;***************************************************************************** ;* x86inc.asm: x264asm abstraction layer ;***************************************************************************** ;* Copyright (C) 2005-2012 x264 project ;* ;* Authors: Loren Merritt ;* Anton Mitrofanov ;* Jason Garrett-Glaser ;* Henrik Gramner ;* ;* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any ;* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above ;* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. ;* ;* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES ;* WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ;* MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ;* ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ;* WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ;* ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF ;* OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ;***************************************************************************** ; This is a header file for the x264ASM assembly language, which uses ; NASM/YASM syntax combined with a large number of macros to provide easy ; abstraction between different calling conventions (x86_32, win64, linux64). ; It also has various other useful features to simplify writing the kind of ; DSP functions that are most often used in x264. ; Unlike the rest of x264, this file is available under an ISC license, as it ; has significant usefulness outside of x264 and we want it to be available ; to the largest audience possible. Of course, if you modify it for your own ; purposes to add a new feature, we strongly encourage contributing a patch ; as this feature might be useful for others as well. Send patches or ideas ; to x264-devel@videolan.org . %include "vpx_config.asm" %define program_name vp9 %define UNIX64 0 %define WIN64 0 %if ARCH_X86_64 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,win32 %define WIN64 1 %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,win64 %define WIN64 1 %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,x64 %define WIN64 1 %else %define UNIX64 1 %endif %endif %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf32 %define mangle(x) x %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf64 %define mangle(x) x %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf %define mangle(x) x %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,x64 %define mangle(x) x %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,win64 %define mangle(x) x %else %define mangle(x) _ %+ x %endif ; FIXME: All of the 64bit asm functions that take a stride as an argument ; via register, assume that the high dword of that register is filled with 0. ; This is true in practice (since we never do any 64bit arithmetic on strides, ; and x264's strides are all positive), but is not guaranteed by the ABI. ; Name of the .rodata section. ; Kludge: Something on OS X fails to align .rodata even given an align attribute, ; so use a different read-only section. %macro SECTION_RODATA 0-1 16 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho64 SECTION .text align=%1 %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho SECTION .text align=%1 fakegot: %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,aout section .text %else SECTION .rodata align=%1 %endif %endmacro ; aout does not support align= %macro SECTION_TEXT 0-1 16 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,aout SECTION .text %else SECTION .text align=%1 %endif %endmacro ; PIC macros are copied from vpx_ports/x86_abi_support.asm. The "define PIC" ; from original code is added in for 64bit. %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf32 %define ABI_IS_32BIT 1 %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho32 %define ABI_IS_32BIT 1 %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,win32 %define ABI_IS_32BIT 1 %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,aout %define ABI_IS_32BIT 1 %else %define ABI_IS_32BIT 0 %endif %if ABI_IS_32BIT %if CONFIG_PIC=1 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf32 %define GET_GOT_SAVE_ARG 1 %define WRT_PLT wrt ..plt %macro GET_GOT 1 extern _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ push %1 call %%get_got %%sub_offset: jmp %%exitGG %%get_got: mov %1, [esp] add %1, _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + $$ - %%sub_offset wrt ..gotpc ret %%exitGG: %undef GLOBAL %define GLOBAL(x) x + %1 wrt ..gotoff %undef RESTORE_GOT %define RESTORE_GOT pop %1 %endmacro %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho32 %define GET_GOT_SAVE_ARG 1 %macro GET_GOT 1 push %1 call %%get_got %%get_got: pop %1 %undef GLOBAL %define GLOBAL(x) x + %1 - %%get_got %undef RESTORE_GOT %define RESTORE_GOT pop %1 %endmacro %endif %endif %if ARCH_X86_64 == 0 %undef PIC %endif %else %macro GET_GOT 1 %endmacro %define GLOBAL(x) rel x %define WRT_PLT wrt ..plt %if WIN64 %define PIC %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho64 %define PIC %elif CONFIG_PIC %define PIC %endif %endif %ifnmacro GET_GOT %macro GET_GOT 1 %endmacro %define GLOBAL(x) x %endif %ifndef RESTORE_GOT %define RESTORE_GOT %endif %ifndef WRT_PLT %define WRT_PLT %endif %ifdef PIC default rel %endif ; Done with PIC macros ; Always use long nops (reduces 0x90 spam in disassembly on x86_32) %ifndef __NASM_VER__ CPU amdnop %else %use smartalign ALIGNMODE k7 %endif ; Macros to eliminate most code duplication between x86_32 and x86_64: ; Currently this works only for leaf functions which load all their arguments ; into registers at the start, and make no other use of the stack. Luckily that ; covers most of x264's asm. ; PROLOGUE: ; %1 = number of arguments. loads them from stack if needed. ; %2 = number of registers used. pushes callee-saved regs if needed. ; %3 = number of xmm registers used. pushes callee-saved xmm regs if needed. ; %4 = list of names to define to registers ; PROLOGUE can also be invoked by adding the same options to cglobal ; e.g. ; cglobal foo, 2,3,0, dst, src, tmp ; declares a function (foo), taking two args (dst and src) and one local variable (tmp) ; TODO Some functions can use some args directly from the stack. If they're the ; last args then you can just not declare them, but if they're in the middle ; we need more flexible macro. ; RET: ; Pops anything that was pushed by PROLOGUE, and returns. ; REP_RET: ; Same, but if it doesn't pop anything it becomes a 2-byte ret, for athlons ; which are slow when a normal ret follows a branch. ; registers: ; rN and rNq are the native-size register holding function argument N ; rNd, rNw, rNb are dword, word, and byte size ; rNm is the original location of arg N (a register or on the stack), dword ; rNmp is native size %macro DECLARE_REG 5-6 %define r%1q %2 %define r%1d %3 %define r%1w %4 %define r%1b %5 %if %0 == 5 %define r%1m %3 %define r%1mp %2 %elif ARCH_X86_64 ; memory %define r%1m [rsp + stack_offset + %6] %define r%1mp qword r %+ %1 %+ m %else %define r%1m [esp + stack_offset + %6] %define r%1mp dword r %+ %1 %+ m %endif %define r%1 %2 %endmacro %macro DECLARE_REG_SIZE 2 %define r%1q r%1 %define e%1q r%1 %define r%1d e%1 %define e%1d e%1 %define r%1w %1 %define e%1w %1 %define r%1b %2 %define e%1b %2 %if ARCH_X86_64 == 0 %define r%1 e%1 %endif %endmacro DECLARE_REG_SIZE ax, al DECLARE_REG_SIZE bx, bl DECLARE_REG_SIZE cx, cl DECLARE_REG_SIZE dx, dl DECLARE_REG_SIZE si, sil DECLARE_REG_SIZE di, dil DECLARE_REG_SIZE bp, bpl ; t# defines for when per-arch register allocation is more complex than just function arguments %macro DECLARE_REG_TMP 1-* %assign %%i 0 %rep %0 CAT_XDEFINE t, %%i, r%1 %assign %%i %%i+1 %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %macro DECLARE_REG_TMP_SIZE 0-* %rep %0 %define t%1q t%1 %+ q %define t%1d t%1 %+ d %define t%1w t%1 %+ w %define t%1b t%1 %+ b %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro DECLARE_REG_TMP_SIZE 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 %if ARCH_X86_64 %define gprsize 8 %else %define gprsize 4 %endif %macro PUSH 1 push %1 %assign stack_offset stack_offset+gprsize %endmacro %macro POP 1 pop %1 %assign stack_offset stack_offset-gprsize %endmacro %macro PUSH_IF_USED 1-* %rep %0 %if %1 < regs_used PUSH r%1 %endif %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %macro POP_IF_USED 1-* %rep %0 %if %1 < regs_used pop r%1 %endif %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %macro LOAD_IF_USED 1-* %rep %0 %if %1 < num_args mov r%1, r %+ %1 %+ mp %endif %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %macro SUB 2 sub %1, %2 %ifidn %1, rsp %assign stack_offset stack_offset+(%2) %endif %endmacro %macro ADD 2 add %1, %2 %ifidn %1, rsp %assign stack_offset stack_offset-(%2) %endif %endmacro %macro movifnidn 2 %ifnidn %1, %2 mov %1, %2 %endif %endmacro %macro movsxdifnidn 2 %ifnidn %1, %2 movsxd %1, %2 %endif %endmacro %macro ASSERT 1 %if (%1) == 0 %error assert failed %endif %endmacro %macro DEFINE_ARGS 0-* %ifdef n_arg_names %assign %%i 0 %rep n_arg_names CAT_UNDEF arg_name %+ %%i, q CAT_UNDEF arg_name %+ %%i, d CAT_UNDEF arg_name %+ %%i, w CAT_UNDEF arg_name %+ %%i, b CAT_UNDEF arg_name %+ %%i, m CAT_UNDEF arg_name %+ %%i, mp CAT_UNDEF arg_name, %%i %assign %%i %%i+1 %endrep %endif %xdefine %%stack_offset stack_offset %undef stack_offset ; so that the current value of stack_offset doesn't get baked in by xdefine %assign %%i 0 %rep %0 %xdefine %1q r %+ %%i %+ q %xdefine %1d r %+ %%i %+ d %xdefine %1w r %+ %%i %+ w %xdefine %1b r %+ %%i %+ b %xdefine %1m r %+ %%i %+ m %xdefine %1mp r %+ %%i %+ mp CAT_XDEFINE arg_name, %%i, %1 %assign %%i %%i+1 %rotate 1 %endrep %xdefine stack_offset %%stack_offset %assign n_arg_names %0 %endmacro %if ARCH_X86_64 %macro ALLOC_STACK 2 ; stack_size, num_regs %assign %%stack_aligment ((mmsize + 15) & ~15) %assign stack_size_padded %1 %assign %%reg_num (%2 - 1) %xdefine rsp_tmp r %+ %%reg_num mov rsp_tmp, rsp sub rsp, stack_size_padded and rsp, ~(%%stack_aligment - 1) %endmacro %macro RESTORE_STACK 0 ; reset rsp register mov rsp, rsp_tmp %endmacro %endif %if WIN64 ; Windows x64 ;================================================= DECLARE_REG 0, rcx, ecx, cx, cl DECLARE_REG 1, rdx, edx, dx, dl DECLARE_REG 2, R8, R8D, R8W, R8B DECLARE_REG 3, R9, R9D, R9W, R9B DECLARE_REG 4, R10, R10D, R10W, R10B, 40 DECLARE_REG 5, R11, R11D, R11W, R11B, 48 DECLARE_REG 6, rax, eax, ax, al, 56 DECLARE_REG 7, rdi, edi, di, dil, 64 DECLARE_REG 8, rsi, esi, si, sil, 72 DECLARE_REG 9, rbx, ebx, bx, bl, 80 DECLARE_REG 10, rbp, ebp, bp, bpl, 88 DECLARE_REG 11, R12, R12D, R12W, R12B, 96 DECLARE_REG 12, R13, R13D, R13W, R13B, 104 DECLARE_REG 13, R14, R14D, R14W, R14B, 112 DECLARE_REG 14, R15, R15D, R15W, R15B, 120 %macro PROLOGUE 2-4+ 0 ; #args, #regs, #xmm_regs, arg_names... %assign num_args %1 %assign regs_used %2 ASSERT regs_used >= num_args ASSERT regs_used <= 15 PUSH_IF_USED 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 %if mmsize == 8 %assign xmm_regs_used 0 %else WIN64_SPILL_XMM %3 %endif LOAD_IF_USED 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 DEFINE_ARGS %4 %endmacro %macro WIN64_SPILL_XMM 1 %assign xmm_regs_used %1 ASSERT xmm_regs_used <= 16 %if xmm_regs_used > 6 SUB rsp, (xmm_regs_used-6)*16+16 %assign %%i xmm_regs_used %rep (xmm_regs_used-6) %assign %%i %%i-1 movdqa [rsp + (%%i-6)*16+(~stack_offset&8)], xmm %+ %%i %endrep %endif %endmacro %macro WIN64_RESTORE_XMM_INTERNAL 1 %if xmm_regs_used > 6 %assign %%i xmm_regs_used %rep (xmm_regs_used-6) %assign %%i %%i-1 movdqa xmm %+ %%i, [%1 + (%%i-6)*16+(~stack_offset&8)] %endrep add %1, (xmm_regs_used-6)*16+16 %endif %endmacro %macro WIN64_RESTORE_XMM 1 WIN64_RESTORE_XMM_INTERNAL %1 %assign stack_offset stack_offset-(xmm_regs_used-6)*16+16 %assign xmm_regs_used 0 %endmacro %macro RET 0 WIN64_RESTORE_XMM_INTERNAL rsp POP_IF_USED 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 ret %endmacro %macro REP_RET 0 %if regs_used > 7 || xmm_regs_used > 6 RET %else rep ret %endif %endmacro %elif ARCH_X86_64 ; *nix x64 ;============================================= DECLARE_REG 0, rdi, edi, di, dil DECLARE_REG 1, rsi, esi, si, sil DECLARE_REG 2, rdx, edx, dx, dl DECLARE_REG 3, rcx, ecx, cx, cl DECLARE_REG 4, R8, R8D, R8W, R8B DECLARE_REG 5, R9, R9D, R9W, R9B DECLARE_REG 6, rax, eax, ax, al, 8 DECLARE_REG 7, R10, R10D, R10W, R10B, 16 DECLARE_REG 8, R11, R11D, R11W, R11B, 24 DECLARE_REG 9, rbx, ebx, bx, bl, 32 DECLARE_REG 10, rbp, ebp, bp, bpl, 40 DECLARE_REG 11, R12, R12D, R12W, R12B, 48 DECLARE_REG 12, R13, R13D, R13W, R13B, 56 DECLARE_REG 13, R14, R14D, R14W, R14B, 64 DECLARE_REG 14, R15, R15D, R15W, R15B, 72 %macro PROLOGUE 2-4+ ; #args, #regs, #xmm_regs, arg_names... %assign num_args %1 %assign regs_used %2 ASSERT regs_used >= num_args ASSERT regs_used <= 15 PUSH_IF_USED 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 LOAD_IF_USED 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 DEFINE_ARGS %4 %endmacro %macro RET 0 POP_IF_USED 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9 ret %endmacro %macro REP_RET 0 %if regs_used > 9 RET %else rep ret %endif %endmacro %else ; X86_32 ;============================================================== DECLARE_REG 0, eax, eax, ax, al, 4 DECLARE_REG 1, ecx, ecx, cx, cl, 8 DECLARE_REG 2, edx, edx, dx, dl, 12 DECLARE_REG 3, ebx, ebx, bx, bl, 16 DECLARE_REG 4, esi, esi, si, null, 20 DECLARE_REG 5, edi, edi, di, null, 24 DECLARE_REG 6, ebp, ebp, bp, null, 28 %define rsp esp %macro DECLARE_ARG 1-* %rep %0 %define r%1m [esp + stack_offset + 4*%1 + 4] %define r%1mp dword r%1m %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro DECLARE_ARG 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 %macro PROLOGUE 2-4+ ; #args, #regs, #xmm_regs, arg_names... %assign num_args %1 %assign regs_used %2 %if regs_used > 7 %assign regs_used 7 %endif ASSERT regs_used >= num_args PUSH_IF_USED 3, 4, 5, 6 LOAD_IF_USED 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 DEFINE_ARGS %4 %endmacro %macro RET 0 POP_IF_USED 6, 5, 4, 3 ret %endmacro %macro REP_RET 0 %if regs_used > 3 RET %else rep ret %endif %endmacro %endif ;====================================================================== %if WIN64 == 0 %macro WIN64_SPILL_XMM 1 %endmacro %macro WIN64_RESTORE_XMM 1 %endmacro %endif ;============================================================================= ; arch-independent part ;============================================================================= %assign function_align 16 ; Begin a function. ; Applies any symbol mangling needed for C linkage, and sets up a define such that ; subsequent uses of the function name automatically refer to the mangled version. ; Appends cpuflags to the function name if cpuflags has been specified. %macro cglobal 1-2+ ; name, [PROLOGUE args] %if %0 == 1 cglobal_internal %1 %+ SUFFIX %else cglobal_internal %1 %+ SUFFIX, %2 %endif %endmacro %macro cglobal_internal 1-2+ %ifndef cglobaled_%1 %xdefine %1 mangle(program_name %+ _ %+ %1) %xdefine %1.skip_prologue %1 %+ .skip_prologue CAT_XDEFINE cglobaled_, %1, 1 %endif %xdefine current_function %1 %ifdef CHROMIUM %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf global %1:function hidden %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf32 global %1:function hidden %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf64 global %1:function hidden %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho32 %ifdef __NASM_VER__ global %1 %else global %1:private_extern %endif %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho64 %ifdef __NASM_VER__ global %1 %else global %1:private_extern %endif %else global %1 %endif %else global %1 %endif align function_align %1: RESET_MM_PERMUTATION ; not really needed, but makes disassembly somewhat nicer %assign stack_offset 0 %if %0 > 1 PROLOGUE %2 %endif %endmacro %macro cextern 1 %xdefine %1 mangle(program_name %+ _ %+ %1) CAT_XDEFINE cglobaled_, %1, 1 extern %1 %endmacro ; like cextern, but without the prefix %macro cextern_naked 1 %xdefine %1 mangle(%1) CAT_XDEFINE cglobaled_, %1, 1 extern %1 %endmacro %macro const 2+ %xdefine %1 mangle(program_name %+ _ %+ %1) global %1 %1: %2 %endmacro ; This is needed for ELF, otherwise the GNU linker assumes the stack is ; executable by default. %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf SECTION .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf32 SECTION .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf64 SECTION .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits %endif ; cpuflags %assign cpuflags_mmx (1<<0) %assign cpuflags_mmx2 (1<<1) | cpuflags_mmx %assign cpuflags_3dnow (1<<2) | cpuflags_mmx %assign cpuflags_3dnow2 (1<<3) | cpuflags_3dnow %assign cpuflags_sse (1<<4) | cpuflags_mmx2 %assign cpuflags_sse2 (1<<5) | cpuflags_sse %assign cpuflags_sse2slow (1<<6) | cpuflags_sse2 %assign cpuflags_sse3 (1<<7) | cpuflags_sse2 %assign cpuflags_ssse3 (1<<8) | cpuflags_sse3 %assign cpuflags_sse4 (1<<9) | cpuflags_ssse3 %assign cpuflags_sse42 (1<<10)| cpuflags_sse4 %assign cpuflags_avx (1<<11)| cpuflags_sse42 %assign cpuflags_xop (1<<12)| cpuflags_avx %assign cpuflags_fma4 (1<<13)| cpuflags_avx %assign cpuflags_cache32 (1<<16) %assign cpuflags_cache64 (1<<17) %assign cpuflags_slowctz (1<<18) %assign cpuflags_lzcnt (1<<19) %assign cpuflags_misalign (1<<20) %assign cpuflags_aligned (1<<21) ; not a cpu feature, but a function variant %assign cpuflags_atom (1<<22) %define cpuflag(x) ((cpuflags & (cpuflags_ %+ x)) == (cpuflags_ %+ x)) %define notcpuflag(x) ((cpuflags & (cpuflags_ %+ x)) != (cpuflags_ %+ x)) ; Takes up to 2 cpuflags from the above list. ; All subsequent functions (up to the next INIT_CPUFLAGS) is built for the specified cpu. ; You shouldn't need to invoke this macro directly, it's a subroutine for INIT_MMX &co. %macro INIT_CPUFLAGS 0-2 %if %0 >= 1 %xdefine cpuname %1 %assign cpuflags cpuflags_%1 %if %0 >= 2 %xdefine cpuname %1_%2 %assign cpuflags cpuflags | cpuflags_%2 %endif %xdefine SUFFIX _ %+ cpuname %if cpuflag(avx) %assign avx_enabled 1 %endif %if mmsize == 16 && notcpuflag(sse2) %define mova movaps %define movu movups %define movnta movntps %endif %if cpuflag(aligned) %define movu mova %elifidn %1, sse3 %define movu lddqu %endif %else %xdefine SUFFIX %undef cpuname %undef cpuflags %endif %endmacro ; merge mmx and sse* %macro CAT_XDEFINE 3 %xdefine %1%2 %3 %endmacro %macro CAT_UNDEF 2 %undef %1%2 %endmacro %macro INIT_MMX 0-1+ %assign avx_enabled 0 %define RESET_MM_PERMUTATION INIT_MMX %1 %define mmsize 8 %define num_mmregs 8 %define mova movq %define movu movq %define movh movd %define movnta movntq %assign %%i 0 %rep 8 CAT_XDEFINE m, %%i, mm %+ %%i CAT_XDEFINE nmm, %%i, %%i %assign %%i %%i+1 %endrep %rep 8 CAT_UNDEF m, %%i CAT_UNDEF nmm, %%i %assign %%i %%i+1 %endrep INIT_CPUFLAGS %1 %endmacro %macro INIT_XMM 0-1+ %assign avx_enabled 0 %define RESET_MM_PERMUTATION INIT_XMM %1 %define mmsize 16 %define num_mmregs 8 %if ARCH_X86_64 %define num_mmregs 16 %endif %define mova movdqa %define movu movdqu %define movh movq %define movnta movntdq %assign %%i 0 %rep num_mmregs CAT_XDEFINE m, %%i, xmm %+ %%i CAT_XDEFINE nxmm, %%i, %%i %assign %%i %%i+1 %endrep INIT_CPUFLAGS %1 %endmacro ; FIXME: INIT_AVX can be replaced by INIT_XMM avx %macro INIT_AVX 0 INIT_XMM %assign avx_enabled 1 %define PALIGNR PALIGNR_SSSE3 %define RESET_MM_PERMUTATION INIT_AVX %endmacro %macro INIT_YMM 0-1+ %assign avx_enabled 1 %define RESET_MM_PERMUTATION INIT_YMM %1 %define mmsize 32 %define num_mmregs 8 %if ARCH_X86_64 %define num_mmregs 16 %endif %define mova vmovaps %define movu vmovups %undef movh %define movnta vmovntps %assign %%i 0 %rep num_mmregs CAT_XDEFINE m, %%i, ymm %+ %%i CAT_XDEFINE nymm, %%i, %%i %assign %%i %%i+1 %endrep INIT_CPUFLAGS %1 %endmacro INIT_XMM ; I often want to use macros that permute their arguments. e.g. there's no ; efficient way to implement butterfly or transpose or dct without swapping some ; arguments. ; ; I would like to not have to manually keep track of the permutations: ; If I insert a permutation in the middle of a function, it should automatically ; change everything that follows. For more complex macros I may also have multiple ; implementations, e.g. the SSE2 and SSSE3 versions may have different permutations. ; ; Hence these macros. Insert a PERMUTE or some SWAPs at the end of a macro that ; permutes its arguments. It's equivalent to exchanging the contents of the ; registers, except that this way you exchange the register names instead, so it ; doesn't cost any cycles. %macro PERMUTE 2-* ; takes a list of pairs to swap %rep %0/2 %xdefine tmp%2 m%2 %xdefine ntmp%2 nm%2 %rotate 2 %endrep %rep %0/2 %xdefine m%1 tmp%2 %xdefine nm%1 ntmp%2 %undef tmp%2 %undef ntmp%2 %rotate 2 %endrep %endmacro %macro SWAP 2-* ; swaps a single chain (sometimes more concise than pairs) %rep %0-1 %ifdef m%1 %xdefine tmp m%1 %xdefine m%1 m%2 %xdefine m%2 tmp CAT_XDEFINE n, m%1, %1 CAT_XDEFINE n, m%2, %2 %else ; If we were called as "SWAP m0,m1" rather than "SWAP 0,1" infer the original numbers here. ; Be careful using this mode in nested macros though, as in some cases there may be ; other copies of m# that have already been dereferenced and don't get updated correctly. %xdefine %%n1 n %+ %1 %xdefine %%n2 n %+ %2 %xdefine tmp m %+ %%n1 CAT_XDEFINE m, %%n1, m %+ %%n2 CAT_XDEFINE m, %%n2, tmp CAT_XDEFINE n, m %+ %%n1, %%n1 CAT_XDEFINE n, m %+ %%n2, %%n2 %endif %undef tmp %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro ; If SAVE_MM_PERMUTATION is placed at the end of a function, then any later ; calls to that function will automatically load the permutation, so values can ; be returned in mmregs. %macro SAVE_MM_PERMUTATION 0-1 %if %0 %xdefine %%f %1_m %else %xdefine %%f current_function %+ _m %endif %assign %%i 0 %rep num_mmregs CAT_XDEFINE %%f, %%i, m %+ %%i %assign %%i %%i+1 %endrep %endmacro %macro LOAD_MM_PERMUTATION 1 ; name to load from %ifdef %1_m0 %assign %%i 0 %rep num_mmregs CAT_XDEFINE m, %%i, %1_m %+ %%i CAT_XDEFINE n, m %+ %%i, %%i %assign %%i %%i+1 %endrep %endif %endmacro ; Append cpuflags to the callee's name iff the appended name is known and the plain name isn't %macro call 1 call_internal %1, %1 %+ SUFFIX %endmacro %macro call_internal 2 %xdefine %%i %1 %ifndef cglobaled_%1 %ifdef cglobaled_%2 %xdefine %%i %2 %endif %endif call %%i LOAD_MM_PERMUTATION %%i %endmacro ; Substitutions that reduce instruction size but are functionally equivalent %macro add 2 %ifnum %2 %if %2==128 sub %1, -128 %else add %1, %2 %endif %else add %1, %2 %endif %endmacro %macro sub 2 %ifnum %2 %if %2==128 add %1, -128 %else sub %1, %2 %endif %else sub %1, %2 %endif %endmacro ;============================================================================= ; AVX abstraction layer ;============================================================================= %assign i 0 %rep 16 %if i < 8 CAT_XDEFINE sizeofmm, i, 8 %endif CAT_XDEFINE sizeofxmm, i, 16 CAT_XDEFINE sizeofymm, i, 32 %assign i i+1 %endrep %undef i ;%1 == instruction ;%2 == 1 if float, 0 if int ;%3 == 1 if 4-operand (xmm, xmm, xmm, imm), 0 if 2- or 3-operand (xmm, xmm, xmm) ;%4 == number of operands given ;%5+: operands %macro RUN_AVX_INSTR 6-7+ %ifid %5 %define %%size sizeof%5 %else %define %%size mmsize %endif %if %%size==32 %if %0 >= 7 v%1 %5, %6, %7 %else v%1 %5, %6 %endif %else %if %%size==8 %define %%regmov movq %elif %2 %define %%regmov movaps %else %define %%regmov movdqa %endif %if %4>=3+%3 %ifnidn %5, %6 %if avx_enabled && sizeof%5==16 v%1 %5, %6, %7 %else %%regmov %5, %6 %1 %5, %7 %endif %else %1 %5, %7 %endif %elif %3 %1 %5, %6, %7 %else %1 %5, %6 %endif %endif %endmacro ; 3arg AVX ops with a memory arg can only have it in src2, ; whereas SSE emulation of 3arg prefers to have it in src1 (i.e. the mov). ; So, if the op is symmetric and the wrong one is memory, swap them. %macro RUN_AVX_INSTR1 8 %assign %%swap 0 %if avx_enabled %ifnid %6 %assign %%swap 1 %endif %elifnidn %5, %6 %ifnid %7 %assign %%swap 1 %endif %endif %if %%swap && %3 == 0 && %8 == 1 RUN_AVX_INSTR %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %7, %6 %else RUN_AVX_INSTR %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7 %endif %endmacro ;%1 == instruction ;%2 == 1 if float, 0 if int ;%3 == 1 if 4-operand (xmm, xmm, xmm, imm), 0 if 3-operand (xmm, xmm, xmm) ;%4 == 1 if symmetric (i.e. doesn't matter which src arg is which), 0 if not %macro AVX_INSTR 4 %macro %1 2-9 fnord, fnord, fnord, %1, %2, %3, %4 %ifidn %3, fnord RUN_AVX_INSTR %6, %7, %8, 2, %1, %2 %elifidn %4, fnord RUN_AVX_INSTR1 %6, %7, %8, 3, %1, %2, %3, %9 %elifidn %5, fnord RUN_AVX_INSTR %6, %7, %8, 4, %1, %2, %3, %4 %else RUN_AVX_INSTR %6, %7, %8, 5, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5 %endif %endmacro %endmacro AVX_INSTR addpd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR addps, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR addsd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR addss, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR addsubpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR addsubps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR andpd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR andps, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR andnpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR andnps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR blendpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR blendps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR blendvpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR blendvps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR cmppd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR cmpps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR cmpsd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR cmpss, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR cvtdq2ps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR cvtps2dq, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR divpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR divps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR divsd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR divss, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR dppd, 1, 1, 0 AVX_INSTR dpps, 1, 1, 0 AVX_INSTR haddpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR haddps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR hsubpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR hsubps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR maxpd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR maxps, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR maxsd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR maxss, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR minpd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR minps, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR minsd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR minss, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR movhlps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR movlhps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR movsd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR movss, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR mpsadbw, 0, 1, 0 AVX_INSTR mulpd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR mulps, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR mulsd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR mulss, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR orpd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR orps, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR packsswb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR packssdw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR packuswb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR packusdw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR paddb, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR paddw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR paddd, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR paddq, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR paddsb, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR paddsw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR paddusb, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR paddusw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR palignr, 0, 1, 0 AVX_INSTR pand, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pandn, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pavgb, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pavgw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pblendvb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pblendw, 0, 1, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpestri, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpestrm, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpistri, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpistrm, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpeqb, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pcmpeqw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pcmpeqd, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pcmpeqq, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pcmpgtb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpgtw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpgtd, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pcmpgtq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR phaddw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR phaddd, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR phaddsw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR phsubw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR phsubd, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR phsubsw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pmaddwd, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmaddubsw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pmaxsb, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmaxsw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmaxsd, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmaxub, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmaxuw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmaxud, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pminsb, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pminsw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pminsd, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pminub, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pminuw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pminud, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmulhuw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmulhrsw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmulhw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmullw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmulld, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmuludq, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pmuldq, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR por, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR psadbw, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pshufb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psignb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psignw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psignd, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psllw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pslld, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psllq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pslldq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psraw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psrad, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psrlw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psrld, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psrlq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psrldq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubd, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubsb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubsw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubusb, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR psubusw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpckhbw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpckhwd, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpckhdq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpckhqdq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpcklbw, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpcklwd, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpckldq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR punpcklqdq, 0, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pxor, 0, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR shufps, 1, 1, 0 AVX_INSTR subpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR subps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR subsd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR subss, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR unpckhpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR unpckhps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR unpcklpd, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR unpcklps, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR xorpd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR xorps, 1, 0, 1 ; 3DNow instructions, for sharing code between AVX, SSE and 3DN AVX_INSTR pfadd, 1, 0, 1 AVX_INSTR pfsub, 1, 0, 0 AVX_INSTR pfmul, 1, 0, 1 ; base-4 constants for shuffles %assign i 0 %rep 256 %assign j ((i>>6)&3)*1000 + ((i>>4)&3)*100 + ((i>>2)&3)*10 + (i&3) %if j < 10 CAT_XDEFINE q000, j, i %elif j < 100 CAT_XDEFINE q00, j, i %elif j < 1000 CAT_XDEFINE q0, j, i %else CAT_XDEFINE q, j, i %endif %assign i i+1 %endrep %undef i %undef j %macro FMA_INSTR 3 %macro %1 4-7 %1, %2, %3 %if cpuflag(xop) v%5 %1, %2, %3, %4 %else %6 %1, %2, %3 %7 %1, %4 %endif %endmacro %endmacro FMA_INSTR pmacsdd, pmulld, paddd FMA_INSTR pmacsww, pmullw, paddw FMA_INSTR pmadcswd, pmaddwd, paddd