/* Skeleton for test programs. Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <drepper@cygnus.com>, 1998. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <paths.h> #include <search.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <time.h> /* The test function is normally called `do_test' and it is called with argc and argv as the arguments. We nevertheless provide the possibility to overwrite this name. */ #ifndef TEST_FUNCTION # define TEST_FUNCTION do_test (argc, argv) #endif #ifndef TEST_DATA_LIMIT # define TEST_DATA_LIMIT (64 << 20) /* Data limit (bytes) to run with. */ #endif #define OPT_DIRECT 1000 #define OPT_TESTDIR 1001 static struct option options[] = { #ifdef CMDLINE_OPTIONS CMDLINE_OPTIONS #endif { "direct", no_argument, NULL, OPT_DIRECT }, { "test-dir", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TESTDIR }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* PID of the test itself. */ static pid_t pid; /* Directory to place temporary files in. */ static const char *test_dir; /* List of temporary files. */ struct temp_name_list { struct qelem q; const char *name; } *temp_name_list; /* Add temporary files in list. */ static void __attribute__ ((unused)) add_temp_file (const char *name) { struct temp_name_list *newp = (struct temp_name_list *) calloc (sizeof (*newp), 1); if (newp != NULL) { newp->name = name; if (temp_name_list == NULL) temp_name_list = (struct temp_name_list *) &newp->q; else insque (newp, temp_name_list); } } /* Delete all temporary files. */ static void delete_temp_files (void) { while (temp_name_list != NULL) { remove (temp_name_list->name); temp_name_list = (struct temp_name_list *) temp_name_list->q.q_forw; } } /* Create a temporary file. */ static int __attribute__ ((unused)) create_temp_file (const char *base, char **filename) { char *fname; int fd; fname = (char *) malloc (strlen (test_dir) + 1 + strlen (base) + sizeof ("XXXXXX")); if (fname == NULL) { puts ("out of memory"); return -1; } strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (fname, test_dir), "/"), base), "XXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp (fname); if (fd == -1) { printf ("cannot open temporary file '%s': %m\n", fname); free (fname); return -1; } add_temp_file (fname); if (filename != NULL) *filename = fname; return fd; } /* Timeout handler. We kill the child and exit with an error. */ static void __attribute__ ((noreturn)) signal_handler (int sig __attribute__ ((unused))) { int killed; int status; assert (pid > 1); /* Kill the whole process group. */ kill (-pid, SIGKILL); /* In case setpgid failed in the child, kill it individually too. */ kill (pid, SIGKILL); /* Wait for it to terminate. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { killed = waitpid (pid, &status, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED); if (killed != 0) break; /* Delay, give the system time to process the kill. If the nanosleep() call return prematurely, all the better. We won't restart it since this probably means the child process finally died. */ struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 100000000; nanosleep (&ts, NULL); } if (killed != 0 && killed != pid) { printf ("Failed to kill test process: %m\n"); exit (1); } #ifdef CLEANUP_HANDLER CLEANUP_HANDLER; #endif if (sig == SIGINT) { signal (sig, SIG_DFL); raise (sig); } /* If we expected this signal: good! */ #ifdef EXPECTED_SIGNAL if (EXPECTED_SIGNAL == SIGALRM) exit (0); #endif if (killed == 0 || (WIFSIGNALED (status) && WTERMSIG (status) == SIGKILL)) puts ("Timed out: killed the child process"); else if (WIFSTOPPED (status)) printf ("Timed out: the child process was %s\n", strsignal (WSTOPSIG (status))); else if (WIFSIGNALED (status)) printf ("Timed out: the child process got signal %s\n", strsignal (WTERMSIG (status))); else printf ("Timed out: killed the child process but it exited %d\n", WEXITSTATUS (status)); /* Exit with an error. */ exit (1); } /* Set fortification error handler. Used when tests want to verify that bad code is caught by the library. */ static void __attribute__ ((unused)) set_fortify_handler (void (*handler) (int sig)) { struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = handler; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask); sigaction (SIGABRT, &sa, NULL); /* Avoid all the buffer overflow messages on stderr. */ int fd = open (_PATH_DEVNULL, O_WRONLY); if (fd == -1) close (STDERR_FILENO); else { dup2 (fd, STDERR_FILENO); close (fd); } setenv ("LIBC_FATAL_STDERR_", "1", 1); } /* We provide the entry point here. */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int direct = 0; /* Directly call the test function? */ int status; int opt; unsigned int timeoutfactor = 1; pid_t termpid; /* Make uses of freed and uninitialized memory known. */ mallopt (M_PERTURB, 42); #ifdef STDOUT_UNBUFFERED setbuf (stdout, NULL); #endif while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+", options, NULL)) != -1) switch (opt) { case '?': exit (1); case OPT_DIRECT: direct = 1; break; case OPT_TESTDIR: test_dir = optarg; break; #ifdef CMDLINE_PROCESS CMDLINE_PROCESS #endif } /* If set, read the test TIMEOUTFACTOR value from the environment. This value is used to scale the default test timeout values. */ char *envstr_timeoutfactor = getenv ("TIMEOUTFACTOR"); if (envstr_timeoutfactor != NULL) { char *envstr_conv = envstr_timeoutfactor; unsigned long int env_fact; env_fact = strtoul (envstr_timeoutfactor, &envstr_conv, 0); if (*envstr_conv == '\0' && envstr_conv != envstr_timeoutfactor) timeoutfactor = MAX (env_fact, 1); } /* Set TMPDIR to specified test directory. */ if (test_dir != NULL) { setenv ("TMPDIR", test_dir, 1); if (chdir (test_dir) < 0) { printf ("chdir: %m\n"); exit (1); } } else { test_dir = getenv ("TMPDIR"); if (test_dir == NULL || test_dir[0] == '\0') test_dir = "/tmp"; } /* Make sure we see all message, even those on stdout. */ setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); /* make sure temporary files are deleted. */ atexit (delete_temp_files); /* Correct for the possible parameters. */ argv[optind - 1] = argv[0]; argv += optind - 1; argc -= optind - 1; /* Call the initializing function, if one is available. */ #ifdef PREPARE PREPARE (argc, argv); #endif /* If we are not expected to fork run the function immediately. */ if (direct) return TEST_FUNCTION; /* Set up the test environment: - prevent core dumps - set up the timer - fork and execute the function. */ pid = fork (); if (pid == 0) { /* This is the child. */ #ifdef RLIMIT_CORE /* Try to avoid dumping core. */ struct rlimit core_limit; core_limit.rlim_cur = 0; core_limit.rlim_max = 0; setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &core_limit); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_DATA /* Try to avoid eating all memory if a test leaks. */ struct rlimit data_limit; if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_DATA, &data_limit) == 0) { if (TEST_DATA_LIMIT == RLIM_INFINITY) data_limit.rlim_cur = data_limit.rlim_max; else if (data_limit.rlim_cur > (rlim_t) TEST_DATA_LIMIT) data_limit.rlim_cur = MIN ((rlim_t) TEST_DATA_LIMIT, data_limit.rlim_max); if (setrlimit (RLIMIT_DATA, &data_limit) < 0) printf ("setrlimit: RLIMIT_DATA: %m\n"); } else printf ("getrlimit: RLIMIT_DATA: %m\n"); #endif /* We put the test process in its own pgrp so that if it bogusly generates any job control signals, they won't hit the whole build. */ if (setpgid (0, 0) != 0) printf ("Failed to set the process group ID: %m\n"); /* Execute the test function and exit with the return value. */ exit (TEST_FUNCTION); } else if (pid < 0) { printf ("Cannot fork test program: %m\n"); exit (1); } /* Set timeout. */ #ifndef TIMEOUT /* Default timeout is two seconds. */ # define TIMEOUT 2 #endif signal (SIGALRM, signal_handler); alarm (TIMEOUT * timeoutfactor); /* Make sure we clean up if the wrapper gets interrupted. */ signal (SIGINT, signal_handler); /* Wait for the regular termination. */ termpid = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY (waitpid (pid, &status, 0)); if (termpid == -1) { printf ("Waiting for test program failed: %m\n"); exit (1); } if (termpid != pid) { printf ("Oops, wrong test program terminated: expected %ld, got %ld\n", (long int) pid, (long int) termpid); exit (1); } /* Process terminated normaly without timeout etc. */ if (WIFEXITED (status)) { #ifndef EXPECTED_STATUS # ifndef EXPECTED_SIGNAL /* Simply exit with the return value of the test. */ return WEXITSTATUS (status); # else printf ("Expected signal '%s' from child, got none\n", strsignal (EXPECTED_SIGNAL)); exit (1); # endif #else if (WEXITSTATUS (status) != EXPECTED_STATUS) { printf ("Expected status %d, got %d\n", EXPECTED_STATUS, WEXITSTATUS (status)); exit (1); } return 0; #endif } /* Process was killed by timer or other signal. */ else { #ifndef EXPECTED_SIGNAL printf ("Didn't expect signal from child: got `%s'\n", strsignal (WTERMSIG (status))); exit (1); #else if (WTERMSIG (status) != EXPECTED_SIGNAL) { printf ("Incorrect signal from child: got `%s', need `%s'\n", strsignal (WTERMSIG (status)), strsignal (EXPECTED_SIGNAL)); exit (1); } return 0; #endif } }