AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-11Create LICENSEHEADmasterYuuta - Jyu Taap
2019-05-11docs: open source nowYuuta - Jyu Taap
2019-04-06feat(app): support Shizuku mode21YuutaW
2019-03-28feat(app): use ActivityThread directly to get the system context20YuutaW
2019-03-28fix: fix version error & do not use alpha character19YuutaW
2019-03-24fix(ci): fix Android SDK paths18YuutaW
2019-03-24docs: add README.mdYuutaW
2019-03-24fix(ci): add missing filesYuutaW
2019-03-24feat(app): implement Travis CIYuutaW
2019-03-24chore: update dependencies & remove hidden api moduleYuutaW
2019-03-24chore: upgrade gradleYuutaW
2018-11-28refactor: use a new deserialize logic in serviceTrumeet
2018-11-28feat: add status bar icon deserializeTrumeet
2018-11-28feat: auto dump disable flags from systemTrumeet
2018-11-28fix: ignore "NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lan...Trumeet
2018-11-27feat: allow customize package name in setIcon methodTrumeet
2018-11-26feat: change URL from Google Play to GitHubv0.7αTrumeet
2018-11-26feat(server): use sticky broadcast to prevent starting again when UI startsTrumeet
2018-11-26feat: short global log tagTrumeet
2018-11-25feat: disable analytics on debug buildsTrumeet
2018-11-25feat: add Firebase PerformanceTrumeet
2018-11-25feat(app): use git commit count as versionTrumeet
2018-11-25First Commitv1.0αTrumeet