#=== HTML::TocGenerator ======================================================= # function: Generate 'HTML::Toc' table of contents. # note: - 'TT' is an abbrevation of 'TocToken'. package HTML::TocGenerator; use strict; use HTML::Parser; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); $VERSION = '0.91'; @ISA = qw(HTML::Parser); } # Warnings use constant WARNING_NESTED_ANCHOR_PS_WITHIN_PS => 1; use constant WARNING_TOC_ATTRIBUTE_PS_NOT_AVAILABLE_WITHIN_PS => 2; use constant TOC_TOKEN_ID => 0; use constant TOC_TOKEN_INCLUDE => 1; use constant TOC_TOKEN_EXCLUDE => 2; use constant TOC_TOKEN_TOKENS => 3; use constant TOC_TOKEN_GROUP => 4; use constant TOC_TOKEN_TOC => 5; # Token types use constant TT_TAG_BEGIN => 0; use constant TT_TAG_END => 1; use constant TT_TAG_TYPE_END => 2; use constant TT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN => 3; use constant TT_EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN => 4; use constant TT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_END => 5; use constant TT_EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_END => 6; use constant TT_GROUP => 7; use constant TT_TOC => 8; use constant TT_ATTRIBUTES_TOC => 9; use constant CONTAINMENT_INCLUDE => 0; use constant CONTAINMENT_EXCLUDE => 1; use constant TEMPLATE_ANCHOR => '$groupId."-".$node'; use constant TEMPLATE_ANCHOR_HREF => '""'; use constant TEMPLATE_ANCHOR_HREF_FILE => '""'; use constant TEMPLATE_ANCHOR_NAME => '""'; use constant TEMPLATE_TOKEN_NUMBER => '"$node  "'; use constant TT_TOKENTYPE_START => 0; use constant TT_TOKENTYPE_END => 1; use constant TT_TOKENTYPE_TEXT => 2; use constant TT_TOKENTYPE_COMMENT => 3; use constant TT_TOKENTYPE_DECLARATION => 4; END {} #--- HTML::TocGenerator::new() ------------------------------------------------ # function: Constructor sub new { # Get arguments my ($aType) = @_; my $self = $aType->SUPER::new; # Bias to not generate ToC $self->{_doGenerateToc} = 0; # Bias to not use global groups $self->{_doUseGroupsGlobal} = 0; # Output $self->{output} = ""; # Reset internal variables $self->_resetBatchVariables(); $self->{options} = {}; return $self; } # new() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_deinitializeBatch() --------------------------------- sub _deinitializeBatch() { # Get arguments my ($self) = @_; } # _deinitializeBatch() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_deinitializeExtenderBatch() ------------------------- sub _deinitializeExtenderBatch() { # Get arguments my ($self) = @_; # Do general batch deinitialization $self->_deinitializeBatch(); # Indicate end of ToC generation $self->{_doGenerateToc} = 0; # Reset batch variables $self->_resetBatchVariables(); } # _deinitializeExtenderBatch() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_deinitializeGeneratorBatch() ------------------------ sub _deinitializeGeneratorBatch() { # Get arguments my ($self) = @_; # Do 'extender' batch deinitialization $self->_deinitializeExtenderBatch(); } # _deinitializeBatchGenerator() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_doesHashContainHash() ------------------------------- # function: Determines whether hash1 matches regular expressions of hash2. # args: - $aHash1 # - $aHash2 # - $aContainmentType: 0 (include) or 1 (exclude) # returns: True (1) if hash1 satisfies hash2, 0 if not. For example, with the # following hashes: # # %hash1 = { %hash2 = { # 'class' => 'header' 'class' => '^h' # 'id' => 'intro' } # } # # the routine will return 1 if 'aContainmentType' equals 0, cause # 'hash1' satisfies the conditions of 'hash2'. The routine will # return 0 if 'aContainmentType' equals 1, cause 'hash1' doesn't # exclude the conditions of 'hash2'. # note: Class function. sub _doesHashContainHash { # Get arguments my ($aHash1, $aHash2, $aContainmentType) = @_; # Local variables my ($key1, $value1, $key2, $value2, $result); # Bias to success $result = 1; # Loop through hash2 HASH2: while (($key2, $value2) = each %$aHash2) { # Yes, values are available; # Get value1 $value1 = $aHash1->{$key2}; # Does value1 match criteria of value2? if (defined($value1) && $value1 =~ m/$value2/) { # Yes, value1 matches criteria of value2; # Containment type was exclude? if ($aContainmentType == CONTAINMENT_EXCLUDE) { # Yes, containment type was exclude; # Indicate condition fails $result = 0; # Reset 'each' iterator which we're going to break keys %$aHash2; # Break loop last HASH2; } } else { # No, value1 didn't match criteria of value2; # Containment type was include? if ($aContainmentType == CONTAINMENT_INCLUDE) { # Yes, containment type was include; # Indicate condition fails $result = 0; # Reset 'each' iterator which we're going to break keys %$aHash2; # Break loop last HASH2; } } } # Return value return $result; } # _doesHashContainHash() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_extend() -------------------------------------------- # function: Extend ToC. # - $aString: String to parse. sub _extend { # Get arguments my ($self, $aFile) = @_; # Local variables my ($file); # Parse string $self->parse($aFile); # Flush remaining buffered text $self->eof(); } # _extend() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_extendFromFile() ------------------------------------ # function: Extend ToC. # - $aFile: (reference to array of) file to parse. sub _extendFromFile { # Get arguments my ($self, $aFile) = @_; # Local variables my ($file, @files); # Dereference array reference or make array of file specification @files = (ref($aFile) =~ m/ARRAY/) ? @$aFile : ($aFile); # Loop through files foreach $file (@files) { # Store filename $self->{_currentFile} = $file; # Parse file $self->parse_file($file); # Flush remaining buffered text $self->eof(); } } # _extendFromFile() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_formatHeadingLevel() -------------------------------- # function: Format heading level. # args: - $aLevel: Level of current heading # - $aClass: Class of current heading # - $aGroup: Group of current heading # - $aToc: Toc of current heading sub _formatHeadingLevel { # Get arguments my ($self, $aLevel, $aClass, $aGroup, $aToc) = @_; # Local variables my ($result, $headingNumber, $numberingStyle); $headingNumber = $self->_getGroupIdManager($aToc)-> {levels}{$aClass}[$aLevel - 1] || 0; # Alias numbering style of current group $numberingStyle = $aGroup->{numberingStyle}; SWITCH: { if ($numberingStyle eq "decimal") { $result = $headingNumber; last SWITCH; } if ($numberingStyle eq "lower-alpha") { $result = chr($headingNumber + ord('a') - 1); last SWITCH; } if ($numberingStyle eq "upper-alpha") { $result = chr($headingNumber + ord('A') - 1); last SWITCH; } if ($numberingStyle eq "lower-roman") { require Roman; $result = Roman::roman($headingNumber); last SWITCH; } if ($numberingStyle eq "upper-roman") { require Roman; $result = Roman::Roman($headingNumber); last SWITCH; } die "Unknown case: $numberingStyle"; } # Return value return $result; } # _formatHeadingLevel() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_formatTocNode() ------------------------------------- # function: Format heading node. # args: - $aLevel: Level of current heading # - $aClass: Class of current heading # - $aGroup: Group of current heading # - $aToc: Toc of current heading sub _formatTocNode { # Get arguments my ($self, $aLevel, $aClass, $aGroup, $aToc) = @_; # Local variables my ($result, $level, $levelGroups); # Alias 'levelGroups' of right 'groupId' $levelGroups = $aToc->{_levelGroups}{$aGroup->{'groupId'}}; # Loop through levels for ($level = 1; $level <= $aLevel; $level++) { # If not first level, add dot $result = ($result ? $result . "." : $result); # Format heading level using argument group $result .= $self->_formatHeadingLevel( $level, $aClass, @{$levelGroups}[$level - 1], $aToc ); } # Return value return $result; } # _formatTocNode() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_generate() ------------------------------------------ # function: Generate ToC. # args: - $aString: Reference to string to parse sub _generate { # Get arguments my ($self, $aString) = @_; # Local variables my ($toc); # Loop through ToCs foreach $toc (@{$self->{_tocs}}) { # Clear ToC $toc->clear(); } # Extend ToCs $self->_extend($aString); } # _generate() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_generateFromFile() ---------------------------------- # function: Generate ToC. # args: - $aFile: (reference to array of) file to parse. sub _generateFromFile { # Get arguments my ($self, $aFile) = @_; # Local variables my ($toc); # Loop through ToCs foreach $toc (@{$self->{_tocs}}) { # Clear ToC $toc->clear(); } # Extend ToCs $self->_extendFromFile($aFile); } # _generateFromFile() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_getGroupIdManager() --------------------------------- # function: Get group id manager. # args: - $aToc: Active ToC. # returns: Group id levels. sub _getGroupIdManager { # Get arguments my ($self, $aToc) = @_; # Local variables my ($result); # Global groups? if ($self->{options}{'doUseGroupsGlobal'}) { # Yes, global groups; $result = $self; } else { # No, local groups; $result = $aToc; } # Return value return $result; } # _getGroupIdManager() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_initializeBatch() ----------------------------------- # function: Initialize batch. This function is called once when a parse batch # is started. # args: - $aTocs: Reference to array of tocs. sub _initializeBatch { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTocs) = @_; # Local variables my ($toc); # Store reference to tocs # Is ToC specification reference to array? if (ref($aTocs) =~ m/ARRAY/) { # Yes, ToC specification is reference to array; # Store array reference $self->{_tocs} = $aTocs; } else { # No, ToC specification is reference to ToC object; # Wrap reference in array reference, containing only one element $self->{_tocs} = [$aTocs]; } # Loop through ToCs foreach $toc (@{$self->{_tocs}}) { # Parse ToC options $toc->parseOptions(); } } # _initializeBatch() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_initializeExtenderBatch() -------------------------- # function: Initialize 'extender' batch. This function is called once when a # parse batch is started. # args: - $aTocs: Reference to array of tocs. sub _initializeExtenderBatch { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTocs) = @_; # Do general batch initialization $self->_initializeBatch($aTocs); # Parse ToC options $self->_parseTocOptions(); # Indicate start of batch $self->{_doGenerateToc} = 1; } # _initializeExtenderBatch() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_initializeGeneratorBatch() -------------------------- # function: Initialize generator batch. This function is called once when a # parse batch is started. # args: - $aTocs: Reference to array of tocs. # - $aOptions: optional options sub _initializeGeneratorBatch { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTocs, $aOptions) = @_; # Add invocation options $self->setOptions($aOptions); # Option 'doUseGroupsGlobal' specified? if (!defined($self->{options}{'doUseGroupsGlobal'})) { # No, options 'doUseGroupsGlobal' not specified; # Default to no 'doUseGroupsGlobal' $self->{options}{'doUseGroupsGlobal'} = 0; } # Global groups? if ($self->{options}{'doUseGroupsGlobal'}) { # Yes, global groups; # Reset groups and levels $self->_resetStackVariables(); } # Do 'extender' batch initialization $self->_initializeExtenderBatch($aTocs); } # _initializeGeneratorBatch() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_linkTocToToken() ------------------------------------ # function: Link ToC to token. # args: - $aToc: ToC to add token to. # - $aFile # - $aGroupId # - $aLevel # - $aNode # - $aGroupLevel # - $aLinkType # - $aTokenAttributes: reference to hash containing attributes of # currently parsed token sub _linkTocToToken { # Get arguments my ( $self, $aToc, $aFile, $aGroupId, $aLevel, $aNode, $aGroupLevel, $aDoLinkToId, $aTokenAttributes ) = @_; # Local variables my ($file, $groupId, $level, $node, $anchorName); my ($doInsertAnchor, $doInsertId); # Fill local arguments to be used by templates $file = $aFile; $groupId = $aGroupId; $level = $aLevel; $node = $aNode; # Assemble anchor name $anchorName = ref($aToc->{_templateAnchorName}) eq "CODE" ? &{$aToc->{_templateAnchorName}}( $aFile, $aGroupId, $aLevel, $aNode ) : eval($aToc->{_templateAnchorName}); # Bias to insert anchor name $doInsertAnchor = 1; $doInsertId = 0; # Link to 'id'? if ($aDoLinkToId) { # Yes, link to 'id'; # Indicate to insert anchor id $doInsertAnchor = 0; $doInsertId = 1; # Id attribute is available? if (defined($aTokenAttributes->{id})) { # Yes, id attribute is available; # Use existing ids? if ($aToc->{options}{'doUseExistingIds'}) { # Yes, use existing ids; # Use existing id $anchorName = $aTokenAttributes->{id}; # Indicate to not insert id $doInsertId = 0; } } } else { # No, link to 'name'; # Anchor name is currently active? if (defined($self->{_activeAnchorName})) { # Yes, anchor name is currently active; # Use existing anchors? if ($aToc->{options}{'doUseExistingAnchors'}) { # Yes, use existing anchors; # Use existing anchor name $anchorName = $self->{_activeAnchorName}; # Indicate to not insert anchor name $doInsertAnchor = 0; } else { # No, don't use existing anchors; insert new anchor; # } } } # Add reference to ToC $aToc->{_toc} .= ref($aToc->{_templateAnchorHrefBegin}) eq "CODE" ? &{$aToc->{_templateAnchorHrefBegin}}( $aFile, $aGroupId, $aLevel, $aNode, $anchorName ) : eval($aToc->{_templateAnchorHrefBegin}); # Bias to not output anchor name end $self->{_doOutputAnchorNameEnd} = 0; # Must anchor be inserted? if ($doInsertAnchor) { # Yes, anchor must be inserted; # Allow adding of anchor name begin token to text by calling # 'anchorNameBegin' method $self->anchorNameBegin( ref($aToc->{_templateAnchorNameBegin}) eq "CODE" ? &{$aToc->{_templateAnchorNameBegin}}( $aFile, $aGroupId, $aLevel, $aNode, $anchorName ) : eval($aToc->{_templateAnchorNameBegin}), $aToc ); } # Must anchorId attribute be inserted? if ($doInsertId) { # Yes, anchorId attribute must be inserted; # Allow adding of anchorId attribute to text by calling 'anchorId' # method $self->anchorId($anchorName); } } # _linkTocToToken() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_outputAnchorNameEndConditionally() ------------------ # function: Output 'anchor name end' if necessary # args: - $aToc: ToC of which 'anchor name end' must be output. sub _outputAnchorNameEndConditionally { # Get arguments my ($self, $aToc) = @_; # Must anchor name end be output? if ($self->{_doOutputAnchorNameEnd}) { # Yes, output anchor name end; # Allow adding of anchor to text by calling 'anchorNameEnd' # method $self->anchorNameEnd( ref($aToc->{_templateAnchorNameEnd}) eq "CODE" ? &{$aToc->{_templateAnchorNameEnd}} : eval($aToc->{_templateAnchorNameEnd}), $aToc ); } } # _outputAnchorNameEndConditionally() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_parseTocOptions() ----------------------------------- # function: Parse ToC options. sub _parseTocOptions { # Get arguments my ($self) = @_; # Local variables my ($toc, $group, $tokens, $tokenType, $i); # Create parsers for ToC tokens $self->{_tokensTocBegin} = []; my $tokenTocBeginParser = HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser->new( $self->{_tokensTocBegin} ); my $tokenTocEndParser = HTML::_TokenTocEndParser->new(); # Loop through ToCs foreach $toc (@{$self->{_tocs}}) { # Reference parser ToC to current ToC $tokenTocBeginParser->setToc($toc); # Loop through 'tokenToToc' groups foreach $group (@{$toc->{options}{'tokenToToc'}}) { # Reference parser group to current group $tokenTocBeginParser->setGroup($group); # Parse 'tokenToToc' group $tokenTocBeginParser->parse($group->{'tokenBegin'}); # Flush remaining buffered text $tokenTocBeginParser->eof(); $tokenTocEndParser->parse( $group->{'tokenEnd'}, $tokenTocBeginParser->{_lastAddedToken}, $tokenTocBeginParser->{_lastAddedTokenType} ); # Flush remaining buffered text $tokenTocEndParser->eof(); } } } # _parseTocOptions() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_processTocEndingToken() ----------------------------- # function: Process ToC-ending-token. # args: - $aTocToken: token which acts as ToC-ending-token. sub _processTocEndingToken { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTocToken) = @_; # Local variables my ($toc); # Aliases $toc = $aTocToken->[TT_TOC]; # Link ToC to tokens? if ($toc->{options}{'doLinkToToken'}) { # Yes, link ToC to tokens; # Add anchor href end $toc->{_toc} .= (ref($toc->{_templateAnchorHrefEnd}) eq "CODE") ? &{$toc->{_templateAnchorHrefEnd}} : eval($toc->{_templateAnchorHrefEnd}); # Output anchor name end only if necessary $self->_outputAnchorNameEndConditionally($toc); } } # _processTocEndingToken() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_processTocStartingToken() --------------------------- # function: Process ToC-starting-token. # args: - $aTocToken: token which acts as ToC-starting-token. # - $aTokenType: type of token. Can be either TT_TOKENTYPE_START, # _END, _TEXT, _COMMENT or _DECLARATION. # - $aTokenAttributes: reference to hash containing attributes of # currently parsed token # - $aTokenOrigText: reference to original token text sub _processTocStartingToken { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTocToken, $aTokenType, $aTokenAttributes, $aTokenOrigText) = @_; # Local variables my ($i, $level, $doLinkToId, $node, $groupLevel); my ($file, $tocTokenId, $groupId, $toc, $attribute); # Aliases $file = $self->{_currentFile}; $toc = $aTocToken->[TT_TOC]; $level = $aTocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'level'}; $groupId = $aTocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'groupId'}; # Retrieve 'doLinkToId' setting from either group options or toc options $doLinkToId = (defined($aTocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'doLinkToId'})) ? $aTocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'doLinkToId'} : $toc->{options}{'doLinkToId'}; # Link to 'id' and tokenType isn't 'start'? if (($doLinkToId) && ($aTokenType != TT_TOKENTYPE_START)) { # Yes, link to 'id' and tokenType isn't 'start'; # Indicate to *not* link to 'id' $doLinkToId = 0; } if (ref($level) eq "CODE") { $level = &$level($self->{_currentFile}, $node); } if (ref($groupId) eq "CODE") { $groupId = &$groupId($self->{_currentFile}, $node); } # Determine class level my $groupIdManager = $self->_getGroupIdManager($toc); # Known group? if (!exists($groupIdManager->{groupIdLevels}{$groupId})) { # No, unknown group; # Add group $groupIdManager->{groupIdLevels}{$groupId} = keys( %{$groupIdManager->{groupIdLevels}} ) + 1; } $groupLevel = $groupIdManager->{groupIdLevels}{$groupId}; # Temporarily allow symbolic references #no strict qw(refs); # Increase level $groupIdManager->{levels}{$groupId}[$level - 1] += 1; # Reset remaining levels of same group for ($i = $level; $i < @{$groupIdManager->{levels}{$groupId}}; $i++) { $groupIdManager->{levels}{$groupId}[$i] = 0; } # Assemble numeric string indicating current level $node = $self->_formatTocNode( $level, $groupId, $aTocToken->[TT_GROUP], $toc ); # Add newline if _toc not empty if ($toc->{_toc}) { $toc->{_toc} .= "\n"; } # Add toc item info $toc->{_toc} .= "$level $groupLevel $groupId $node " . $groupIdManager->{levels}{$groupId}[$level - 1] . " "; # Add value of 'id' attribute if available if (defined($aTokenAttributes->{id})) { $toc->{_toc} .= $aTokenAttributes->{id}; } $toc->{_toc} .= " "; # Link ToC to tokens? if ($toc->{options}{'doLinkToToken'}) { # Yes, link ToC to tokens; # Link ToC to token $self->_linkTocToToken( $toc, $file, $groupId, $level, $node, $groupLevel, $doLinkToId, $aTokenAttributes ); } # Number tokens? if ( $aTocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'doNumberToken'} || ( ! defined($aTocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'doNumberToken'}) && $toc->{options}{'doNumberToken'} ) ) { # Yes, number tokens; # Add number by calling 'number' method $self->number( ref($toc->{_templateTokenNumber}) eq "CODE" ? &{$toc->{_templateTokenNumber}}( $node, $groupId, $file, $groupLevel, $level, $toc ) : eval($toc->{_templateTokenNumber}), $toc ); } # Must attribute be used as ToC text? if (defined($aTocToken->[TT_ATTRIBUTES_TOC])) { # Yes, attribute must be used as ToC text; # Loop through attributes foreach $attribute (@{$aTocToken->[TT_ATTRIBUTES_TOC]}) { # Attribute is available? if (defined($$aTokenAttributes{$attribute})) { # Yes, attribute is available; # Add attribute value to ToC $self->_processTocText($$aTokenAttributes{$attribute}, $toc); } else { # No, attribute isn't available; # Show warning $self->_showWarning( WARNING_TOC_ATTRIBUTE_PS_NOT_AVAILABLE_WITHIN_PS, [$attribute, $$aTokenOrigText] ); } # Output anchor name end only if necessary #$self->_outputAnchorNameEndConditionally($toc); # End attribute $self->_processTocEndingToken($aTocToken); } } else { # No, attribute mustn't be used as ToC text; # Add end token to 'end token array' push( @{$self->{_tokensTocEnd}[$aTocToken->[TT_TAG_TYPE_END]]}, $aTocToken ); } } # _processTocStartingToken() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_processTocText() ------------------------------------ # function: This function processes text which must be added to the preliminary # ToC. # args: - $aText: Text to add to ToC. # - $aToc: ToC to add text to. sub _processTocText { # Get arguments my ($self, $aText, $aToc) = @_; # Add text to ToC $aToc->{_toc} .= $aText; } # _processTocText() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_processTokenAsTocEndingToken() ---------------------- # function: Check for token being a token to use for triggering the end of # a ToC line and process it accordingly. # args: - $aTokenType: type of token: 'start', 'end', 'comment' or 'text'. # - $aTokenId: token id of currently parsed token sub _processTokenAsTocEndingToken { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTokenType, $aTokenId) = @_; # Local variables my ($i, $tokenId, $toc, $tokens); # Loop through dirty start tokens $i = 0; # Alias token array of right type $tokens = $self->{_tokensTocEnd}[$aTokenType]; # Loop through token array while ($i < scalar @$tokens) { # Aliases $tokenId = $tokens->[$i][TT_TAG_END]; # Does current end tag equals dirty tag? if ($aTokenId eq $tokenId) { # Yes, current end tag equals dirty tag; # Process ToC-ending-token $self->_processTocEndingToken($tokens->[$i]); # Remove dirty tag from array, automatically advancing to # next token splice(@$tokens, $i, 1); } else { # No, current end tag doesn't equal dirty tag; # Advance to next token $i++; } } } # _processTokenAsTocEndingToken() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_processTokenAsTocStartingToken() -------------------- # function: Check for token being a ToC-starting-token and process it # accordingly. # args: - $aTokenType: type of token. Can be either TT_TOKENTYPE_START, # _END, _TEXT, _COMMENT or _DECLARATION. # - $aTokenId: token id of currently parsed token # - $aTokenAttributes: reference to hash containing attributes of # currently parsed token # - $aTokenOrigText: reference to original text of token # returns: 1 if successful, i.e. token is processed as ToC-starting-token, 0 # if not. sub _processTokenAsTocStartingToken { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTokenType, $aTokenId, $aTokenAttributes, $aTokenOrigText) = @_; # Local variables my ($level, $levelToToc, $groupId, $groupToToc); my ($result, $tocToken, $tagBegin, @tokensTocBegin, $fileSpec); # Bias to token not functioning as ToC-starting-token $result = 0; # Loop through start tokens of right type foreach $tocToken (@{$self->{_tokensTocBegin}[$aTokenType]}) { # Alias file filter $fileSpec = $tocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'fileSpec'}; # File matches? if (!defined($fileSpec) || ( defined($fileSpec) && ($self->{_currentFile} =~ m/$fileSpec/) )) { # Yes, file matches; # Alias tag begin $tagBegin = $tocToken->[TT_TAG_BEGIN]; # Tag and attributes match? if ( defined($tagBegin) && ($aTokenId =~ m/$tagBegin/) && HTML::TocGenerator::_doesHashContainHash( $aTokenAttributes, $tocToken->[TT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN], 0 ) && HTML::TocGenerator::_doesHashContainHash( $aTokenAttributes, $tocToken->[TT_EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN], 1 ) ) { # Yes, tag and attributes match; # Aliases $level = $tocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'level'}; $levelToToc = $tocToken->[TT_TOC]{options}{'levelToToc'}; $groupId = $tocToken->[TT_GROUP]{'groupId'}; $groupToToc = $tocToken->[TT_TOC]{options}{'groupToToc'}; # Must level and group be processed? if ( ($level =~ m/$levelToToc/) && ($groupId =~ m/$groupToToc/) ) { # Yes, level and group must be processed; # Indicate token acts as ToC-starting-token $result = 1; # Process ToC-starting-token $self->_processTocStartingToken( $tocToken, $aTokenType, $aTokenAttributes, $aTokenOrigText ); } } } } # Return value return $result; } # _processTokenAsTocStartingToken() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_resetBatchVariables() ------------------------------- # function: Reset variables which are set because of batch invocation. sub _resetBatchVariables { # Get arguments my ($self) = @_; # Filename of current file being parsed, empty string if not available $self->{_currentFile} = ""; # Arrays containing start, end, comment, text & declaration tokens which # must trigger the ToC assembling. Each array element may contain a # reference to an array containing the following elements: # # TT_TAG_BEGIN => 0; # TT_TAG_END => 1; # TT_TAG_TYPE_END => 2; # TT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN => 3; # TT_EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN => 4; # TT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_END => 5; # TT_EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_END => 6; # TT_GROUP => 7; # TT_TOC => 8; # TT_ATTRIBUTES_TOC => 9; # $self->{_tokensTocBegin} = [ [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_START [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_END [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_COMMENT [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_TEXT [] # TT_TOKENTYPE_DECLARATION ]; $self->{_tokensTocEnd} = [ [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_START [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_END [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_COMMENT [], # TT_TOKENTYPE_TEXT [] # TT_TOKENTYPE_DECLARATION ]; # TRUE if ToCs have been initialized, FALSE if not. $self->{_doneInitializeTocs} = 0; # Array of ToCs to process $self->{_tocs} = []; # Active anchor name $self->{_activeAnchorName} = undef; } # _resetBatchVariables() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_resetStackVariables() ------------------------------- # function: Reset variables which cumulate during ToC generation. sub _resetStackVariables { # Get arguments my ($self) = @_; # Reset variables $self->{levels} = undef; $self->{groupIdLevels} = undef; } # _resetStackVariables() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_setActiveAnchorName() ------------------------------- # function: Set active anchor name. # args: - aAnchorName: Name of anchor name to set active. sub _setActiveAnchorName { # Get arguments my ($self, $aAnchorName) = @_; # Set active anchor name $self->{_activeAnchorName} = $aAnchorName; } # _setActiveAnchorName() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::_showWarning() --------------------------------------- # function: Show warning. # args: - aWarningNr: Number of warning to show. # - aWarningArgs: Arguments to display within the warning. sub _showWarning { # Get arguments my ($self, $aWarningNr, $aWarningArgs) = @_; # Local variables my (%warnings); # Set warnings %warnings = ( WARNING_NESTED_ANCHOR_PS_WITHIN_PS() => "Nested anchor '%s' within anchor '%s'.", WARNING_TOC_ATTRIBUTE_PS_NOT_AVAILABLE_WITHIN_PS() => "ToC attribute '%s' not available within token '%s'.", ); # Show warning print STDERR "warning ($aWarningNr): " . sprintf($warnings{"$aWarningNr"}, @$aWarningArgs) . "\n"; } # _showWarning() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::anchorId() ------------------------------------------- # function: Anchor id processing method. Leave it up to the descendant to do # something useful with it. # args: - $aAnchorId # - $aToc: Reference to ToC to which anchorId belongs. sub anchorId { } # anchorId() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::anchorNameBegin() ------------------------------------ # function: Anchor name begin processing method. Leave it up to the descendant # to do something useful with it. # args: - $aAnchorName # - $aToc: Reference to ToC to which anchorname belongs. sub anchorNameBegin { } # anchorNameBegin() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::anchorNameEnd() -------------------------------------- # function: Anchor name end processing method. Leave it up to the descendant # to do something useful with it. # args: - $aAnchorName # - $aToc: Reference to ToC to which anchorname belongs. sub anchorNameEnd { } # anchorNameEnd() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::comment() -------------------------------------------- # function: Process comment. # args: - $aComment: comment text with '' tags stripped off. sub comment { # Get arguments my ($self, $aComment) = @_; # Must a ToC be generated? if ($self->{_doGenerateToc}) { # Yes, a ToC must be generated # Process end tag as ToC-starting-token $self->_processTokenAsTocStartingToken( TT_TOKENTYPE_COMMENT, $aComment, undef, \$aComment ); # Process end tag as token which ends ToC registration $self->_processTokenAsTocEndingToken( TT_TOKENTYPE_COMMENT, $aComment ); } } # comment() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::end() ------------------------------------------------ # function: This function is called every time a closing tag is encountered. # args: - $aTag: tag name (in lower case). # - $aOrigText: tag name including brackets. sub end { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTag, $aOrigText) = @_; # Local variables my ($tag, $toc, $i); # Must a ToC be generated? if ($self->{_doGenerateToc}) { # Yes, a ToC must be generated # Process end tag as ToC-starting-token $self->_processTokenAsTocStartingToken( TT_TOKENTYPE_END, $aTag, undef, \$aOrigText ); # Process end tag as ToC-ending-token $self->_processTokenAsTocEndingToken( TT_TOKENTYPE_END, $aTag ); # Tag is of type 'anchor'? if (defined($self->{_activeAnchorName}) && ($aTag eq "a")) { # Yes, tag is of type 'anchor'; # Reset dirty anchor $self->{_activeAnchorName} = undef; } } } # end() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::extend() --------------------------------------------- # function: Extend ToCs. # args: - $aTocs: Reference to array of ToC objects # - $aString: String to parse. sub extend { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTocs, $aString) = @_; # Initialize TocGenerator batch $self->_initializeExtenderBatch($aTocs); # Extend ToCs $self->_extend($aString); # Deinitialize TocGenerator batch $self->_deinitializeExtenderBatch(); } # extend() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::extendFromFile() ------------------------------------- # function: Extend ToCs. # args: - @aTocs: Reference to array of ToC objects # - @aFiles: Reference to array of files to parse. sub extendFromFile { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTocs, $aFiles) = @_; # Initialize TocGenerator batch $self->_initializeExtenderBatch($aTocs); # Extend ToCs $self->_extendFromFile($aFiles); # Deinitialize TocGenerator batch $self->_deinitializeExtenderBatch(); } # extendFromFile() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::generate() ------------------------------------------- # function: Generate ToC. # args: - $aToc: Reference to (array of) ToC object(s) # - $aString: Reference to string to parse # - $aOptions: optional options sub generate { # Get arguments my ($self, $aToc, $aString, $aOptions) = @_; # Initialize TocGenerator batch $self->_initializeGeneratorBatch($aToc, $aOptions); # Do generate ToC $self->_generate($aString); # Deinitialize TocGenerator batch $self->_deinitializeGeneratorBatch(); } # generate() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::generateFromFile() ----------------------------------- # function: Generate ToC. # args: - $aToc: Reference to (array of) ToC object(s) # - $aFile: (reference to array of) file to parse. # - $aOptions: optional options sub generateFromFile { # Get arguments my ($self, $aToc, $aFile, $aOptions) = @_; # Initialize TocGenerator batch $self->_initializeGeneratorBatch($aToc, $aOptions); # Do generate ToC $self->_generateFromFile($aFile); # Deinitialize TocGenerator batch $self->_deinitializeGeneratorBatch(); } # generateFromFile() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::number() --------------------------------------------- # function: Heading number processing method. Leave it up to the descendant # to do something useful with it. # args: - $aNumber # - $aToc: Reference to ToC to which anchorname belongs. sub number { # Get arguments my ($self, $aNumber, $aToc) = @_; } # number() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::parse() ---------------------------------------------- # function: Parse scalar. # args: - $aString: string to parse sub parse { # Get arguments my ($self, $aString) = @_; # Call ancestor $self->SUPER::parse($aString); } # parse() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::parse_file() ----------------------------------------- # function: Parse file. sub parse_file { # Get arguments my ($self, $aFile) = @_; # Call ancestor $self->SUPER::parse_file($aFile); } # parse_file() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::setOptions() ----------------------------------------- # function: Set options. # args: - aOptions: Reference to hash containing options. sub setOptions { # Get arguments my ($self, $aOptions) = @_; # Options are defined? if (defined($aOptions)) { # Yes, options are defined; add to options %{$self->{options}} = (%{$self->{options}}, %$aOptions); } } # setOptions() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::start() ---------------------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time an opening tag is encountered. # args: - $aTag: tag name (in lower case). # - $aAttr: reference to hash containing all tag attributes (in lower # case). # - $aAttrSeq: reference to array containing all tag attributes (in # lower case) in the original order # - $aOrigText: the original HTML text sub start { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTag, $aAttr, $aAttrSeq, $aOrigText) = @_; $self->{isTocToken} = 0; # Start tag is of type 'anchor name'? if ($aTag eq "a" && defined($aAttr->{name})) { # Yes, start tag is of type 'anchor name'; # Is another anchor already active? if (defined($self->{_activeAnchorName})) { # Yes, another anchor is already active; # Is the first anchor inserted by 'TocGenerator'? if ($self->{_doOutputAnchorNameEnd}) { # Yes, the first anchor is inserted by 'TocGenerator'; # Show warning $self->_showWarning( WARNING_NESTED_ANCHOR_PS_WITHIN_PS, [$aOrigText, $self->{_activeAnchorName}] ); } } # Set active anchor name $self->_setActiveAnchorName($aAttr->{name}); } # Must a ToC be generated? if ($self->{_doGenerateToc}) { # Yes, a ToC must be generated # Process start tag as ToC token $self->{isTocToken} = $self->_processTokenAsTocStartingToken( TT_TOKENTYPE_START, $aTag, $aAttr, \$aOrigText ); # Process end tag as ToC-ending-token $self->_processTokenAsTocEndingToken( TT_TOKENTYPE_START, $aTag ); } } # start() #--- HTML::TocGenerator::text() ----------------------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time plain text is encountered. # args: - @_: array containing data. sub text { # Get arguments my ($self, $aText) = @_; # Local variables my ($text, $toc, $i, $token, $tokens); # Must a ToC be generated? if ($self->{_doGenerateToc}) { # Yes, a ToC must be generated # Are there dirty start tags? # Loop through token types foreach $tokens (@{$self->{_tokensTocEnd}}) { # Loop though tokens foreach $token (@$tokens) { # Add text to toc # Alias $toc = $token->[TT_TOC]; # Remove possible newlines from text ($text = $aText) =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /g; # Add text to toc $self->_processTocText($text, $toc); } } } } # text() #=== HTML::_TokenTocParser ==================================================== # function: Parse 'toc tokens'. 'Toc tokens' mark HTML code which is to be # inserted into the ToC. # note: Used internally. package HTML::_TokenTocParser; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(HTML::Parser); } END {} #--- HTML::_TokenTocParser::new() --------------------------------------------- # function: Constructor sub new { # Get arguments my ($aType) = @_; # Create instance my $self = $aType->SUPER::new; # Return instance return $self; } # new() #--- HTML::_TokenTocParser::_parseAttributes() -------------------------------- # function: Parse attributes. # args: - $aAttr: Reference to hash containing all tag attributes (in lower # case). # - $aIncludeAttributes: Reference to hash to which 'include # attributes' must be added. # - $aExcludeAttributes: Reference to hash to which 'exclude # attributes' must be added. # - $aTocAttributes: Reference to hash to which 'ToC attributes' # must be added. sub _parseAttributes { # Get arguments my ( $self, $aAttr, $aIncludeAttributes, $aExcludeAttributes, $aTocAttributes ) = @_; # Local variables my ($key, $value); my ($attributeToExcludeToken, $attributeToTocToken); # Get token which marks attributes which must be excluded $attributeToExcludeToken = $self->{_toc}{options}{'attributeToExcludeToken'}; $attributeToTocToken = $self->{_toc}{options}{'attributeToTocToken'}; # Loop through attributes while (($key, $value) = each %$aAttr) { # Attribute value equals 'ToC token'? if ($value =~ m/$attributeToTocToken/) { # Yes, attribute value equals 'ToC token'; # Add attribute to 'ToC attributes' push @$aTocAttributes, $key; } else { # No, attribute isn't 'ToC' token; # Attribute value starts with 'exclude token'? if ($value =~ m/^$attributeToExcludeToken(.*)/) { # Yes, attribute value starts with 'exclude token'; # Add attribute to 'exclude attributes' $$aExcludeAttributes{$key} = "$1"; } else { # No, attribute key doesn't start with '-'; # Add attribute to 'include attributes' $$aIncludeAttributes{$key} = $value; } } } } # _parseAttributes() #=== HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser =============================================== # function: Parse 'toc tokens'. 'Toc tokens' mark HTML code which is to be # inserted into the ToC. # note: Used internally. package HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(HTML::_TokenTocParser); } END {} #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::new() ---------------------------------------- # function: Constructor sub new { # Get arguments my ($aType, $aTokenArray) = @_; # Create instance my $self = $aType->SUPER::new; # Reference token array $self->{tokens} = $aTokenArray; # Reference to last added token $self->{_lastAddedToken} = undef; $self->{_lastAddedTokenType} = undef; # Return instance return $self; } # new() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::_processAttributes() ------------------------- # function: Process attributes. # args: - $aAttributes: Attributes to parse. sub _processAttributes { # Get arguments my ($self, $aAttributes) = @_; # Local variables my (%includeAttributes, %excludeAttributes, @tocAttributes); # Parse attributes $self->_parseAttributes( $aAttributes, \%includeAttributes, \%excludeAttributes, \@tocAttributes ); # Include attributes are specified? if (keys(%includeAttributes) > 0) { # Yes, include attributes are specified; # Store include attributes @${$self->{_lastAddedToken}}[ HTML::TocGenerator::TT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN ] = \%includeAttributes; } # Exclude attributes are specified? if (keys(%excludeAttributes) > 0) { # Yes, exclude attributes are specified; # Store exclude attributes @${$self->{_lastAddedToken}}[ HTML::TocGenerator::TT_EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_BEGIN ] = \%excludeAttributes; } # Toc attributes are specified? if (@tocAttributes > 0) { # Yes, toc attributes are specified; # Store toc attributes @${$self->{_lastAddedToken}}[ HTML::TocGenerator::TT_ATTRIBUTES_TOC ] = \@tocAttributes; } } # _processAttributes() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::_processToken() ------------------------------ # function: Process token. # args: - $aTokenType: Type of token to process. # - $aTag: Tag of token. sub _processToken { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTokenType, $aTag) = @_; # Local variables my ($tokenArray, $index); # Push element on array of update tokens $index = push(@{$self->{tokens}[$aTokenType]}, []) - 1; # Alias token array to add element to $tokenArray = $self->{tokens}[$aTokenType]; # Indicate last updated token array element $self->{_lastAddedTokenType} = $aTokenType; $self->{_lastAddedToken} = \$$tokenArray[$index]; # Add fields $$tokenArray[$index][HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TAG_BEGIN] = $aTag; $$tokenArray[$index][HTML::TocGenerator::TT_GROUP] = $self->{_group}; $$tokenArray[$index][HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOC] = $self->{_toc}; } # _processToken() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::comment() ------------------------------------ # function: Process comment. # args: - $aComment: comment text with '' tags stripped off. sub comment { # Get arguments my ($self, $aComment) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_COMMENT, $aComment); } # comment() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::declaration() -------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time a markup declaration is # encountered by HTML::Parser. # args: - $aDeclaration: Markup declaration. sub declaration { # Get arguments my ($self, $aDeclaration) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken( HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_DECLARATION, $aDeclaration ); } # declaration() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::end() ---------------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time a closing tag is encountered # by HTML::Parser. # args: - $aTag: tag name (in lower case). sub end { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTag, $aOrigText) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_END, $aTag); } # end() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::parse() -------------------------------------- # function: Parse begin token. # args: - $aToken: 'toc token' to parse sub parse { # Get arguments my ($self, $aString) = @_; # Call ancestor $self->SUPER::parse($aString); } # parse() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser->setGroup() ----------------------------------- # function: Set current 'tokenToToc' group. sub setGroup { # Get arguments my ($self, $aGroup) = @_; # Set current 'tokenToToc' group $self->{_group} = $aGroup; } # setGroup() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser->setToc() ------------------------------------- # function: Set current ToC. sub setToc { # Get arguments my ($self, $aToc) = @_; # Set current ToC $self->{_toc} = $aToc; } # setToc() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::start() -------------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time an opening tag is encountered. # args: - $aTag: tag name (in lower case). # - $aAttr: reference to hash containing all tag attributes (in lower # case). # - $aAttrSeq: reference to array containing all attribute keys (in # lower case) in the original order # - $aOrigText: the original HTML text sub start { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTag, $aAttr, $aAttrSeq, $aOrigText) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_START, $aTag); # Process attributes $self->_processAttributes($aAttr); } # start() #--- HTML::_TokenTocBeginParser::text() --------------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time plain text is encountered. # args: - @_: array containing data. sub text { # Get arguments my ($self, $aText) = @_; # Was token already created and is last added token of type 'text'? if ( defined($self->{_lastAddedToken}) && $self->{_lastAddedTokenType} == HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_TEXT ) { # Yes, token is already created; # Add tag to existing token @${$self->{_lastAddedToken}}[HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TAG_BEGIN] .= $aText; } else { # No, token isn't created; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_TEXT, $aText); } } # text() #=== HTML::_TokenTocEndParser ================================================= # function: Parse 'toc tokens'. 'Toc tokens' mark HTML code which is to be # inserted into the ToC. # note: Used internally. package HTML::_TokenTocEndParser; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(HTML::_TokenTocParser); } END {} #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::new() ------------------------------------------ # function: Constructor # args: - $aType: Class type. sub new { # Get arguments my ($aType) = @_; # Create instance my $self = $aType->SUPER::new; # Reference to last added token $self->{_lastAddedToken} = undef; # Return instance return $self; } # new() #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::_processAttributes() --------------------------- # function: Process attributes. # args: - $aAttributes: Attributes to parse. sub _processAttributes { # Get arguments my ($self, $aAttributes) = @_; # Local variables my (%includeAttributes, %excludeAttributes); # Parse attributes $self->_parseAttributes( $aAttributes, \%includeAttributes, \%excludeAttributes ); # Include attributes are specified? if (keys(%includeAttributes) > 0) { # Yes, include attributes are specified; # Store include attributes @${$self->{_Token}}[ HTML::TocGenerator::TT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_END ] = \%includeAttributes; } # Exclude attributes are specified? if (keys(%excludeAttributes) > 0) { # Yes, exclude attributes are specified; # Store exclude attributes @${$self->{_Token}}[ HTML::TocGenerator::TT_EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_END ] = \%excludeAttributes; } } # _processAttributes() #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::_processToken() -------------------------------- # function: Process token. # args: - $aTokenType: Type of token to process. # - $aTag: Tag of token. sub _processToken { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTokenType, $aTag) = @_; # Update token @${$self->{_token}}[HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TAG_TYPE_END] = $aTokenType; @${$self->{_token}}[HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TAG_END] = $aTag; # Indicate token type which has been processed $self->{_lastAddedTokenType} = $aTokenType; } # _processToken() #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::comment() -------------------------------------- # function: Process comment. # args: - $aComment: comment text with '' tags stripped off. sub comment { # Get arguments my ($self, $aComment) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_COMMENT, $aComment); } # comment() #--- HTML::_TokenTocDeclarationParser::declaration() -------------------------- # function: This function is called every time a markup declaration is # encountered by HTML::Parser. # args: - $aDeclaration: Markup declaration. sub declaration { # Get arguments my ($self, $aDeclaration) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken( HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_DECLARATION, $aDeclaration ); } # declaration() #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::end() ------------------------------------------ # function: This function is called every time a closing tag is encountered # by HTML::Parser. # args: - $aTag: tag name (in lower case). sub end { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTag, $aOrigText) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_END, $aTag); } # end() #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::parse() ---------------------------------------- # function: Parse token. # args: - $aString: 'toc token' to parse # - $aToken: Reference to token # - $aTokenTypeBegin: Type of begin token sub parse { # Get arguments my ($self, $aString, $aToken, $aTokenTypeBegin) = @_; # Token argument specified? if (defined($aToken)) { # Yes, token argument is specified; # Store token reference $self->{_token} = $aToken; } # End tag defined? if (! defined($aString)) { # No, end tag isn't defined; # Last added tokentype was of type 'start'? if ( (defined($aTokenTypeBegin)) && ($aTokenTypeBegin == HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_START) ) { # Yes, last added tokentype was of type 'start'; # Assume end tag $self->_processToken( HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TAG_END, @${$self->{_token}}[HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TAG_BEGIN] ); } } else { # Call ancestor $self->SUPER::parse($aString); } } # parse() #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::start() ---------------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time an opening tag is encountered. # args: - $aTag: tag name (in lower case). # - $aAttr: reference to hash containing all tag attributes (in lower # case). # - $aAttrSeq: reference to array containing all attribute keys (in # lower case) in the original order # - $aOrigText: the original HTML text sub start { # Get arguments my ($self, $aTag, $aAttr, $aAttrSeq, $aOrigText) = @_; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_START, $aTag); # Process attributes $self->_processAttributes($aAttr); } # start() #--- HTML::_TokenTocEndParser::text() ----------------------------------------- # function: This function is called every time plain text is encountered. # args: - @_: array containing data. sub text { # Get arguments my ($self, $aText) = @_; # Is token already created? if (defined($self->{_lastAddedTokenType})) { # Yes, token is already created; # Add tag to existing token @${$self->{_token}}[HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TAG_END] .= $aText; } else { # No, token isn't created; # Process token $self->_processToken(HTML::TocGenerator::TT_TOKENTYPE_TEXT, $aText); } } # text() 1;