minebridge IPMI for Minecraft over Telegram. REQUIREMENTS json-c 0.15 (libjson-c.so.5) curl 7.75 (libcurl.so.4) POSIX compliant system gnu99 C compiler INSTALLATION autoreconf --install ./configure make make install CONFIGURATION TG_ADMIN=114514 # UID allowed to execute rcon commands other than /list. Equivalent to OP4. TG_CHAT=-114514 # Chat that is allowed to send message to and from. TG_LINK_FMT=https://t.me/c/xxx/%d # Format of Telegram links. %d: Message ID. TG_API=114514:1919810 # Telegram bot API Key. RCON_HOST=localhost # rcon host. RCON_PORT=25575 # rcon port. RCON_PASSWD=p@ssw0rd! # rcon password. stdin: read from Minecraft server stdout. Use either pipe or log. For example: tail -f --lines=0 /path/to/logs/latest.log | minebridge LIMITATIONS Cannot start the server if it is not running. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS mcrcon: https://github.com/Tiiffi/mcrcon/tree/b02201d689b3032bc681b28f175fd3d83d167293 json-c libcurl BUG REPORT yuuta@yuuta.moe LICENSE GPL v2 only.