pisdr.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Yuuta Liang6 days
ksyxbot.gitksyx ksyx ksyx Yuuta Liang6 weeks
jca.gitJava CA (UBC CPSC210 Coursework), demo video at, un...Yuuta Liang6 weeks Yuuta Liang4 months
evcat.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Yuuta Liang5 months
gists.gitSmall temp projects Yuuta Liang6 months
kb.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Yuuta Liang6 months
rvv.gitLearning RVV Yuuta Liang9 months
iiserr.gitIIS error pages for your favourite Unix web server Yuuta Liang11 months
ca.gitYet-another OpenSSL-based internal root CA Yuuta Liang11 months
regpol.gitGPO Registry.pol parser Yuuta Liang11 months
WindowsXPKg.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Yuuta Liang12 months
xp.gitWindows XP from online sources Yuuta Liang13 months
nix.gitYuuta Nix build scripts Yuuta Liang13 months
hitokoto.gitYuuta's Hitokoto Yuuta Liang14 months
pinduoduo_backdoor.gitMirror of Yuuta Liang14 months
Dress.git好耶 是女装 Yuuta Liang15 months
acron.gitAnother rcon: WebSocket based remote server management Yuuta Liang16 months
secdesk.gitAn attempt to port Windows secure desktop to Linux. Yuuta Liang17 months
android-t-qcom_cpp.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Yuuta Liang17 months
mastodon.gitYuuta's fork of Mastodon. Pulled from upstream periodically. On v4.0.2. Yuuta Liang17 months
Android/WorkMode.git[ROOT needed] Enjoy your work and disable disturbing apps Yuuta Liang18 months
rtl8110sc.gitRTL8110SC official drivers Yuuta Liang19 months
vpnswitch.gitAutomatically switch VPN based on internal network connectivity Yuuta Liang20 months
repo.gitArch Linux repo Yuuta Liang21 months
sshfs.git[FORK] A network filesystem client to connect to SSH servers Yuuta Liang23 months
dwmcore.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Yuuta Liang2 years
www.gitIndex for YuutaNet Yuuta Liang2 years
mutebot.gitYet another simple Telegram bot that mutes new members in groups Yuuta Liang2 years
easy-tg.gitEasy-to-use helpers for TDLib JSON Yuuta Liang2 years
corekms.gitMinimal Linux vlmcsd system Yuuta Liang2 years
mdrd.gitSimple markdown renderer CGI application Yuuta Liang2 years
minecraft-pacman.gitMinecraft Arch Linux packages Yuuta Liang2 years
mcal.gitMinecraft calculators Yuuta Liang2 years
safelog.gitRedact IP addresses from Minecraft server log Yuuta Liang3 years
minebridge.gitMinecraft IPMI over Telegram Yuuta Liang3 years
extmc.gitMinecraft extension framework based on stdio and rcon Yuuta Liang3 years
Networking/dn42peering.gitA dn42 auto-peering platform. ( [2021]) Yuuta Liang3 years
Linux/dotfiles.gitDotfiles from 2020: Yuuta Liang4 years
Linux/efigen.gitHey, why not generate a standalone EFI executable with kernel, initrd and cmdlin...Yuuta Liang4 years
Linux/Secure-boot-hook-systemd-boot.gitSign the updated bootloader and kernel using pacman hooks. ( Liang5 years
Linux/PortableVM.git [2019] Yuuta Liang5 years
Win32/Aero.gitEnable Aero on Windows 10 via Kotlin Native ( [20...Yuuta Liang5 years
Win32/Desktop.gitAn experimental Windows Secure Desktop APIs demo in Kotlin Native (https://githu...Yuuta Liang5 years
Android/SysUIController.gitA simple & powerful tool to control SystemUI ( Liang5 years
Android/OhMySAF.gitOh my SAF - Android simple SAF helper ( [2019]...Yuuta Liang5 years
Android/Flow.gitSetup wizard flow with API-14 support ( [2019]) Yuuta Liang5 years
Android/PageIndicator.gitPage indicator with AOSP style ( [2018])...Yuuta Liang6 years
Android/RedirectStorage.git针对第三方 SDK 乱改存储卡和读取用户数据等行为,利用反射...Yuuta Liang7 years
Android/SetupWizardLibCompat.gitSetupWizardLib maven version, support API 14+ ( Liang7 years