/* Install given context.
Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
. */
#include "ucontext_i.h"
/* Load address of the context data structure. */
move.l 4(%sp), %a0
/* Get the current signal mask. Note that we preserve D2/D3 in case
the system call fails and we return from the function with an
error. */
move.l %d3, -(%sp)
cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4)
cfi_rel_offset (%d3, 0)
move.l %d2, -(%sp)
cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4)
cfi_rel_offset (%d2, 0)
clr.l %d3
lea oSIGMASK(%a0), %a1
move.l %a1, %d2
move.l #SIG_SETMASK, %d1
move.l #__NR_sigprocmask, %d0
trap #0
cmp.l #-4095, %d0 /* Check %d0 for error. */
jcs 0f
move.l (%sp)+, %d2
cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4)
cfi_restore (d2)
move.l (%sp)+, %d3
cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4)
cfi_restore (d3)
jra SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL /* Jump to error handler if error. */
0: /* Load the new stack pointer. */
move.l oSP(%a0), %sp
cfi_def_cfa (%a0, 0)
cfi_offset (%d2, oGREGS+2*4)
cfi_offset (%d3, oGREGS+3*4)
cfi_offset (%d4, oGREGS+4*4)
cfi_offset (%d5, oGREGS+5*4)
cfi_offset (%d6, oGREGS+6*4)
cfi_offset (%d7, oGREGS+7*4)
cfi_offset (%a2, oGREGS+10*4)
cfi_offset (%a3, oGREGS+11*4)
cfi_offset (%a4, oGREGS+12*4)
cfi_offset (%a5, oGREGS+13*4)
cfi_offset (%a6, oGREGS+14*4)
cfi_offset (%fp2, oFP2+0*12)
cfi_offset (%fp3, oFP2+1*12)
cfi_offset (%fp4, oFP2+2*12)
cfi_offset (%fp5, oFP2+3*12)
cfi_offset (%fp6, oFP2+4*12)
cfi_offset (%fp7, oFP2+5*12)
cfi_offset (%pc, oPC)
/* Load the values of all the preserved registers (except SP). */
movem.l oGREGS+2*4(%a0), %d2-%d7
movem.l oGREGS+10*4(%a0), %a2-%a6
fmovem.l oFPREGS(%a0), %fpsr/%fpcr/%fpiar
fmovem.x oFP2(%a0), %fp2-%fp7
clr.l %d0
/* Fetch the address to return to. */
movl oPC(%a0), %a1
/* End FDE here, we fall into another context. */
cfi_register (%pc, %a1)
jmp (%a1)
cfi_offset (%pc, -4)
weak_alias (__setcontext, setcontext)