package import aero.ACCENT_POLICY import aero.WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA import aero.pfnSetWindowCompositionAttribute import kotlinx.cinterop.* import* import versionhelper.IsWindows10OrGreater import versionhelper.IsWindowsVistaOrGreater object WinApi { fun msgLoop() { memScoped { val msg = nativeHeap.alloc() while (GetMessageA(msg.ptr, null, 0.convert(), 0.convert()) != 0) { TranslateMessage(msg.ptr) DispatchMessageA(msg.ptr) } // The queue quits } } private fun _setAero10(hwnd: HWND?) { val hUser = GetModuleHandleW("user32.dll") ?: return val setWindowCompositionAttribute = GetProcAddress(hUser, "SetWindowCompositionAttribute") as pfnSetWindowCompositionAttribute? ?: return val accent = cValue { AccentState = aero.ACCENT_ENABLE_BLURBEHIND AccentFlags = 0.convert() GradientColor = 0.convert() AnimationId = 0.convert() } memScoped { val data = cValue { Attrib = aero.WCA_ACCENT_POLICY pvData = accent.ptr cbData = accent.size.convert() } setWindowCompositionAttribute(hwnd, data.ptr) } } fun setAero10(hwnd: HWND?) { if (IsWindows10OrGreater() == 1) { _setAero10(hwnd) } } private fun _setAero7(hwnd: HWND?): Int { val margins = cValue { cxLeftWidth = -1 } return memScoped { return@memScoped DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd, margins.ptr) } } fun setAero7(hwnd: HWND?) { if (IsWindowsVistaOrGreater() == 1 && WinCompat.DwmIsCompositionEnabled()) { val result = _setAero7(hwnd) if (result != 0) { MessageBoxA(hwnd, "Cannot extend the aero glass (0x${result.toString(16)})", "Aero", (MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR).convert()) } } } }