/* * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include "third_party/googletest/src/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "test/codec_factory.h" #include "test/decode_test_driver.h" #include "test/i420_video_source.h" #include "vp9/decoder/vp9_decoder.h" #include "vpx/svc_context.h" #include "vpx/vp8cx.h" #include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h" namespace { using libvpx_test::CodecFactory; using libvpx_test::Decoder; using libvpx_test::DxDataIterator; using libvpx_test::VP9CodecFactory; class SvcTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: static const uint32_t kWidth = 352; static const uint32_t kHeight = 288; SvcTest() : codec_iface_(0), test_file_name_("hantro_collage_w352h288.yuv"), codec_initialized_(false), decoder_(0) { memset(&svc_, 0, sizeof(svc_)); memset(&codec_, 0, sizeof(codec_)); memset(&codec_enc_, 0, sizeof(codec_enc_)); } virtual ~SvcTest() {} virtual void SetUp() { svc_.log_level = SVC_LOG_DEBUG; svc_.log_print = 0; codec_iface_ = vpx_codec_vp9_cx(); const vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(codec_iface_, &codec_enc_, 0); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); codec_enc_.g_w = kWidth; codec_enc_.g_h = kHeight; codec_enc_.g_timebase.num = 1; codec_enc_.g_timebase.den = 60; codec_enc_.kf_min_dist = 100; codec_enc_.kf_max_dist = 100; vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t dec_cfg = vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t(); VP9CodecFactory codec_factory; decoder_ = codec_factory.CreateDecoder(dec_cfg, 0); } virtual void TearDown() { ReleaseEncoder(); delete(decoder_); } void InitializeEncoder() { const vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); codec_initialized_ = true; } void ReleaseEncoder() { vpx_svc_release(&svc_); if (codec_initialized_) vpx_codec_destroy(&codec_); codec_initialized_ = false; } void Pass1EncodeNFrames(const int n, const int layers, std::string *const stats_buf) { vpx_codec_err_t res; size_t stats_size = 0; const char *stats_data = NULL; ASSERT_GT(n, 0); ASSERT_GT(layers, 0); svc_.spatial_layers = layers; codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_FIRST_PASS; InitializeEncoder(); libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video(test_file_name_, kWidth, kHeight, codec_enc_.g_timebase.den, codec_enc_.g_timebase.num, 0, 30); video.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { res = vpx_svc_encode(&svc_, &codec_, video.img(), video.pts(), video.duration(), VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY); ASSERT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); stats_size = vpx_svc_get_rc_stats_buffer_size(&svc_); EXPECT_GT(stats_size, 0U); stats_data = vpx_svc_get_rc_stats_buffer(&svc_); ASSERT_TRUE(stats_data != NULL); stats_buf->append(stats_data, stats_size); video.Next(); } // Flush encoder and test EOS packet. res = vpx_svc_encode(&svc_, &codec_, NULL, video.pts(), video.duration(), VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY); stats_size = vpx_svc_get_rc_stats_buffer_size(&svc_); EXPECT_GT(stats_size, 0U); stats_data = vpx_svc_get_rc_stats_buffer(&svc_); ASSERT_TRUE(stats_data != NULL); stats_buf->append(stats_data, stats_size); ReleaseEncoder(); } void StoreFrames(const size_t max_frame_received, struct vpx_fixed_buf *const outputs, size_t *const frame_received) { size_t frame_size; while ((frame_size = vpx_svc_get_frame_size(&svc_)) > 0) { ASSERT_LT(*frame_received, max_frame_received); if (*frame_received == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(1, vpx_svc_is_keyframe(&svc_)); } outputs[*frame_received].buf = malloc(frame_size + 16); ASSERT_TRUE(outputs[*frame_received].buf != NULL); memcpy(outputs[*frame_received].buf, vpx_svc_get_buffer(&svc_), frame_size); outputs[*frame_received].sz = frame_size; ++(*frame_received); } } void Pass2EncodeNFrames(std::string *const stats_buf, const int n, const int layers, struct vpx_fixed_buf *const outputs) { vpx_codec_err_t res; size_t frame_received = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(outputs != NULL); ASSERT_GT(n, 0); ASSERT_GT(layers, 0); svc_.spatial_layers = layers; codec_enc_.rc_target_bitrate = 500; if (codec_enc_.g_pass == VPX_RC_LAST_PASS) { ASSERT_TRUE(stats_buf != NULL); ASSERT_GT(stats_buf->size(), 0U); codec_enc_.rc_twopass_stats_in.buf = &(*stats_buf)[0]; codec_enc_.rc_twopass_stats_in.sz = stats_buf->size(); } InitializeEncoder(); libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video(test_file_name_, kWidth, kHeight, codec_enc_.g_timebase.den, codec_enc_.g_timebase.num, 0, 30); video.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { res = vpx_svc_encode(&svc_, &codec_, video.img(), video.pts(), video.duration(), VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY); ASSERT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); StoreFrames(n, outputs, &frame_received); video.Next(); } // Flush encoder. res = vpx_svc_encode(&svc_, &codec_, NULL, 0, video.duration(), VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); StoreFrames(n, outputs, &frame_received); EXPECT_EQ(frame_received, static_cast(n)); ReleaseEncoder(); } void DecodeNFrames(const struct vpx_fixed_buf *const inputs, const int n) { int decoded_frames = 0; int received_frames = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(inputs != NULL); ASSERT_GT(n, 0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(inputs[i].buf != NULL); ASSERT_GT(inputs[i].sz, 0U); const vpx_codec_err_t res_dec = decoder_->DecodeFrame(static_cast(inputs[i].buf), inputs[i].sz); ASSERT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res_dec) << decoder_->DecodeError(); ++decoded_frames; DxDataIterator dec_iter = decoder_->GetDxData(); while (dec_iter.Next() != NULL) { ++received_frames; } } EXPECT_EQ(decoded_frames, n); EXPECT_EQ(received_frames, n); } void DropEnhancementLayers(struct vpx_fixed_buf *const inputs, const int num_super_frames, const int remained_layers, const bool is_multiple_frame_context) { ASSERT_TRUE(inputs != NULL); ASSERT_GT(num_super_frames, 0); ASSERT_GT(remained_layers, 0); for (int i = 0; i < num_super_frames; ++i) { uint32_t frame_sizes[8] = {0}; int frame_count = 0; int frames_found = 0; int frame; ASSERT_TRUE(inputs[i].buf != NULL); ASSERT_GT(inputs[i].sz, 0U); vpx_codec_err_t res = vp9_parse_superframe_index(static_cast(inputs[i].buf), inputs[i].sz, frame_sizes, &frame_count, NULL, NULL); ASSERT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); uint8_t *frame_data = static_cast(inputs[i].buf); uint8_t *frame_start = frame_data; for (frame = 0; frame < frame_count; ++frame) { // Looking for a visible frame. if (frame_data[0] & 0x02) { ++frames_found; if (frames_found == remained_layers) break; } frame_data += frame_sizes[frame]; } ASSERT_LT(frame, frame_count) << "Couldn't find a visible frame. " << "remaining_layers: " << remained_layers << " super_frame: " << i << " is_multiple_frame_context: " << is_multiple_frame_context; if (frame == frame_count - 1 && !is_multiple_frame_context) continue; frame_data += frame_sizes[frame]; // We need to add one more frame for multiple frame context. if (is_multiple_frame_context) ++frame; uint8_t marker = static_cast(inputs[i].buf)[inputs[i].sz - 1]; const uint32_t mag = ((marker >> 3) & 0x3) + 1; const size_t index_sz = 2 + mag * frame_count; const size_t new_index_sz = 2 + mag * (frame + 1); marker &= 0x0f8; marker |= frame; // Copy existing frame sizes. memmove(frame_data + (is_multiple_frame_context ? 2 : 1), frame_start + inputs[i].sz - index_sz + 1, new_index_sz - 2); if (is_multiple_frame_context) { // Add a one byte frame with flag show_existing frame. *frame_data++ = 0x88 | (remained_layers - 1); } // New marker. frame_data[0] = marker; frame_data += (mag * (frame + 1) + 1); if (is_multiple_frame_context) { // Write the frame size for the one byte frame. frame_data -= mag; *frame_data++ = 1; for (uint32_t j = 1; j < mag; ++j) { *frame_data++ = 0; } } *frame_data++ = marker; inputs[i].sz = frame_data - frame_start; if (is_multiple_frame_context) { // Change the show frame flag to 0 for all frames. for (int j = 0; j < frame; ++j) { frame_start[0] &= ~2; frame_start += frame_sizes[j]; } } } } void FreeBitstreamBuffers(struct vpx_fixed_buf *const inputs, const int n) { ASSERT_TRUE(inputs != NULL); ASSERT_GT(n, 0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { free(inputs[i].buf); inputs[i].buf = NULL; inputs[i].sz = 0; } } SvcContext svc_; vpx_codec_ctx_t codec_; struct vpx_codec_enc_cfg codec_enc_; vpx_codec_iface_t *codec_iface_; std::string test_file_name_; bool codec_initialized_; Decoder *decoder_; }; TEST_F(SvcTest, SvcInit) { // test missing parameters vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_init(NULL, &codec_, codec_iface_, &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, NULL, codec_iface_, &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, NULL, &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, codec_iface_, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); svc_.spatial_layers = 6; // too many layers res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, codec_iface_, &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); svc_.spatial_layers = 0; // use default layers InitializeEncoder(); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_SS_DEFAULT_LAYERS, svc_.spatial_layers); } TEST_F(SvcTest, InitTwoLayers) { svc_.spatial_layers = 2; vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(&svc_, "4/16,16*16"); // invalid scale values vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, codec_iface_, &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(&svc_, "4/16,16/16"); // valid scale values InitializeEncoder(); } TEST_F(SvcTest, InvalidOptions) { vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "not-an-option=1"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetLayersOption) { vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "layers=3"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); InitializeEncoder(); EXPECT_EQ(3, svc_.spatial_layers); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetMultipleOptions) { vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "layers=2 scale-factors=1/3,2/3"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); InitializeEncoder(); EXPECT_EQ(2, svc_.spatial_layers); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetScaleFactorsOption) { svc_.spatial_layers = 2; vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "scale-factors=not-scale-factors"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "scale-factors=1/3,2/3"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); InitializeEncoder(); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetQuantizersOption) { svc_.spatial_layers = 2; vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "quantizers=not-quantizers"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "quantizers=40,45"); InitializeEncoder(); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetAutoAltRefOption) { svc_.spatial_layers = 5; vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=none"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1,1,1,0"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=0,1,1,1,0"); InitializeEncoder(); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetQuantizers) { vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_quantizers(NULL, "40,30"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_set_quantizers(&svc_, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); svc_.spatial_layers = 2; res = vpx_svc_set_quantizers(&svc_, "40"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_set_quantizers(&svc_, "40,30"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); InitializeEncoder(); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetScaleFactors) { vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(NULL, "4/16,16/16"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(&svc_, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); svc_.spatial_layers = 2; res = vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(&svc_, "4/16"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(&svc_, "4/16,16/16"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); InitializeEncoder(); } // Test that decoder can handle an SVC frame as the first frame in a sequence. TEST_F(SvcTest, OnePassEncodeOneFrame) { codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS; vpx_fixed_buf output = {0}; Pass2EncodeNFrames(NULL, 1, 2, &output); DecodeNFrames(&output, 1); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&output, 1); } TEST_F(SvcTest, OnePassEncodeThreeFrames) { codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS; vpx_fixed_buf outputs[3]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(NULL, 3, 2, &outputs[0]); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 3); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 3); } TEST_F(SvcTest, GetLayerResolution) { svc_.spatial_layers = 2; vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(&svc_, "4/16,8/16"); vpx_svc_set_quantizers(&svc_, "40,30"); InitializeEncoder(); // ensure that requested layer is a valid layer uint32_t layer_width, layer_height; vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_get_layer_resolution(&svc_, svc_.spatial_layers, &layer_width, &layer_height); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_get_layer_resolution(NULL, 0, &layer_width, &layer_height); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_get_layer_resolution(&svc_, 0, NULL, &layer_height); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_get_layer_resolution(&svc_, 0, &layer_width, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); res = vpx_svc_get_layer_resolution(&svc_, 0, &layer_width, &layer_height); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); EXPECT_EQ(kWidth * 4 / 16, layer_width); EXPECT_EQ(kHeight * 4 / 16, layer_height); res = vpx_svc_get_layer_resolution(&svc_, 1, &layer_width, &layer_height); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); EXPECT_EQ(kWidth * 8 / 16, layer_width); EXPECT_EQ(kHeight * 8 / 16, layer_height); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode10Frames) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; Pass1EncodeNFrames(10, 2, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; vpx_fixed_buf outputs[10]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 10, 2, &outputs[0]); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 10); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode20FramesWithAltRef) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; Pass1EncodeNFrames(20, 2, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[20]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 20, 2, &outputs[0]); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 20); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 20); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode2LayersDecodeBaseLayerOnly) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; Pass1EncodeNFrames(10, 2, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[10]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 10, 2, &outputs[0]); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 1, false); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 10); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode5LayersDecode54321Layers) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; Pass1EncodeNFrames(10, 5, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=0,1,1,1,0"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[10]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 10, 5, &outputs[0]); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 4, false); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 3, false); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 2, false); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 1, false); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 10); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode2SNRLayers) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "scale-factors=1/1,1/1"); Pass1EncodeNFrames(20, 2, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1 scale-factors=1/1,1/1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[20]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 20, 2, &outputs[0]); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 20); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 20); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode3SNRLayersDecode321Layers) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "scale-factors=1/1,1/1,1/1"); Pass1EncodeNFrames(20, 3, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1,1 scale-factors=1/1,1/1,1/1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[20]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 20, 3, &outputs[0]); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 20); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 20, 2, false); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 20); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 20, 1, false); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 20); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 20); } TEST_F(SvcTest, SetMultipleFrameContextOption) { svc_.spatial_layers = 5; vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "multi-frame-contexts=1"); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res); res = vpx_svc_init(&svc_, &codec_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &codec_enc_); EXPECT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM, res); svc_.spatial_layers = 2; res = vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "multi-frame-contexts=1"); InitializeEncoder(); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode2LayersWithMultipleFrameContext) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; Pass1EncodeNFrames(10, 2, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; codec_enc_.g_error_resilient = 0; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1 multi-frame-contexts=1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[10]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 10, 2, &outputs[0]); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 2, true); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 10); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode2LayersWithMultipleFrameContextDecodeBaselayer) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; Pass1EncodeNFrames(10, 2, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; codec_enc_.g_error_resilient = 0; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1 multi-frame-contexts=1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[10]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 10, 2, &outputs[0]); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 1, true); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 10); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode2SNRLayersWithMultipleFrameContext) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "scale-factors=1/1,1/1"); Pass1EncodeNFrames(10, 2, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; codec_enc_.g_error_resilient = 0; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1 scale-factors=1/1,1/1 " "multi-frame-contexts=1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[10]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 10, 2, &outputs[0]); DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs[0], 10, 2, true); DecodeNFrames(&outputs[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 10); } TEST_F(SvcTest, TwoPassEncode3SNRLayersWithMultipleFrameContextDecode321Layer) { // First pass encode std::string stats_buf; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "scale-factors=1/1,1/1,1/1"); Pass1EncodeNFrames(10, 3, &stats_buf); // Second pass encode codec_enc_.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS; codec_enc_.g_error_resilient = 0; vpx_svc_set_options(&svc_, "auto-alt-refs=1,1,1 scale-factors=1/1,1/1,1/1 " "multi-frame-contexts=1"); vpx_fixed_buf outputs[10]; memset(&outputs[0], 0, sizeof(outputs)); Pass2EncodeNFrames(&stats_buf, 10, 3, &outputs[0]); vpx_fixed_buf outputs_new[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { outputs_new[i].buf = malloc(outputs[i].sz + 16); ASSERT_TRUE(outputs_new[i].buf != NULL); memcpy(outputs_new[i].buf, outputs[i].buf, outputs[i].sz); outputs_new[i].sz = outputs[i].sz; } DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs_new[0], 10, 3, true); DecodeNFrames(&outputs_new[0], 10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { memcpy(outputs_new[i].buf, outputs[i].buf, outputs[i].sz); outputs_new[i].sz = outputs[i].sz; } DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs_new[0], 10, 2, true); DecodeNFrames(&outputs_new[0], 10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { memcpy(outputs_new[i].buf, outputs[i].buf, outputs[i].sz); outputs_new[i].sz = outputs[i].sz; } DropEnhancementLayers(&outputs_new[0], 10, 1, true); DecodeNFrames(&outputs_new[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs[0], 10); FreeBitstreamBuffers(&outputs_new[0], 10); } } // namespace