#include "tdutils.h" #include "botd.h" #include "log.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct td_callback { struct td_callback *next; long long request_id; void (*cb)(bool, struct TdObject *, struct TdError *, void *); void *cb_arg; }; int td = -1; long long my_id = -1; static struct td_callback *cbs; /** * Last request_id. Increased whenever sending a query. * * Write: any * Read: any */ static atomic_llong last_req_id = 0; /** * Set to true by main thread when received authorizationStateClosed or authorizationStateClosing. * Stop accepting new queries. * * Write: main * Read: any */ bool closing = false; static bool sighandler_setup = false; static pthread_t thread_sighandler; /** * Used for sigwait(2). */ sigset_t set; static void *main_sighandler(void *arg) { pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL); int r; int sig; while (true) { r = sigwait(&set, &sig); if (r) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot call sigwait(): %d.\n", r); goto cleanup; } switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: if (td == -1) goto cleanup; tg_close(); goto cleanup; default: break; } } cleanup: pthread_exit(NULL); } static void sighandler_init() { int r; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR1); if ((r = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL))) { LOGFEV("pthread_sigmask", r, strerror(r)); } if ((r = pthread_create(&thread_sighandler, NULL, &main_sighandler, NULL))) { LOGFEV("pthread_create", r, strerror(r)); } sighandler_setup = true; } static int sighandler_close() { if (!sighandler_setup) return 0; pthread_cancel(thread_sighandler); int r = pthread_join(thread_sighandler, NULL); if (!r) sighandler_setup = false; return r; } static int tdcb_push(long long request_id, void (*cb)(bool, struct TdObject *, struct TdError *, void *), void *cb_arg) { struct td_callback *current_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct td_callback)); if (current_ptr == NULL) { int r = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory: %s\n", strerror(r)); return r; } current_ptr->next = NULL; current_ptr->request_id = request_id; current_ptr->cb = cb; current_ptr->cb_arg = cb_arg; if (cbs == NULL) { cbs = current_ptr; } else { current_ptr->next = cbs; cbs = current_ptr; } return 0; } int td_send(void *func, void (*cb)(bool, struct TdObject *, struct TdError *, void *), void *cb_arg) { if (closing) { TdDestroyObjectFunction((struct TdFunction *)func); return 0; } if (last_req_id == LLONG_MAX) last_req_id = 0; last_req_id++; int r; if (cb != NULL && (r = tdcb_push(last_req_id, cb, cb_arg))) { return r; } TdCClientSend(td, (struct TdRequest) { last_req_id, (struct TdFunction *) func }); return 0; } static int tdcb_call(long long request_id, bool successful, struct TdObject *result, struct TdError *error) { if (cbs == NULL) return 0; struct td_callback *current_ptr = cbs; bool node_found = false; while (current_ptr != NULL) { if (current_ptr->request_id == request_id) { node_found = true; current_ptr->cb(successful, result, error, current_ptr->cb_arg); if (error != NULL && current_ptr->cb == &fetal_cb) { /* The fetal_cb callback does not print anything */ /* because it does not know the request_id. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Request %lld: %s (%d)\n", request_id, error->message_, error->code_); } break; } current_ptr = current_ptr->next; } if (node_found) { /* * The callback function may insert nodes to the link. * Therefore, we do the iteration again after calling the function to * delete the current one. * Need a better implementation. */ current_ptr = cbs; struct td_callback *prev_ptr = NULL; while (current_ptr != NULL) { if (current_ptr->request_id == request_id) { if (prev_ptr == NULL) cbs = current_ptr->next; else prev_ptr->next = current_ptr->next; free(current_ptr); return 0; } prev_ptr = current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next; } } if (error != NULL) { /* No callback found, Display default error message. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Request %lld: %s (%d)\n", request_id, error->message_, error->code_); } return 0; } static void tdcb_free() { struct td_callback *current_ptr = cbs; while (current_ptr != NULL) { struct td_callback *bak = current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next; free(bak); } cbs = NULL; } void td_init() { sighandler_init(); td = TdCClientCreateId(); TdDestroyObjectObject(TdCClientExecute((struct TdFunction *) TdCreateObjectSetLogVerbosityLevel(0))); td_send(TdCreateObjectGetOption("version"), &fetal_cb, NULL); } void td_free() { sighandler_close(); tdcb_free(); } void tg_close() { if (td == -1) return; td_send(TdCreateObjectClose(), NULL, NULL); } void fetal_cb(bool successful, struct TdObject *result, struct TdError *error, void *cb_arg) { if (!successful) { tg_close(); } } static void auth(bool successful, struct TdObject *result, struct TdError *error, void *cb_arg) { if (closing || successful) return; if (error != NULL) { /* error == NULL when caused from update handler */ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid bot token or API ID / Hash: %s (%d)\n", error->message_, error->code_); tg_close(); return; } td_send(TdCreateObjectCheckAuthenticationBotToken((char *) cmd.bot_token), &auth, NULL); } static int handle_auth(const struct TdUpdateAuthorizationState *update) { switch (update->authorization_state_->ID) { case CODE_AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters: td_send(TdCreateObjectSetTdlibParameters(TdCreateObjectTdlibParameters( cmd.test_dc, (char *) cmd.td_path, NULL, false, false, false, false, cmd.api_id, (char *) cmd.api_hash, "en", "Desktop", "0.0", "ksyxbotd "VER_MAJOR"."VER_MINOR, false, true )), &fetal_cb, NULL); return 0; case CODE_AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber: { if (cmd.logout) { tg_close(); return 0; } auth(false, NULL, NULL, NULL); return 0; } case CODE_AuthorizationStateReady: { if (cmd.logout) { td_send(TdCreateObjectLogOut(), &fetal_cb, NULL); return 0; } return post_auth(); } case CODE_AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey: { td_send(TdCreateObjectCheckDatabaseEncryptionKey(TdCreateObjectBytes((unsigned char *) {0x0}, 0)), &fetal_cb, NULL); return 0; } case CODE_AuthorizationStateLoggingOut: { return 0; } /* Closed state is handled in the main loop. */ case CODE_AuthorizationStateClosing: { closing = true; return 0; } case CODE_AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation: { struct TdAuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation *waitOtherDeviceConfirmation = (struct TdAuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation *)update->authorization_state_; printf("Please scan the QR code of the following link using another Telegram seession:\n%s\n", waitOtherDeviceConfirmation->link_); return 0; } default: { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported authorization state: %d. Aborted.\n", update->authorization_state_->ID); tg_close(); return 0; } } } static int handle_option(const struct TdUpdateOption *update) { if (!strcmp("my_id", update->name_) && update->value_->ID == CODE_OptionValueInteger) { const struct TdOptionValueInteger *integer = (struct TdOptionValueInteger *) update->value_; my_id = integer->value_; } return 0; } static int handle_update(const struct TdUpdate *update) { switch (update->ID) { case CODE_UpdateAuthorizationState: return handle_auth((struct TdUpdateAuthorizationState *) update); case CODE_UpdateNewMessage: return handle_message((struct TdUpdateNewMessage *) update); case CODE_UpdateNewInlineQuery: return handle_inline((struct TdUpdateNewInlineQuery *) update); case CODE_UpdateOption: return handle_option((struct TdUpdateOption *) update); case CODE_UpdateNewChosenInlineResult: return handle_inline_chosen((struct TdUpdateNewChosenInlineResult *) update); default: return 0; } } void td_loop() { struct TdResponse response; while (1) { response = TdCClientReceive(5); struct TdObject *obj = response.object; if (obj == NULL) continue; const bool is_update = response.request_id == 0; if (is_update && obj->ID == CODE_UpdateAuthorizationState && ((struct TdUpdate *) obj)->ID == CODE_UpdateAuthorizationState && ((struct TdUpdateAuthorizationState *) obj)->authorization_state_->ID == CODE_AuthorizationStateClosed) { closing = true; TdDestroyObjectObject(obj); return; } if (is_update) { handle_update((struct TdUpdate *) obj); TdDestroyObjectObject(obj); continue; } switch (obj->ID) { case CODE_Ok: tdcb_call(response.request_id, true, NULL, NULL); break; case CODE_Error: { struct TdError *error = (struct TdError *) obj; tdcb_call(response.request_id, false, NULL, error); break; } default: tdcb_call(response.request_id, true, obj, NULL); break; } TdDestroyObjectObject(obj); } }