 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
 * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998
 *	Sleepycat Software.  All rights reserved.
 *	@(#)lock.h	10.17 (Sleepycat) 1/3/99

typedef struct __db_lockobj	DB_LOCKOBJ;

#define DB_DEFAULT_LOCK_FILE	"__db_lock.share"

#define DB_LOCK_DEFAULT_N	5000	/* Default # of locks in region. */

 * The locker id space is divided between the transaction manager and the lock
 * manager.  Lockid's start at 0 and go to DB_LOCK_MAXID.  Txn Id's start at
 * DB_LOCK_MAXID + 1 and go up to TXN_INVALID.
#define DB_LOCK_MAXID		0x7fffffff

/* Check for region catastrophic shutdown. */
#define	LOCK_PANIC_CHECK(lt) {						\
	if ((lt)->region->hdr.panic)					\
		return (DB_RUNRECOVERY);				\

 * The lock region consists of:
 *	The DB_LOCKREGION structure (sizeof(DB_LOCKREGION)).
 *	The conflict matrix of nmodes * nmodes bytes (nmodes * nmodes).
 *	The hash table for object lookup (hashsize * sizeof(DB_OBJ *)).
 *	The locks themselves (maxlocks * sizeof(struct __db_lock).
 *	The objects being locked (maxlocks * sizeof(DB_OBJ)).
 *	String space to represent the DBTs that are the objects being locked.
struct __db_lockregion {
	RLAYOUT		hdr;		/* Shared region header. */
	u_int32_t	magic;		/* lock magic number */
	u_int32_t	version;	/* version number */
	u_int32_t	id;		/* unique id generator */
	u_int32_t	need_dd;	/* flag for deadlock detector */
	u_int32_t	detect;		/* run dd on every conflict */
	SH_TAILQ_HEAD(lock_header) free_locks;	/* free lock header */
	SH_TAILQ_HEAD(obj_header) free_objs;	/* free obj header */
	u_int32_t	maxlocks;	/* maximum number of locks in table */
	u_int32_t	table_size;	/* size of hash table */
	u_int32_t	nmodes;		/* number of lock modes */
	u_int32_t	numobjs;	/* number of objects */
	u_int32_t	nlockers;	/* number of lockers */
	size_t		increment;	/* how much to grow region */
	size_t		hash_off;	/* offset of hash table */
	size_t		mem_off;	/* offset of memory region */
	size_t		mem_bytes;	/* number of bytes in memory region */
	u_int32_t	nconflicts;	/* number of lock conflicts */
	u_int32_t	nrequests;	/* number of lock gets */
	u_int32_t	nreleases;	/* number of lock puts */
	u_int32_t	ndeadlocks;	/* number of deadlocks */

/* Macros to lock/unlock the region. */
#define	LOCK_LOCKREGION(lt)						\
	(void)__db_mutex_lock(&(lt)->region->hdr.lock, (lt)->reginfo.fd)
#define	UNLOCK_LOCKREGION(lt)						\
	(void)__db_mutex_unlock(&(lt)->region->hdr.lock, (lt)->reginfo.fd)

 * Since we will be keeping DBTs in shared memory, we need the equivalent
 * of a DBT that will work in shared memory.
typedef struct __sh_dbt {
	u_int32_t size;
	ssize_t off;

#define SH_DBT_PTR(p)	((void *)(((u_int8_t *)(p)) + (p)->off))

struct __db_lockobj {
	SH_DBT	lockobj;		/* Identifies object locked. */
	SH_TAILQ_ENTRY links;		/* Links for free list. */
	union {
		SH_TAILQ_HEAD(_wait) _waiters;	/* List of waiting locks. */
		u_int32_t	_dd_id;		/* Deadlock detector id. */
	} wlinks;
	union {
		SH_LIST_HEAD(_held) _heldby;	/* Locks held by this locker. */
		SH_TAILQ_HEAD(_hold) _holders;	/* List of held locks. */
	} dlinks;
#define	DB_LOCK_OBJTYPE		1
#define	DB_LOCK_LOCKER		2
					/* Allocate room in the object to
					 * hold typical DB lock structures
					 * so that we do not have to
					 * allocate them from shalloc. */
	u_int8_t objdata[sizeof(struct __db_ilock)];
	u_int8_t type;			/* Real object or locker id. */

#define dd_id	wlinks._dd_id
#define	waiters	wlinks._waiters
#define	holders	dlinks._holders
#define	heldby	dlinks._heldby

 * The lock table is the per-process cookie returned from a lock_open call.
struct __db_locktab {
	DB_ENV		*dbenv;		/* Environment. */
	REGINFO		 reginfo;	/* Region information. */
	DB_LOCKREGION	*region;	/* Address of shared memory region. */
	DB_HASHTAB 	*hashtab; 	/* Beginning of hash table. */
	void		*mem;		/* Beginning of string space. */
	u_int8_t 	*conflicts;	/* Pointer to conflict matrix. */

/* Test for conflicts. */
	T->conflicts[HELD * T->region->nmodes + WANTED]

 * Resources in the lock region.  Used to indicate which resource
 * is running low when we need to grow the region.
typedef enum {
} db_resource_t;

struct __db_lock {
	 * Wait on mutex to wait on lock.  You reference your own mutex with
	 * ID 0 and others reference your mutex with ID 1.
	db_mutex_t	mutex;

	u_int32_t	holder;		/* Who holds this lock. */
	SH_TAILQ_ENTRY	links;		/* Free or holder/waiter list. */
	SH_LIST_ENTRY	locker_links;	/* List of locks held by a locker. */
	u_int32_t	refcount;	/* Reference count the lock. */
	db_lockmode_t	mode;		/* What sort of lock. */
	ssize_t		obj;		/* Relative offset of object struct. */
	size_t		txnoff;		/* Offset of holding transaction. */
	db_status_t	status;		/* Status of this lock. */

 * This is a serious layering violation.  To support nested transactions, we
 * need to be able to tell that a lock is held by a transaction (as opposed to
 * some other locker) and to be able to traverse the parent/descendent chain.
 * In order to do this, each lock held by a transaction maintains a reference
 * to the shared memory transaction structure so it can be accessed during lock
 * promotion.  As the structure is in shared memory, we cannot store a pointer
 * to it, so we use the offset within the region.  As nothing lives at region
 * offset 0, we use that to indicate that there is no transaction associated
 * with the current lock.
#define TXN_IS_HOLDING(L)	((L)->txnoff != 0 /* INVALID_REG_OFFSET */)

 * We cannot return pointers to the user (else we cannot easily grow regions),
 * so we return offsets in the region.  These must be converted to and from
 * regular pointers.  Always use the macros below.
#define OFFSET_TO_LOCK(lt, off)	\
	((struct __db_lock *)((u_int8_t *)((lt)->region) + (off)))
#define LOCK_TO_OFFSET(lt, lock) \
	((size_t)((u_int8_t *)(lock) - (u_int8_t *)lt->region))
#define OFFSET_TO_OBJ(lt, off)	\
	((DB_LOCKOBJ *)((u_int8_t *)((lt)->region) + (off)))
#define OBJ_TO_OFFSET(lt, obj) \
	((size_t)((u_int8_t *)(obj) - (u_int8_t *)lt->region))

 * The lock header contains the region structure and the conflict matrix.
 * Aligned to a large boundary because we don't know what the underlying
 * type of the hash table elements are.
	((size_t)(sizeof(DB_LOCKREGION) + ALIGN((M * M), LOCK_HASH_ALIGN)))

 * For the full region, we need to add the locks, the objects, the hash table
 * and the string space (which is 16 bytes per lock).
#define STRING_SIZE(N) (16 * N)

#define LOCK_REGION_SIZE(M, N, H)					\
	(H) * sizeof(DB_HASHTAB), MUTEX_ALIGNMENT) +			\
	(N) * ALIGN(sizeof(struct __db_lock), MUTEX_ALIGNMENT) +	\
	ALIGN((N) * sizeof(DB_LOCKOBJ), sizeof(size_t)) +		\
	ALIGN(STRING_SIZE(N), sizeof(size_t)))

#include "lock_ext.h"