/* Test basic nss_dns functionality and the resolver test harness itself. Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <support/check.h> #include <support/check_nss.h> #include <support/format_nss.h> #include <support/resolv_test.h> #include <support/support.h> #define LONG_NAME \ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax." \ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay." \ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz." \ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat" static void response (const struct resolv_response_context *ctx, struct resolv_response_builder *b, const char *qname, uint16_t qclass, uint16_t qtype) { TEST_VERIFY_EXIT (qname != NULL); /* The "t." prefix can be used to request TCP fallback. */ bool force_tcp; if (strncmp ("t.", qname, 2) == 0) force_tcp = true; else force_tcp = false; const char *qname_compare; if (force_tcp) qname_compare = qname + 2; else qname_compare = qname; enum {www, alias, nxdomain, long_name, nodata} requested_qname; if (strcmp (qname_compare, "www.example") == 0) requested_qname = www; else if (strcmp (qname_compare, "alias.example") == 0) requested_qname = alias; else if (strcmp (qname_compare, "nxdomain.example") == 0) requested_qname = nxdomain; else if (strcmp (qname_compare, LONG_NAME) == 0) requested_qname = long_name; else if (strcmp (qname_compare, "nodata.example") == 0) requested_qname = nodata; else { support_record_failure (); printf ("error: unexpected QNAME: %s\n", qname); return; } TEST_VERIFY_EXIT (qclass == C_IN); struct resolv_response_flags flags = {.tc = force_tcp && !ctx->tcp}; if (requested_qname == nxdomain) flags.rcode = 3; /* NXDOMAIN */ resolv_response_init (b, flags); resolv_response_add_question (b, qname, qclass, qtype); if (requested_qname == nxdomain || flags.tc) return; resolv_response_section (b, ns_s_an); switch (requested_qname) { case www: case long_name: resolv_response_open_record (b, qname, qclass, qtype, 0); break; case alias: resolv_response_open_record (b, qname, qclass, T_CNAME, 0); resolv_response_add_name (b, "www.example"); resolv_response_close_record (b); resolv_response_open_record (b, "www.example", qclass, qtype, 0); break; case nodata: return; case nxdomain: FAIL_EXIT1 ("unreachable"); } switch (qtype) { case T_A: { char ipv4[4] = {192, 0, 2, 17}; ipv4[3] += requested_qname + 2 * ctx->tcp + 4 * ctx->server_index; resolv_response_add_data (b, &ipv4, sizeof (ipv4)); } break; case T_AAAA: { char ipv6[16] = {0x20, 0x01, 0xd, 0xb8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; ipv6[15] += requested_qname + 2 * ctx->tcp + 4 * ctx->server_index; resolv_response_add_data (b, &ipv6, sizeof (ipv6)); } break; default: support_record_failure (); printf ("error: unexpected QTYPE: %s/%u/%u\n", qname, qclass, qtype); } resolv_response_close_record (b); } static void check_h (const char *name, int family, const char *expected) { if (family == AF_INET) { char *query = xasprintf ("gethostbyname (\"%s\")", name); check_hostent (query, gethostbyname (name), expected); free (query); } { char *query = xasprintf ("gethostbyname2 (\"%s\", %d)", name, family); check_hostent (query, gethostbyname2 (name, family), expected); free (query); } bool too_small = true; for (unsigned int offset = 0; offset < 8; ++offset) for (unsigned int size = 1; too_small; ++size) { char *buf = xmalloc (offset + size); too_small = false; struct hostent hostbuf; struct hostent *result; int herror; if (family == AF_INET) { char *query = xasprintf ("gethostbyname (\"%s\") %u/%u", name, offset, size); int ret = gethostbyname_r (name, &hostbuf, buf + offset, size, &result, &herror); if (ret == 0) { h_errno = herror; check_hostent (query, result, expected); } else if (ret == ERANGE) too_small = true; else { errno = ret; FAIL_EXIT1 ("gethostbyname_r: %m"); } free (query); memset (buf, 0, offset + size); } char *query = xasprintf ("gethostbyname2 (\"%s\", %d) %u/%u", name, family, offset, size); int ret = gethostbyname2_r (name, family, &hostbuf, buf + offset, size, &result, &herror); if (ret == 0) { h_errno = herror; check_hostent (query, result, expected); } else if (ret == ERANGE) too_small = true; else { errno = ret; FAIL_EXIT1 ("gethostbyname_r: %m"); } free (buf); free (query); } } static void check_ai_hints (const char *name, const char *service, struct addrinfo hints, const char *expected) { struct addrinfo *ai; char *query = xasprintf ("%s:%s [%d]/0x%x", name, service, hints.ai_family, hints.ai_flags); int ret = getaddrinfo (name, service, &hints, &ai); check_addrinfo (query, ai, ret, expected); if (ret == 0) freeaddrinfo (ai); free (query); } static void check_ai (const char *name, const char *service, int family, const char *expected) { return check_ai_hints (name, service, (struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = family, }, expected); } /* Test for bug 21295: getaddrinfo used to discard address information instead of merging it. */ static void test_bug_21295 (void) { /* The address order is unpredictable. There are two factors which contribute to that: The stub resolver does not perform proper response matching for A/AAAA queries (an A response could be associated with an AAAA query and vice versa), and without namespaces, system configuration could affect address ordering. */ for (int do_tcp = 0; do_tcp < 2; ++do_tcp) { const struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_INET6, .ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM, .ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ALL, }; const char *qname; if (do_tcp) qname = "t.www.example"; else qname = "www.example"; struct addrinfo *ai = NULL; int ret = getaddrinfo (qname, "80", &hints, &ai); TEST_VERIFY_EXIT (ret == 0); const char *expected_a; const char *expected_b; if (do_tcp) { expected_a = "flags: AI_V4MAPPED AI_ALL\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::3 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP ::ffff: 80\n"; expected_b = "flags: AI_V4MAPPED AI_ALL\n" "address: STREAM/TCP ::ffff: 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::3 80\n"; } else { expected_a = "flags: AI_V4MAPPED AI_ALL\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP ::ffff: 80\n"; expected_b = "flags: AI_V4MAPPED AI_ALL\n" "address: STREAM/TCP ::ffff: 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::1 80\n"; } char *actual = support_format_addrinfo (ai, ret); if (!(strcmp (actual, expected_a) == 0 || strcmp (actual, expected_b) == 0)) { support_record_failure (); printf ("error: %s: unexpected response (TCP: %d):\n%s\n", __func__, do_tcp, actual); } free (actual); freeaddrinfo (ai); } } /* Run tests which do not expect any data. */ static void test_nodata_nxdomain (void) { /* Iterate through different address families. */ int families[] = { AF_UNSPEC, AF_INET, AF_INET6, -1 }; for (int i = 0; families[i] >= 0; ++i) /* If do_tcp, prepend "t." to the name to trigger TCP fallback. */ for (int do_tcp = 0; do_tcp < 2; ++do_tcp) /* If do_nxdomain, trigger an NXDOMAIN error (DNS failure), otherwise use a NODATA response (empty but successful answer). */ for (int do_nxdomain = 0; do_nxdomain < 2; ++do_nxdomain) { int family = families[i]; char *name = xasprintf ("%s%s.example", do_tcp ? "t." : "", do_nxdomain ? "nxdomain" : "nodata"); if (family != AF_UNSPEC) { if (do_nxdomain) check_h (name, family, "error: HOST_NOT_FOUND\n"); else check_h (name, family, "error: NO_ADDRESS\n"); } const char *expected; if (do_nxdomain) expected = "error: Name or service not known\n"; else expected = "error: No address associated with hostname\n"; check_ai (name, "80", family, expected); struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = family, .ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ALL, }; check_ai_hints (name, "80", hints, expected); hints.ai_flags |= AI_CANONNAME; check_ai_hints (name, "80", hints, expected); free (name); } } static int do_test (void) { struct resolv_test *aux = resolv_test_start ((struct resolv_redirect_config) { .response_callback = response, }); check_h ("www.example", AF_INET, "name: www.example\n" "address:\n"); check_h ("alias.example", AF_INET, "name: www.example\n" "alias: alias.example\n" "address:\n"); check_h ("www.example", AF_INET6, "name: www.example\n" "address: 2001:db8::1\n"); check_h ("alias.example", AF_INET6, "name: www.example\n" "alias: alias.example\n" "address: 2001:db8::2\n"); check_h (LONG_NAME, AF_INET, "name: " LONG_NAME "\n" "address:\n"); check_ai ("www.example", "80", AF_UNSPEC, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::1 80\n"); check_ai_hints ("www.example", "80", (struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME, }, "flags: AI_CANONNAME\n" "canonname: www.example\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::1 80\n"); check_ai ("alias.example", "80", AF_UNSPEC, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::2 80\n"); check_ai_hints ("alias.example", "80", (struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME, }, "flags: AI_CANONNAME\n" "canonname: www.example\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::2 80\n"); check_ai (LONG_NAME, "80", AF_UNSPEC, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::4 80\n"); check_ai ("www.example", "80", AF_INET, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n"); check_ai_hints ("www.example", "80", (struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = AF_INET, .ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME, }, "flags: AI_CANONNAME\n" "canonname: www.example\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n"); check_ai ("alias.example", "80", AF_INET, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n"); check_ai_hints ("alias.example", "80", (struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = AF_INET, .ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME, }, "flags: AI_CANONNAME\n" "canonname: www.example\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n"); check_ai (LONG_NAME, "80", AF_INET, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n"); check_ai ("www.example", "80", AF_INET6, "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::1 80\n"); check_ai_hints ("www.example", "80", (struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = AF_INET6, .ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME, }, "flags: AI_CANONNAME\n" "canonname: www.example\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::1 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::1 80\n"); check_ai ("alias.example", "80", AF_INET6, "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::2 80\n"); check_ai_hints ("alias.example", "80", (struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = AF_INET6, .ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME, }, "flags: AI_CANONNAME\n" "canonname: www.example\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::2 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::2 80\n"); check_ai (LONG_NAME, "80", AF_INET6, "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::4 80\n"); check_h ("t.www.example", AF_INET, "name: t.www.example\n" "address:\n"); check_h ("t.alias.example", AF_INET, "name: www.example\n" "alias: t.alias.example\n" "address:\n"); check_h ("t.www.example", AF_INET6, "name: t.www.example\n" "address: 2001:db8::3\n"); check_h ("t.alias.example", AF_INET6, "name: www.example\n" "alias: t.alias.example\n" "address: 2001:db8::4\n"); check_ai ("t.www.example", "80", AF_UNSPEC, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::3 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::3 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::3 80\n"); check_ai ("t.alias.example", "80", AF_UNSPEC, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n" "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::4 80\n"); check_ai ("t.www.example", "80", AF_INET, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n"); check_ai ("t.alias.example", "80", AF_INET, "address: STREAM/TCP 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 80\n"); check_ai ("t.www.example", "80", AF_INET6, "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::3 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::3 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::3 80\n"); check_ai ("t.alias.example", "80", AF_INET6, "address: STREAM/TCP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: DGRAM/UDP 2001:db8::4 80\n" "address: RAW/IP 2001:db8::4 80\n"); test_bug_21295 (); test_nodata_nxdomain (); resolv_test_end (aux); return 0; } #include <support/test-driver.c>