path: root/localedata/locales/af_ZA
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-08-09Remove “% Charset: ...” comments from locale sourcesMike FABIAN
These comments are useless and only confusing. The encodings used to create binary locales from source locales are listed in the localedata/SUPPORTED file. The source files itself are ASCII or UTF-8 encoded where non-ASCII UTF-8 is currently only used in comments. If all locale source files are UTF-8 anyway, there is no need to specify that in a special comment.
2016-04-23localedata: CLDRv29: update LC_MESSAGES yes/no strings [BZ #15264] [BZ #16975]Mike Frysinger
The yes/no strings should be based on the dictionary words. That means they are capitalized based on the dictionary rather than position in the sentence (e.g. the first word). bo_CN: nostr: changing མེན to མིན། bo_CN: yesstr: changing ཨིན to ཡིན། dz_BT: nostr: changing མེན to མེན་ dz_BT: yesstr: changing ཨིན to ཨིན་ en_CA: yesstr: changing Yes to yes en_CA: nostr: changing No to no en_US: yesstr: changing Yes to yes en_US: nostr: changing No to no es_ES: nostr: changing No to no es_ES: yesstr: changing Si to sí fi_FI: nostr: changing Ei to ei fi_FI: yesstr: changing Kyllä to kyllä ig_NG: yesstr: changing Ee to Eye ko_KR: nostr: changing 아니오 to 아니요 ky_KG: nostr: changing Жок to жок ky_KG: yesstr: changing Ооба to ооба ms_MY: nostr: changing Tidak to tidak ms_MY: yesstr: changing Ya to ya te_IN: nostr: changing కాదు to వద్దు te_IN: yesstr: changing అవను to అవును ur_PK: nostr: changing نهيں to نہیں ur_PK: yesstr: changing بلكل to ہاں uz_UZ: nostr: changing Yo'q to yo‘q uz_UZ: yesstr: changing Ha to ha uz_UZ@cyrillic: nostr: changing Йўқ to йўқ uz_UZ@cyrillic: yesstr: changing Ҳа to ҳа wae_CH: nostr: changing Nei to nei wae_CH: yesstr: changing Ja to ja yo_NG: nostr: changing Bẹ́ẹ̀ kọ́ to Bẹ́ẹ̀kọ́ yo_NG: yesstr: changing Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni to Bẹ́ẹ̀ni Some of the translations were just wrong. el_GR: nostr: changing no to όχι el_GR: yesstr: changing yes to ναι km_KH: nostr: changing no:NO:n:N to ទេ​៖ n km_KH: yesstr: changing yes:YES:y:Y to បាទ/ចាស​៖ y ug_CN: nostr: changing No to ياق ug_CN: yesstr: changing Yes to ھەئە Add missing translations for a number of locales: af_ZA: nostr: setting to nee af_ZA: yesstr: setting to ja am_ET: nostr: setting to አይ am_ET: yesstr: setting to አዎን ast_ES: nostr: setting to non ast_ES: yesstr: setting to sí be_BY: nostr: setting to не be_BY: yesstr: setting to так bem_ZM: nostr: setting to Awe bem_ZM: yesstr: setting to Ee bg_BG: nostr: setting to не bg_BG: yesstr: setting to да brx_IN: nostr: setting to नहीं brx_IN: yesstr: setting to हाँ bs_BA: nostr: setting to ne bs_BA: yesstr: setting to da ca_ES: nostr: setting to no ca_ES: yesstr: setting to sí da_DK: nostr: setting to nej da_DK: yesstr: setting to ja de_DE: nostr: setting to nein de_DE: yesstr: setting to ja en_DK: nostr: setting to yes en_DK: yesstr: setting to no et_EE: nostr: setting to ei et_EE: yesstr: setting to jah eu_ES: nostr: setting to ez eu_ES: yesstr: setting to bai fa_IR: nostr: setting to نه fa_IR: yesstr: setting to بله ff_SN: nostr: setting to Alaa ff_SN: yesstr: setting to Eey fo_FO: nostr: setting to nei fo_FO: yesstr: setting to já fr_BE: nostr: setting to non fr_BE: yesstr: setting to oui fr_CH: nostr: setting to non fr_CH: yesstr: setting to oui fr_FR: nostr: setting to non fr_FR: yesstr: setting to oui fr_LU: nostr: setting to non fr_LU: yesstr: setting to oui fur_IT: nostr: setting to no fur_IT: yesstr: setting to sì fy_DE: nostr: setting to nee fy_DE: yesstr: setting to ja ga_IE: nostr: setting to níl ga_IE: yesstr: setting to tá gd_GB: nostr: setting to chan eil gd_GB: yesstr: setting to tha gl_ES: nostr: setting to non gl_ES: yesstr: setting to si gu_IN: nostr: setting to નહીં gu_IN: yesstr: setting to હા he_IL: nostr: setting to לא he_IL: yesstr: setting to כן hi_IN: nostr: setting to नहीं hi_IN: yesstr: setting to हाँ hr_HR: nostr: setting to ne hr_HR: yesstr: setting to da hu_HU: nostr: setting to nem hu_HU: yesstr: setting to igen id_ID: nostr: setting to tidak id_ID: yesstr: setting to ya is_IS: nostr: setting to nei is_IS: yesstr: setting to já it_CH: nostr: setting to no it_CH: yesstr: setting to sì it_IT: nostr: setting to no it_IT: yesstr: setting to sì ka_GE: nostr: setting to არა ka_GE: yesstr: setting to კი kk_KZ: nostr: setting to жоқ kk_KZ: yesstr: setting to иә kl_GL: nostr: setting to naagga kl_GL: yesstr: setting to aap kn_IN: nostr: setting to ಇಲ್ಲ kn_IN: yesstr: setting to ಹೌದು ko_KR: yesstr: setting to 예 lb_LU: nostr: setting to nee lb_LU: yesstr: setting to jo lg_UG: nostr: setting to Nedda lg_UG: yesstr: setting to Ye lt_LT: nostr: setting to ne lt_LT: yesstr: setting to taip lv_LV: nostr: setting to nē lv_LV: yesstr: setting to jā mg_MG: nostr: setting to Tsia mg_MG: yesstr: setting to Eny mn_MN: nostr: setting to үгүй mn_MN: yesstr: setting to тийм mr_IN: nostr: setting to नाहीःना mr_IN: yesstr: setting to होयःहो mt_MT: nostr: setting to le mt_MT: yesstr: setting to iva nb_NO: nostr: setting to nei nb_NO: yesstr: setting to ja ne_NP: nostr: setting to होइन ne_NP: yesstr: setting to हो nl_NL: nostr: setting to nee nl_NL: yesstr: setting to ja nn_NO: nostr: setting to nei nn_NO: yesstr: setting to ja or_IN: nostr: setting to ନା or_IN: yesstr: setting to ହଁ os_RU: nostr: setting to нӕйы os_RU: yesstr: setting to уойы pa_IN: nostr: setting to ਨਹੀਂ pa_IN: yesstr: setting to ਹਾਂ pl_PL: nostr: setting to nie pl_PL: yesstr: setting to tak pt_BR: nostr: setting to não pt_BR: yesstr: setting to sim pt_PT: nostr: setting to não pt_PT: yesstr: setting to sim ro_RO: nostr: setting to nu ro_RO: yesstr: setting to da ru_RU: nostr: setting to нет ru_RU: yesstr: setting to да ru_UA: nostr: setting to нет ru_UA: yesstr: setting to да se_NO: nostr: setting to ii se_NO: yesstr: setting to jo sl_SI: nostr: setting to ne sl_SI: yesstr: setting to da so_DJ: nostr: setting to maya so_DJ: yesstr: setting to haa so_SO: nostr: setting to maya so_SO: yesstr: setting to haa sq_AL: nostr: setting to jo sq_AL: yesstr: setting to po sr_RS@latin: nostr: setting to ne sr_RS@latin: yesstr: setting to da sr_RS: nostr: setting to не sr_RS: yesstr: setting to да sv_SE: nostr: setting to nej sv_SE: yesstr: setting to ja sw_KE: nostr: setting to Hapana sw_KE: yesstr: setting to Ndiyo yue_HK: nostr: setting to 唔係 yue_HK: yesstr: setting to 係 zu_ZA: nostr: setting to cha zu_ZA: yesstr: setting to yebo
2016-04-23localedata: LC_MESSAGES.{yes,no}expr: add +1/-0 to all regexes [BZ #15263]Mike Frysinger
A handful of regexes were allowing +1 for yesexpr and -0 for noexpr, and it's the i18n definition. Standardize all locales by allowing these language-independent values in them. Example change for en_US goes from ^[yY] to ^[+1yY], and from ^[nN] to ^[-0nN].
2016-04-23localedata: CLDRv29: update LC_TIME week/first_week,workday fieldsMike Frysinger
I've spot checked a number of these, including some that were def wrong (like ff_SN). It also fixes all open week-related bugs. Since ff_SN is the only one that changes its base date, I also made sure that its ordering of day translations were correct. Looks like another case Petr brought up where the week field was not actually checked against the day arrays. I also took the opportunity to drop first_weekday/first_workday when the value aligned with the defaults (1 & 2 respectively). This didn't impact too many locales In practice because the majority omitted them already. A few locales were defining some values incorrectly for their region: ak_GH: week: changing [7, 19971130, 7] to [7, 19971130, 1] ak_GH: first_weekday: changing 1 to 2 ayc_PE: week: changing [7, 19971130, 7] to [7, 19971130, 1] bem_ZM: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] bem_ZM: first_weekday: changing 1 to 2 en_IE: first_weekday: changing 2 to 1 en_US: week: changing [7, 19971130, 7] to [7, 19971130, 1] es_CO: first_weekday: changing 2 to 1 es_ES: week: changing [7, 19971130, 5] to [7, 19971130, 4] ff_SN: week: changing [7, 19971129, 1] to [7, 19971130, 1] ff_SN: first_weekday: changing 1 to 2 ga_IE: first_weekday: changing 2 to 1 ht_HT: week: changing [7, 19971130, 7] to [7, 19971130, 1] ht_HT: first_weekday: changing 1 to 2 mk_MK: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] mt_MT: first_weekday: changing 2 to 1 quz_PE: week: changing [7, 19971130, 7] to [7, 19971130, 1] sr_ME: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] sr_RS: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] sr_RS@latin: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] sw_KE: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] sw_KE: first_weekday: changing 2 to 1 uk_UA: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] unm_US: week: changing [7, 19971130, 4] to [7, 19971130, 1] Some locales were copying locales that had the wrong week settings, so that content had to be duplicated so the values could be adjusted: el_CY: week: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_AG: week: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_AG: first_weekday: changing 2 to 1 en_ZM: week: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_CU: week: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] nl_AW: week: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sw_TZ: first_weekday: setting to 2 ta_LK: first_weekday: setting to 2 The majority of locales were omitting the week field thus getting the default [7, 19971130, 0 (localedef) / 7 (ISO standard)]. Unfortunately, neither of those are used by any locales, so we end up having to define the field just to se the ndays field. In practice, this rarely matters due to it usage, and the first two fields match the defaults. aa_DJ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] aa_ER: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] aa_ER@saaho: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] aa_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] af_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] am_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] an_ES: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] anp_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_AE: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_BH: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_DZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_EG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_IQ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_JO: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_KW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_LB: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_LY: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_MA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_OM: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_QA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_SA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_SD: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_SS: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_SY: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_TN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ar_YE: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] as_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ast_ES: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] az_AZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] be_BY: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] be_BY@latin: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ber_DZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ber_MA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] bg_BG: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] bhb_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] bho_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] bn_BD: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] bn_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] bo_CN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] br_FR: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] brx_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] bs_BA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] byn_ER: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ca_AD: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ca_ES: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ca_ES@euro: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ca_FR: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ca_IT: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ce_RU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] cmn_TW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] crh_UA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] cv_RU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] cy_GB: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] de_BE: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] de_LU: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] doi_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] dv_MV: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] dz_BT: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] el_GR: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] el_GR@euro: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] en_AU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_BW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_CA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_HK: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_IE: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] en_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_NG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_NZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_PH: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_SG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] en_ZW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_AR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_BO: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_CL: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_CO: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_CR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_DO: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_EC: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_ES@euro: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] es_GT: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_HN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_MX: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_NI: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_PA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_PE: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_PR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_PY: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_SV: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_US: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_UY: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] es_VE: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] eu_ES: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] fa_IR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] fil_PH: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] fo_FO: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] fr_CA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] fr_CH: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] fr_LU: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] fy_NL: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ga_IE: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] gd_GB: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] gez_ER: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] gez_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] gl_ES: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] gu_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] gv_GB: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] hak_TW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ha_NG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] he_IL: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] hi_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] hne_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] hr_HR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] hy_AM: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] id_ID: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ig_NG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ik_CA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] is_IS: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] it_CH: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] it_IT: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] it_IT@euro: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] iu_CA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ja_JP: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ka_GE: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] kk_KZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] kl_GL: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] km_KH: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] kn_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] kok_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ko_KR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ks_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ks_IN@devanagari: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ku_TR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] kw_GB: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ky_KG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] lg_UG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] lij_IT: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] lo_LA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] lt_LT: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] lv_LV: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] lzh_TW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mag_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mai_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mg_MG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mhr_RU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mi_NZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ml_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mni_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mn_MN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mr_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ms_MY: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] mt_MT: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] my_MM: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] nan_TW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] nan_TW@latin: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ne_NP: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] nhn_MX: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] niu_NU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] niu_NZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] nl_BE: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] nl_BE@euro: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] nr_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] nso_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] oc_FR: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] om_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] om_KE: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] or_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] os_RU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] pa_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] pap_AW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] pap_CW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] pa_PK: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ps_AF: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] pt_BR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] pt_PT: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] pt_PT@euro: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] raj_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ro_RO: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ru_RU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ru_UA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] rw_RW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sa_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sat_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sd_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sd_IN@devanagari: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] se_NO: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] shs_CA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sid_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] si_LK: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sl_SI: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] so_DJ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] so_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] so_KE: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] so_SO: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sq_AL: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ss_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] st_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] sv_FI: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] sv_SE: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] ta_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tcy_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] te_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tg_TJ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] the_NP: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] th_TH: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ti_ER: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ti_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tig_ER: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tk_TM: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tl_PH: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tn_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tr_CY: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tr_TR: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ts_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tt_RU: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] tt_RU@iqtelif: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ug_CN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ur_IN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ur_PK: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] uz_UZ: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] uz_UZ@cyrillic: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] ve_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] vi_VN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] wa_BE: setting to [7, 19971130, 4] wal_ET: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] wo_SN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] xh_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] yi_US: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] yo_NG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] yue_HK: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] zh_CN: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] zh_HK: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] zh_SG: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] zh_TW: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] zu_ZA: setting to [7, 19971130, 1] Finally, set first_weekday in all the locales that were omitting it and wanted something other than the default of 1. aa_DJ: setting to 7 aa_ER: setting to 2 aa_ER@saaho: setting to 2 ar_AE: setting to 7 ar_BH: setting to 7 ar_DZ: setting to 7 ar_EG: setting to 7 ar_IQ: setting to 7 ar_JO: setting to 7 ar_KW: setting to 7 ar_LB: setting to 2 ar_LY: setting to 7 ar_MA: setting to 7 ar_OM: setting to 7 ar_QA: setting to 7 ar_SD: setting to 7 ar_SS: setting to 2 ar_SY: setting to 7 az_AZ: setting to 2 be_BY: setting to 2 be_BY@latin: setting to 2 ber_DZ: setting to 7 ber_MA: setting to 7 bn_BD: setting to 6 bs_BA: setting to 2 byn_ER: setting to 2 dv_MV: setting to 6 en_NG: setting to 2 es_BO: setting to 2 es_CL: setting to 2 es_EC: setting to 2 es_UY: setting to 2 fo_FO: setting to 2 fr_CH: setting to 2 gd_GB: setting to 2 gez_ER: setting to 2 ha_NG: setting to 2 hr_HR: setting to 2 hy_AM: setting to 2 ig_NG: setting to 2 is_IS: setting to 2 it_CH: setting to 2 ka_GE: setting to 2 kk_KZ: setting to 2 kl_GL: setting to 2 ku_TR: setting to 2 ky_KG: setting to 2 lg_UG: setting to 2 mg_MG: setting to 2 mn_MN: setting to 2 ms_MY: setting to 2 niu_NU: setting to 2 pap_AW: setting to 2 pap_CW: setting to 2 pt_PT: setting to 2 pt_PT@euro: setting to 2 rw_RW: setting to 2 se_NO: setting to 2 si_LK: setting to 2 so_DJ: setting to 7 so_SO: setting to 2 sq_AL: setting to 2 tg_TJ: setting to 2 ti_ER: setting to 2 tig_ER: setting to 2 tk_TM: setting to 2 tt_RU: setting to 2 tt_RU@iqtelif: setting to 2 uz_UZ: setting to 2 uz_UZ@cyrillic: setting to 2 vi_VN: setting to 2 wo_SN: setting to 2 yo_NG: setting to 2
2016-04-15localedata: LC_IDENTIFICATION.category: set to ISO 30112 2014 standardMike Frysinger
The ISO 30112 standard defines the valid values for the category keyword as only a few options: posix:1993 i18n:2004 i18n:2012 The vast majority of locales had changed the "i18n" string to the name of its own locale (e.g. "ak_GH:2013") as well as tweaking the date (presumably thinking it should be the date of submission). Convert all of them to "i18n:2012" for consistency. A follow up change will update localedef to actually check/validate the field.
2016-04-12localedata: LC_MEASUREMENT: use copy directives everywhereMike Frysinger
There are only two measurement systems that locales use: US and metric. For the former, move to copying the en_US locale, while for the latter, move to copying the i18n locale. This lets us clean up all the stray comments like FIXME. There should be no functional differences here.
2016-04-12localedata: LC_TIME.date_fmt: delete entries same as the default valueMike Frysinger
There's no real value in populating this field when it's the same as the default POSIX setting, so drop it from most locales so it's clear what's going on.
2016-03-21localedata: standardize copyright/license information [BZ #11213]Mike Frysinger
Use the language from the FSF in all locale files to disclaim any license/copyright on locale data. See https://sourceware.org/ml/libc-locales/2013-q1/msg00048.html
2016-03-21localedata: standardize first few linesMike Frysinger
Purely a style touchup to make sure the headers all look the same.
2016-03-05localedata: clear LC_IDENTIFICATION tel/fax fieldsMike Frysinger
These fields aren't terribly useful and most don't set it.
2013-11-14[BZ #16103] LC_MEASUREMENT review and standardizationChris Leonard
2013-09-15Adjust language-code fields of LC_ADDRESS.Chris Leonard
2008-10-31[BZ #6867]Ulrich Drepper
* sysdeps/powerpc/elf/rtld-global-offsets.sym: Fix typo.
2006-07-30* locale/programs/localedef.c (add_to_readlist): Rename localUlrich Drepper
variables to avoid confusion. * locale/programs/charmap.c (charmap_read): Emit error message if charmap couldn't be found or read.
2006-04-24[BZ #1974]Ulrich Drepper
* locales/vi_VN: Fix int_frac_digits/frac_digits, abmon, mon, d_t_fmt, am_pm, and name_fmt. [BZ #1787] * locales/en_ZA: Updates. [BZ #1786] * locales/af_ZA: Updates. [BZ #1785] * locales/st_ZA: Updates and formatting changes. [BZ #1784] * locales/zu_ZA: Updates and formatting changes. [BZ #1783] * locales/xh_ZA: Updates and formatting changes.
2005-09-24[BZ #495]Ulrich Drepper
* locales/st_ZA: Updates and corrections. Patch by Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za>.
2004-12-22(CFLAGS-tst-align.c): Add -mpreferred-stack-boundary=4.Ulrich Drepper
2007-07-122.5-18.1Jakub Jelinek
2004-10-31Change contact address to bug-glibc-locales@gnu.org (a new alias for the ↵Roland McGrath
libc-locales mailing list). [BZ #337] to bug-glibc-locales@gnu.org (a new alias for the libc-locales mailing list).
2004-10-31[BZ #337]Roland McGrath
2004-10-31 Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@hungry.com> [BZ #337] * locales/af_ZA: Change contact address from bug-glibc@gnu.org to libc-locales@sources.redhat.com. * locales/an_ES: Likewise. * locales/ar_AE: Likewise. * locales/ar_BH: Likewise. * locales/ar_DZ: Likewise. * locales/ar_EG: Likewise. * locales/ar_IN: Likewise. * locales/ar_IQ: Likewise. * locales/ar_JO: Likewise. * locales/ar_KW: Likewise. * locales/ar_LB: Likewise. * locales/ar_LY: Likewise. * locales/ar_MA: Likewise. * locales/ar_OM: Likewise. * locales/ar_QA: Likewise. * locales/ar_SA: Likewise. * locales/ar_SD: Likewise. * locales/ar_SY: Likewise. * locales/ar_TN: Likewise. * locales/ar_YE: Likewise. * locales/be_BY: Likewise. * locales/bn_IN: Likewise. * locales/br_FR@euro: Likewise. * locales/ca_ES: Likewise. * locales/ca_ES@euro: Likewise. * locales/cs_CZ: Likewise. * locales/da_DK: Likewise. * locales/de_AT: Likewise. * locales/de_AT@euro: Likewise. * locales/de_BE: Likewise. * locales/de_BE@euro: Likewise. * locales/de_CH: Likewise. * locales/de_DE: Likewise. * locales/de_DE@euro: Likewise. * locales/de_LU: Likewise. * locales/de_LU@euro: Likewise. * locales/el_GR: Likewise. * locales/el_GR@euro: Likewise. * locales/en_AU: Likewise. * locales/en_BW: Likewise. * locales/en_CA: Likewise. * locales/en_DK: Likewise. * locales/en_GB: Likewise. * locales/en_HK: Likewise. * locales/en_IE: Likewise. * locales/en_IE@euro: Likewise. * locales/en_IN: Likewise. * locales/en_NZ: Likewise. * locales/en_PH: Likewise. * locales/en_SG: Likewise. * locales/en_US: Likewise. * locales/en_ZW: Likewise. * locales/es_AR: Likewise. * locales/es_BO: Likewise. * locales/es_CL: Likewise. * locales/es_CO: Likewise. * locales/es_CR: Likewise. * locales/es_DO: Likewise. * locales/es_EC: Likewise. * locales/es_ES: Likewise. * locales/es_ES@euro: Likewise. * locales/es_GT: Likewise. * locales/es_HN: Likewise. * locales/es_MX: Likewise. * locales/es_NI: Likewise. * locales/es_PA: Likewise. * locales/es_PE: Likewise. * locales/es_PR: Likewise. * locales/es_PY: Likewise. * locales/es_SV: Likewise. * locales/es_US: Likewise. * locales/es_UY: Likewise. * locales/es_VE: Likewise. * locales/et_EE: Likewise. * locales/eu_ES: Likewise. * locales/eu_ES@euro: Likewise. * locales/fi_FI: Likewise. * locales/fi_FI@euro: Likewise. * locales/fo_FO: Likewise. * locales/fr_BE: Likewise. * locales/fr_BE@euro: Likewise. * locales/fr_CA: Likewise. * locales/fr_CH: Likewise. * locales/fr_FR: Likewise. * locales/fr_FR@euro: Likewise. * locales/fr_LU: Likewise. * locales/fr_LU@euro: Likewise. * locales/ga_IE: Likewise. * locales/ga_IE@euro: Likewise. * locales/gl_ES: Likewise. * locales/gl_ES@euro: Likewise. * locales/gu_IN: Likewise. * locales/gv_GB: Likewise. * locales/he_IL: Likewise. * locales/hi_IN: Likewise. * locales/hr_HR: Likewise. * locales/hu_HU: Likewise. * locales/id_ID: Likewise. * locales/is_IS: Likewise. * locales/it_CH: Likewise. * locales/it_IT: Likewise. * locales/it_IT@euro: Likewise. * locales/iw_IL: Likewise. * locales/ja_JP: Likewise. * locales/kk_KZ: Likewise. * locales/kl_GL: Likewise. * locales/kn_IN: Likewise. * locales/ko_KR: Likewise. * locales/kw_GB: Likewise. * locales/lo_LA: Likewise. * locales/lt_LT: Likewise. * locales/lv_LV: Likewise. * locales/ml_IN: Likewise. * locales/mn_MN: Likewise. * locales/mr_IN: Likewise. * locales/ms_MY: Likewise. * locales/mt_MT: Likewise. * locales/nb_NO: Likewise. * locales/nl_BE: Likewise. * locales/nl_BE@euro: Likewise. * locales/nl_NL: Likewise. * locales/nl_NL@euro: Likewise. * locales/nn_NO: Likewise. * locales/pa_IN: Likewise. * locales/pl_PL: Likewise. * locales/pt_BR: Likewise. * locales/pt_PT: Likewise. * locales/pt_PT@euro: Likewise. * locales/ro_RO: Likewise. * locales/ru_RU: Likewise. * locales/ru_UA: Likewise. * locales/sk_SK: Likewise. * locales/sl_SI: Likewise. * locales/sq_AL: Likewise. * locales/sv_FI: Likewise. * locales/sv_FI@euro: Likewise. * locales/sv_SE: Likewise. * locales/ta_IN: Likewise. * locales/te_IN: Likewise. * locales/th_TH: Likewise. * locales/tr_TR: Likewise. * locales/uk_UA: Likewise. * locales/ur_PK: Likewise. * locales/vi_VN: Likewise. * locales/wa_BE@euro: Likewise. * locales/zh_CN: Likewise. * locales/zh_HK: Likewise. * locales/zh_SG: Likewise. * locales/zh_TW: Likewise.
2004-03-23Make sure yesexpr and noexpr regex start with '^'.Ulrich Drepper
2003-12-04Update.Ulrich Drepper
2003-12-03 Ulrich Drepper <drepper@redhat.com> * locale/programs/locarchive.c (enlarge_archive): Print size info only in verbose mode. * locale/iso-3166.def: Three letter code of Romania changed.
2001-08-03Update.Ulrich Drepper
2001-08-03 Ulrich Drepper <drepper@redhat.com> * locale/iso-639.def: Add Tigrinya.
2000-10-26Update.Ulrich Drepper
* locale/C-monetary.c: Set mon_decimal to empty string. Add missing entry _NL_MONETARY_CRNCYSTR. * stdio-common/printf_fp.c: If MON_DECIAL_POINT is not provided use DECIMAL_POINT information. * locale/C-numeric.c: Set mon_grouping entry to empty string. * locale/C-time.c: Add date_fmt entries. Remove two wrong entries. Correct value for number of entries. * locale/localeconv.c: Normalize result passed back in .grouping. Fix assignment to .int_* entries. * locale/Makefile (tests): Add tst-C-locale. * locale/tst-C-locale.c: New file. * locale/setlocale.c: Use LOCALEDIR and not LOCALE_PATH to locate locale files. * locale/newlocale.c: Likewise. 2000-10-26 GOTO Masanori <gotom@debian.or.jp> * locale/langinfo.h: Define _DATE_FMT and _NL_W_DATE_FMT. * locale/categories.def: New support for date_fmt. * locale/programs/ld-time.c: Likewise. * locale/programs/locfile-kw.gperf: Likewise. * locale/programs/locfile-kw.h: Likewise. * locale/programs/locfile-token.h: Likewise. 2000-10-26 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> * sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-128/e_hypotl.c: New. * math/libm-test.inc (cabs_test, cexp_test, csqrt_test, hypot_test): Increase precision of constants. * sysdeps/alpha/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/arm/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/i386/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/ia64/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/m68k/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/mips/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/powerpc/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/sparc/sparc32/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/sparc/sparc64/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/sh/sh4/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. * sysdeps/s390/fpu/libm-test-ulps: Update. 2000-10-26 Ulrich Drepper <drepper@redhat.com>
2000-07-06Regenerated: autoconf configure.inUlrich Drepper
2000-06-29Convert to new format.Ulrich Drepper
2000-01-29Update.Ulrich Drepper
* locale/loadlocale.c (_nl_load_locale): Optimize a bit. Pretty print. Add checks for _POSIX_MMAPPED_FILES where necessary. (_nl_unload_locale): If locale data was mmapped use munmap. 2000-01-29 Andreas Jaeger <aj@suse.de> * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sys/io.h: Add missing ints, use _EXTERN_INLINE, compile inline assembler functions only with gcc. 2000-01-29 Ulrich Drepper <drepper@redhat.com> * catgets/catgets.c (catopen): Handle NL_CAT_LOCALE correctly. * catgets/gencat.c (read_input_file): Remove messages correctly. * catgets/open_catalog.c (__open_catalog): Handle trailing colons and adjacent colons correctly. Correct loops to read territory and and codeset part. Patches by Geoff Clare <gwc@unisoft.com> (PR libc/1559). * rt/aio_misc.c (get_elem): Assign pointer to new row to correct pool entry. Patch by Jens Moeller <jens.moeller@waii.com> (PR libc/1558). 2000-01-28 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/Versions: Export the new *rlimit interface with symbol version GLIBC_2.2. * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/Versions: Likewise. * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/getrlimit.c: Likewise. * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/getrlimit64.c: Likewise. * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/setrlimit.c: Likewise. 2000-01-27 Scott Bambrough <scottb@netwinder.org> * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/Makefile: Backout rlimit changes for resource directory. * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/syscalls.list: Backout changes for versioning setrlimit and getrlimit. 2000-01-27 Andreas Jaeger <aj@suse.de> * sysdeps/powerpc/fpu/libm-ulps: Renamed to ... * sysdeps/powerpc/fpu/libm-test-ulps: ...this. 2000-01-27 Ruediger Oertel <ro@suse.de> * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sys/io.h: Change "::" to ": :" for g++. 2000-01-29 Ulrich Drepper <drepper@redhat.com>
1999-12-21Update.Ulrich Drepper
1999-12-20 Ulrich Drepper <drepper@cygnus.com> * locales/af_ZA: New file.