AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-12PKGBUILD: Do not logout before starting.HEADmasterTrumeet
2022-01-12PKGBUILD: Fix backup()Trumeet
2022-01-12PKGBUILD: Use Yuuta GitTrumeet
2022-01-12Upstream TDLibTrumeet
2022-01-12Do not automatically logoutTrumeet
2021-11-14Add PKGBUILD for pacmanTrumeet
2021-11-13fix: unreturned post_auth()Trumeet
2021-11-13fix: print logout error messages and force close TDLib if logout failedTrumeet
2021-11-13feat: support custom arguments to the callback functionTrumeet
2021-11-13fix: stack-buffer-overflow for sigset_tTrumeet
2021-11-13fix: -t switch not workingTrumeet
2021-11-13First CommitTrumeet