AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-07-01feat: add support for Windows 7 Aero APIHEADuntagged-edcb449b8928f4456e7cmasterYuutaW
2019-06-30refactor: trim the main fileYuutaW
2019-06-30feat: add an error notification if the window was failed in creatinguntagged-e5584d5582b37ccd68fcYuutaW
2019-06-30feat: only fetch `nCmdShow` if it's actually going to display the window rath...YuutaW
2019-06-29feat: add the Window modeuntagged-63164c155cfcfbc31358YuutaW
2019-06-29docs: add build statusuntagged-d2adc7adc846cf4ec294YuutaW
2019-06-29fix(ci): fix the broken repo nameYuutaW
2019-06-29First CommitYuutaW