# Oh My SAF Android [SAF](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider) helper. # Implement 1. Add [maven.yuuta.moe](https://maven.yuuta.moe) repo to your module 2. Add dependency: ```grooxy implementation 'moe.yuuta.ohmysaf:ohmysaf:' ``` # Main Features * Faster migrate - If you have an old project which uses `java.io.File` a lot and you would like to migrate to SAF, OMG. By using OhMySAF, you can just continue using `File` with a little hack. # Faster Migrate Imagine that you have an old project and its file operation codes look like: ```java File theFxxkFile = new File("xxx/xxx"); if (theFxxkFile.isFile()) { theFxxkFile.delete(); theFxxkFile.mkdir(); // In fact, SAF does not support that. } ``` If you want to switch to SAF, the normal code will look like: ```java // Assume that you've got the URI DocumentFile theFxxkFile = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, uri); if (theFxxkFile.isFile()) { theFxxkFile.delete(); // ..... } ``` One day you discovered `OhMySAF`, your problem is solved: ```java // Assume that you've got the URI // Magic File theFxxkFile = OhMySAF.ohMyTree(context, uri); // Just KEEP these old codes! if (theFxxkFile.isFile()) { theFxxkFile.delete(); theFxxkFile.mkdir(); // In fact, SAF does not support that. } ``` # Licenses Apache 2.0