አዎን ast_ES: nostr: setting to non ast_ES: yesstr: setting to sí be_BY: nostr: setting to не be_BY: yesstr: setting to так bem_ZM: nostr: setting to Awe bem_ZM: yesstr: setting to Ee bg_BG: nostr: setting to не bg_BG: yesstr: setting to да brx_IN: nostr: setting to नहीं brx_IN: yesstr: setting to हाँ bs_BA: nostr: setting to ne bs_BA: yesstr: setting to da ca_ES: nostr: setting to no ca_ES: yesstr: setting to sí da_DK: nostr: setting to nej da_DK: yesstr: setting to ja de_DE: nostr: setting to nein de_DE: yesstr: setting to ja en_DK: nostr: setting to yes en_DK: yesstr: setting to no et_EE: nostr: setting to ei et_EE: yesstr: setting to jah eu_ES: nostr: setting to ez eu_ES: yesstr: setting to bai fa_IR: nostr: setting to نه fa_IR: yesstr: setting to بله ff_SN: nostr: setting to Alaa ff_SN: yesstr: setting to Eey fo_FO: nostr: setting to nei fo_FO: yesstr: setting to já fr_BE: nostr: setting to non fr_BE: yesstr: setting to oui fr_CH: nostr: setting to non fr_CH: yesstr: setting to oui fr_FR: nostr: setting to non fr_FR: yesstr: setting to oui fr_LU: nostr: setting to non fr_LU: yesstr: setting to oui fur_IT: nostr: setting to no fur_IT: yesstr: setting to sì fy_DE: nostr: setting to nee fy_DE: yesstr: setting to ja ga_IE: nostr: setting to níl ga_IE: yesstr: setting to tá gd_GB: nostr: setting to chan eil gd_GB: yesstr: setting to tha gl_ES: nostr: setting to non gl_ES: yesstr: setting to si gu_IN: nostr: setting to નહીં gu_IN: yesstr: setting to હા he_IL: nostr: setting to לא he_IL: yesstr: setting to כן hi_IN: nostr: setting to नहीं hi_IN: yesstr: setting to हाँ hr_HR: nostr: setting to ne hr_HR: yesstr: setting to da hu_HU: nostr: setting to nem hu_HU: yesstr: setting to igen id_ID: nostr: setting to tidak id_ID: yesstr: setting to ya is_IS: nostr: setting to nei is_IS: yesstr: setting to já it_CH: nostr: setting to no it_CH: yesstr: setting to sì it_IT: nostr: setting to no it_IT: yesstr: setting to sì ka_GE: nostr: setting to არა ka_GE: yesstr: setting to კი kk_KZ: nostr: setting to жоқ kk_KZ: yesstr: setting to иә kl_GL: nostr: setting to naagga kl_GL: yesstr: setting to aap kn_IN: nostr: setting to ಇಲ್ಲ kn_IN: yesstr: setting to ಹೌದು ko_KR: yesstr: setting to 예 lb_LU: nostr: setting to nee lb_LU: yesstr: setting to jo lg_UG: nostr: setting to Nedda lg_UG: yesstr: setting to Ye lt_LT: nostr: setting to ne lt_LT: yesstr: setting to taip lv_LV: nostr: setting to nē lv_LV: yesstr: setting to jā mg_MG: nostr: setting to Tsia mg_MG: yesstr: setting to Eny mn_MN: nostr: setting to үгүй mn_MN: yesstr: setting to тийм mr_IN: nostr: setting to नाहीःना mr_IN: yesstr: setting to होयःहो mt_MT: nostr: setting to le mt_MT: yesstr: setting to iva nb_NO: nostr: setting to nei nb_NO: yesstr: setting to ja ne_NP: nostr: setting to होइन ne_NP: yesstr: setting to हो nl_NL: nostr: setting to nee nl_NL: yesstr: setting to ja nn_NO: nostr: setting to nei nn_NO: yesstr: setting to ja or_IN: nostr: setting to ନା or_IN: yesstr: setting to ହଁ os_RU: nostr: setting to нӕйы os_RU: yesstr: setting to уойы pa_IN: nostr: setting to ਨਹੀਂ pa_IN: yesstr: setting to ਹਾਂ pl_PL: nostr: setting to nie pl_PL: yesstr: setting to tak pt_BR: nostr: setting to não pt_BR: yesstr: setting to sim pt_PT: nostr: setting to não pt_PT: yesstr: setting to sim ro_RO: nostr: setting to nu ro_RO: yesstr: setting to da ru_RU: nostr: setting to нет ru_RU: yesstr: setting to да ru_UA: nostr: setting to нет ru_UA: yesstr: setting to да se_NO: nostr: setting to ii se_NO: yesstr: setting to jo sl_SI: nostr: setting to ne sl_SI: yesstr: setting to da so_DJ: nostr: setting to maya so_DJ: yesstr: setting to haa so_SO: nostr: setting to maya so_SO: yesstr: setting to haa sq_AL: nostr: setting to jo sq_AL: yesstr: setting to po sr_RS@latin: nostr: setting to ne sr_RS@latin: yesstr: setting to da sr_RS: nostr: setting to не sr_RS: yesstr: setting to да sv_SE: nostr: setting to nej sv_SE: yesstr: setting to ja sw_KE: nostr: setting to Hapana sw_KE: yesstr: setting to Ndiyo yue_HK: nostr: setting to 唔係 yue_HK: yesstr: setting to 係 zu_ZA: nostr: setting to cha zu_ZA: yesstr: setting to yebo
Diffstat (limited to 'localedata/ChangeLog')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/localedata/ChangeLog b/localedata/ChangeLog
index 92636d95a5..4837f0db7d 100644
--- a/localedata/ChangeLog
+++ b/localedata/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,99 @@
2016-04-23 Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
+ [BZ #15264]
+ [BZ #16975]
+ * locales/af_ZA (LC_MESSAGES): Update values to match CLDRv29.
+ * locales/am_ET: Likewise.
+ * locales/ast_ES: Likewise.
+ * locales/be_BY: Likewise.
+ * locales/bem_ZM: Likewise.
+ * locales/bg_BG: Likewise.
+ * locales/bo_CN: Likewise.
+ * locales/brx_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/bs_BA: Likewise.
+ * locales/ca_ES: Likewise.
+ * locales/da_DK: Likewise.
+ * locales/de_DE: Likewise.
+ * locales/dz_BT: Likewise.
+ * locales/el_GR: Likewise.
+ * locales/en_CA: Likewise.
+ * locales/en_DK: Likewise.
+ * locales/en_US: Likewise.
+ * locales/es_ES: Likewise.
+ * locales/et_EE: Likewise.
+ * locales/eu_ES: Likewise.
+ * locales/fa_IR: Likewise.
+ * locales/ff_SN: Likewise.
+ * locales/fi_FI: Likewise.
+ * locales/fo_FO: Likewise.
+ * locales/fr_BE: Likewise.
+ * locales/fr_CH: Likewise.
+ * locales/fr_FR: Likewise.
+ * locales/fr_LU: Likewise.
+ * locales/fur_IT: Likewise.
+ * locales/fy_DE: Likewise.
+ * locales/ga_IE: Likewise.
+ * locales/gd_GB: Likewise.
+ * locales/gl_ES: Likewise.
+ * locales/gu_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/he_IL: Likewise.
+ * locales/hi_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/hr_HR: Likewise.
+ * locales/hu_HU: Likewise.
+ * locales/id_ID: Likewise.
+ * locales/ig_NG: Likewise.
+ * locales/is_IS: Likewise.
+ * locales/it_CH: Likewise.
+ * locales/it_IT: Likewise.
+ * locales/ka_GE: Likewise.
+ * locales/kl_GL: Likewise.
+ * locales/km_KH: Likewise.
+ * locales/kn_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/ko_KR: Likewise.
+ * locales/ky_KG: Likewise.
+ * locales/lb_LU: Likewise.
+ * locales/lg_UG: Likewise.
+ * locales/lt_LT: Likewise.
+ * locales/lv_LV: Likewise.
+ * locales/mg_MG: Likewise.
+ * locales/mn_MN: Likewise.
+ * locales/mr_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/ms_MY: Likewise.
+ * locales/mt_MT: Likewise.
+ * locales/nb_NO: Likewise.
+ * locales/ne_NP: Likewise.
+ * locales/nl_NL: Likewise.
+ * locales/nn_NO: Likewise.
+ * locales/or_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/os_RU: Likewise.
+ * locales/pa_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/pl_PL: Likewise.
+ * locales/pt_BR: Likewise.
+ * locales/pt_PT: Likewise.
+ * locales/ro_RO: Likewise.
+ * locales/ru_RU: Likewise.
+ * locales/ru_UA: Likewise.
+ * locales/se_NO: Likewise.
+ * locales/sl_SI: Likewise.
+ * locales/so_DJ: Likewise.
+ * locales/so_SO: Likewise.
+ * locales/sq_AL: Likewise.
+ * locales/sr_RS: Likewise.
+ * locales/sr_RS@latin: Likewise.
+ * locales/sv_SE: Likewise.
+ * locales/sw_KE: Likewise.
+ * locales/te_IN: Likewise.
+ * locales/ug_CN: Likewise.
+ * locales/ur_PK: Likewise.
+ * locales/uz_UZ: Likewise.
+ * locales/uz_UZ@cyrillic: Likewise.
+ * locales/wae_CH: Likewise.
+ * locales/yo_NG: Likewise.
+ * locales/yue_HK: Likewise.
+ * locales/zu_ZA: Likewise.
+2016-04-23 Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
[BZ #15262]
* locales/ms_MY (LC_MESSAGES): Add nN to noexpr.
* locales/nan_TW@latin (LC_MESSAGES): Add nN to noexpr and yY to